pcall(require, "luarocks.loader") local gio = require("lgi").Gio local gobject = require("lgi").GObject local glib = require("lgi").GLib local name_attr = gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_NAME local type_attr = gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_TYPE local module = {} -- Like pairs(), but iterate over keys in a sorted manner. Does not support -- modifying the table while iterating. local function sorted_pairs(t) -- Collect all keys local keys = {} for k in pairs(t) do table.insert(keys, k) end table.sort(keys) -- return iterator function local i = 0 return function() i = i + 1 if keys[i] then return keys[i], t[keys[i]] end end end -- Recursive file scanner local function get_all_files(path, ext, ret) ret = ret or {} local enumerator = gio.File.new_for_path(path):enumerate_children( table.concat({name_attr, type_attr}, ",") , 0, nil, nil ) for file in function() return enumerator:next_file() end do local file_name = file:get_attribute_as_string(name_attr) local file_type = file:get_file_type() local match_ext = file_name:match("[.]"..ext.."$" or "") local fpath = enumerator:get_child(file):get_path() local is_test = fpath:match("/tests/") if file_type == "REGULAR" and match_ext and not is_test then table.insert(ret, fpath) elseif file_type == "DIRECTORY" then get_all_files(enumerator:get_child(file):get_path(), ext, ret) end end return ret end local function path_to_module(path) if path:match("[.]c$") then return path:gmatch("/([^./]+)[.]c$")() end for _, module in ipairs { "awful", "wibox", "gears", "naughty", "menubar", "beautiful" } do local match = path:match("/"..module.."/([^.]+).lua") if match then return module.."."..match:gsub("/",".") end end error("Cannot figure out module for " .. tostring(path)) end local modtypes = { classmod = "classes", widgetmod = "widgets", containermod = "widget_containers", layoutmod = "widget_layouts", coreclassmod = "core_components", popupmod = "popups_and_bars", module = "libraries", submodule = "libraries", utillib = "utility_libraries", themelib = "theme_related_libraries", } local libtypes = { } function module.path_to_html(path) local mod = path_to_module(path):gsub(".init", "") local f = assert(io.open(path)) while true do local line = f:read() if not line then break end local tag = line:gmatch("@([^ ]+) ")() or "" if modtypes[tag] then f:close() return "../"..modtypes[tag].."/".. mod ..".html#" end end f:close() error("Cannot figure out if module or class: " .. tostring(path)) end local function get_link(file, element, element_name) return table.concat { "<a href='", module.path_to_html(file), element, "'>", element_name, "</a>" } end local function parse_files(paths, property_name, matcher, name_matcher) local exp1 = "[-*]*[ ]*@".. property_name .." ([^ \n]*)" local exp2 = matcher or "[-*]*[ ]*".. property_name ..".(.+)" local exp3 = name_matcher or "[. ](.+)" local count = 0 local names = {} -- Used to check for duplicates local ret = {} table.sort(paths) -- Find all @beautiful doc entries for _,file in ipairs(paths) do local f = io.open(file) local buffer = "" if f then for line in f and f:lines() do local var = line:gmatch(exp1)() -- There is no backward/forward pattern in lua if #line <= 1 then buffer = "" elseif #buffer and not var then buffer = buffer.."\n"..line elseif line:sub(1,3) == "---" or line:sub(1,3) == "/**" then buffer = line end if var then -- Get the @param, @see and @usage local params = "" for line in f:lines() do if line:sub(1,2) ~= "--" and line:sub(1,2) ~= " *" then break else params = params.."\n"..line end end local name = var:gmatch(exp2)() if not name then print("WARNING:", var, "seems to be misformatted. Use `beautiful.namespace_name`" ) else local insert_name = name:gsub("_", "_") local link = get_link(file, var, var:match(exp3):gsub("_", "\\_")) local desc = buffer:gmatch("[-*/ \n]+([^\n.]*)")() or "" local mod = path_to_module(file) if names[insert_name] == nil then count = count + 1 table.insert(ret, count, { file = file, name = insert_name, link = link, desc = desc, mod = mod }) names[insert_name] = count else link = link .. "(" .. mod .. ")" if type(ret[names[insert_name]].link) ~= "table" then ret[names[insert_name]].file = { ret[names[insert_name]].file, file } ret[names[insert_name]].link = { ret[names[insert_name]].link .. " (" .. ret[names[insert_name]].mod .. ")", link } ret[names[insert_name]].desc = { ret[names[insert_name]].desc, desc } ret[names[insert_name]].mod = { ret[names[insert_name]].mod, mod } else table.insert(ret[names[insert_name]].file, file) table.insert(ret[names[insert_name]].link, link) table.insert(ret[names[insert_name]].desc, desc) table.insert(ret[names[insert_name]].mod, mod) end end end buffer = "" end end f:close() end end return ret end local function create_table(entries, columns, prefix) prefix = prefix or "" local lines = {} for _, entry in ipairs(entries) do local line = " <tr>" for _, column in ipairs(columns) do if type(entry[column]) == "table" then line = line .. "<td><ul>" for _,v in pairs(entry[column]) do line = line .. "<li>" .. v .. "</li>" end line = line .. "</ul></td>" else line = line.."<td>"..entry[column].."</td>" end end table.insert(lines, prefix..line.."</tr>\n") end return [[--<table class='widget_list' border=1> ]]..prefix..[[<tr> ]]..prefix..[[ <th align='center'>Name</th> ]]..prefix..[[ <th align='center'>Description</th> ]]..prefix..[[</tr> ]] .. table.concat(lines) .. prefix .."</table>\n" end module.create_table = create_table module.parse_files = parse_files module.sorted_pairs = sorted_pairs module.get_all_files = get_all_files return module