--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A container capable of changing the background color, foreground color -- widget shape. -- --@DOC_wibox_container_defaults_background_EXAMPLE@ -- @author Uli Schlachter -- @copyright 2010 Uli Schlachter -- @release @AWESOME_VERSION@ -- @classmod wibox.container.background --------------------------------------------------------------------------- local base = require("wibox.widget.base") local color = require("gears.color") local surface = require("gears.surface") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local cairo = require("lgi").cairo local setmetatable = setmetatable local pairs = pairs local type = type local unpack = unpack or table.unpack -- luacheck: globals unpack (compatibility with Lua 5.1) local background = { mt = {} } -- Draw this widget function background:draw(context, cr, width, height) if not self._private.widget or not self._private.widget.visible then return end -- Keep the shape path in case there is a border self._private.path = nil if self._private.shape then -- Only add the offset if there is something to draw local offset = ((self._private.shape_border_width and self._private.shape_border_color) and self._private.shape_border_width or 0) / 2 cr:translate(offset, offset) self._private.shape(cr, width - 2*offset, height - 2*offset, unpack(self._private.shape_args or {})) cr:translate(-offset, -offset) self._private.path = cr:copy_path() cr:clip() end if self._private.background then cr:set_source(self._private.background) cr:paint() end if self._private.bgimage then if type(self._private.bgimage) == "function" then self._private.bgimage(context, cr, width, height,unpack(self._private.bgimage_args)) else local pattern = cairo.Pattern.create_for_surface(self._private.bgimage) cr:set_source(pattern) cr:paint() end end end -- Draw the border function background:after_draw_children(_, cr) -- Draw the border if self._private.path and self._private.shape_border_width and self._private.shape_border_width > 0 then cr:append_path(self._private.path) cr:set_source(color(self._private.shape_border_color or self._private.foreground or beautiful.fg_normal)) cr:set_line_width(self._private.shape_border_width) cr:stroke() self._private.path = nil end end -- Prepare drawing the children of this widget function background:before_draw_children(_, cr) if self._private.foreground then cr:set_source(self._private.foreground) end -- Clip the shape if self._private.path and self._private.shape_clip then cr:append_path(self._private.path) cr:clip() end end -- Layout this widget function background:layout(_, width, height) if self._private.widget then return { base.place_widget_at(self._private.widget, 0, 0, width, height) } end end -- Fit this widget into the given area function background:fit(context, width, height) if not self._private.widget then return 0, 0 end return base.fit_widget(self, context, self._private.widget, width, height) end --- Set the widget that is drawn on top of the background -- @tparam widget widget The widget to be disaplayed inside of the background -- area function background:set_widget(widget) if widget then base.check_widget(widget) end self._private.widget = widget self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed") end -- Get children element -- @treturn table The children function background:get_children() return {self._private.widget} end -- Replace the layout children -- This layout only accept one children, all others will be ignored -- @tparam table children A table composed of valid widgets function background:set_children(children) self:set_widget(children[1]) end --- Set the background to use. --@DOC_wibox_container_background_bg_EXAMPLE@ -- @param bg A color string, pattern or gradient (see `gears.color`) function background:set_bg(bg) if bg then self._private.background = color(bg) else self._private.background = nil end self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") end --- Set the foreground to use. --@DOC_wibox_container_background_fg_EXAMPLE@ -- @param fg A color string, pattern or gradient (see `gears.color`) function background:set_fg(fg) if fg then self._private.foreground = color(fg) else self._private.foreground = nil end self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") end --- Set the background shape. -- -- Any other arguments will be passed to the shape function --@DOC_wibox_container_background_shape_EXAMPLE@ -- @param shape A function taking a context, width and height as arguments function background:set_shape(shape, ...) self._private.shape = shape self._private.shape_args = {...} self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") end --- When a `shape` is set, also draw a border. -- -- See `wibox.container.background.set_shape` for an usage example. -- @tparam number width The border width function background:set_shape_border_width(width) self._private.shape_border_width = width self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") end --- When a `shape` is set, also draw a border. -- -- See `wibox.container.background.set_shape` for an usage example. -- @param[opt=self._private.foreground] fg The border color, pattern or gradient function background:set_shape_border_color(fg) self._private.shape_border_color = fg self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") end --- When a `shape` is set, make sure nothing is drawn outside of it. --@DOC_wibox_container_background_clip_EXAMPLE@ -- @tparam boolean value If the shape clip is enable function background:set_shape_clip(value) self._private.shape_clip = value self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") end --- Set the background image to use -- If `image` is a function, it will be called with `(context, cr, width, height)` -- as arguments. Any other arguments passed to this method will be appended. -- @param image A background image or a function function background:set_bgimage(image, ...) self._private.bgimage = type(image) == "function" and image or surface.load(image) self._private.bgimage_args = {...} self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") end --- Returns a new background container. -- -- A background container applies a background and foreground color -- to another widget. -- @param[opt] widget The widget to display. -- @param[opt] bg The background to use for that widget. -- @param[opt] shape A `gears.shape` compatible shape function -- @function wibox.container.background local function new(widget, bg, shape) local ret = base.make_widget() for k, v in pairs(background) do if type(v) == "function" then ret[k] = v end end ret._private.shape = shape ret:set_widget(widget) ret:set_bg(bg) return ret end function background.mt:__call(...) return new(...) end return setmetatable(background, background.mt) -- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80