local timer = require("gears.timer") local awful = require("awful") local gtable = require("gears.table") local runner = { quit_awesome_on_error = os.getenv('TEST_PAUSE_ON_ERRORS') ~= '1', } local verbose = os.getenv('VERBOSE') == '1' -- Helpers. --- Add some rules to awful.rules.rules, after the defaults. local default_rules = gtable.clone(awful.rules.rules) runner.add_to_default_rules = function(r) awful.rules.rules = gtable.clone(default_rules) table.insert(awful.rules.rules, r) end -- Was the runner started already? local running = false -- This is used if a test causes errors before starting the runner timer.start_new(1, function() if not running then io.stderr:write("Error: run_steps() was never called.\n") if not runner.quit_awesome_on_error then io.stderr:write("Keeping awesome open...\n") return -- keep awesome open on error. end awesome.quit() end end) runner.step_kill_clients = function(step) if step == 1 then for _,c in ipairs(client.get()) do c:kill() end end if #client.get() == 0 then return true end end runner.run_steps = function(steps, options) -- Setup timer/timeout to limit waiting for signal and quitting awesome. local t = timer({timeout=0}) local wait=20 local step=1 local step_count=0 options = options or { kill_clients=true, } assert(not running, "run_steps() was called twice") running = true if options.kill_clients then -- Add a final step to kill all clients and wait for them to finish. -- Ref: https://github.com/awesomeWM/awesome/pull/1904#issuecomment-312793006 steps[#steps + 1] = runner.step_kill_clients end t:connect_signal("timeout", function() timer.delayed_call(function() io.flush() -- for "tail -f". step_count = step_count + 1 local step_as_string = step..'/'..#steps..' (@'..step_count..')' if verbose then print(string.format('Running step %s..', step_as_string)) end -- Call the current step's function. local success, result = xpcall(function() return steps[step](step_count) end, debug.traceback) if not success then io.stderr:write('Error: running function for step ' ..step_as_string..': '..tostring(result)..'!\n') t:stop() if not runner.quit_awesome_on_error then io.stderr:write("Keeping awesome open...\n") return -- keep awesome open on error. end elseif result then -- true: test succeeded. if step < #steps then -- Next step. step = step+1 step_count = 0 wait = 5 t.timeout = 0 t:again() return end elseif result == false then io.stderr:write("Step "..step_as_string.." failed (returned false).\n") if not runner.quit_awesome_on_error then io.stderr:write("Keeping awesome open...\n") return end else -- No result yet, run this step again. wait = wait-1 if wait > 0 then t.timeout = 0.1 t:again() else io.stderr:write("Error: timeout waiting for signal in step " ..step_as_string..".\n") t:stop() end return end local client_count = #client.get() if client_count > 0 then io.stderr:write(string.format( "NOTE: there were %d clients left after the test.\n", client_count)) -- Remove any clients. for _,c in ipairs(client.get()) do c:kill() end end if success and result then io.stderr:write("Test finished successfully.\n") end awesome.quit() end) end) t:start() end return runner -- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80