
718 lines
24 KiB

--- Apply properties to a new client based on pre-determined rules.
-- This module applies @{rules} to clients during startup (via @{client.manage},
-- but its functions can be used for client matching in general.
-- All existing `client` properties can be used in rules. It is also possible
-- to add random properties that will be later accessible as `c.property_name`
-- (where `c` is a valid client object)
-- Syntax
-- ===
-- You should fill this table with your rule and properties to apply.
-- For example, if you want to set xterm maximized at startup, you can add:
-- @DOC_sequences_client_rules_maximized_EXAMPLE@
-- If you want to set mplayer floating at startup, you can add:
-- @DOC_sequences_client_rules_floating_EXAMPLE@
-- If you want to put Firefox on a specific tag at startup. It is possible to
-- specify the tag with it's object or by name:
-- @DOC_sequences_client_rules_tags_EXAMPLE@
-- If you want to put Thunderbird on a specific screen at startup, use:
-- @DOC_sequences_client_rules_screens_EXAMPLE@
-- If you want to put Emacs on a specific tag at startup, and immediately switch
-- to that tag you can add:
-- @DOC_sequences_client_rules_switch_to_tags_EXAMPLE@
-- If you want to apply a custom callback to execute when a rule matched,
-- for example to pause playing music from mpd when you start dosbox, you
-- can add:
-- { rule = { class = "dosbox" },
-- callback = function(c)
-- awful.spawn('mpc pause')
-- end }
-- Note that all "rule" entries need to match. If any of the entry does not
-- match, the rule won't be applied.
-- If a client matches multiple rules, they are applied in the order they are
-- put in this global rules table. If the value of a rule is a string, then the
-- match function is used to determine if the client matches the rule.
-- If the value of a property is a function, that function gets called and
-- function's return value is used for the property.
-- To match multiple clients to a rule one need to use slightly different
-- syntax:
-- { rule_any = { class = { "MPlayer", "Nitrogen" }, instance = { "xterm" } },
-- properties = { floating = true } }
-- To match multiple clients with an exception one can couple `rules.except` or
-- `rules.except_any` with the rules:
-- { rule = { class = "Firefox" },
-- except = { instance = "Navigator" },
-- properties = {floating = true},
-- },
-- { rule_any = { class = { "Pidgin", "Xchat" } },
-- except_any = { role = { "conversation" } },
-- properties = { tag = "1" }
-- }
-- { rule = {},
-- except_any = { class = { "Firefox", "Vim" } },
-- properties = { floating = true }
-- }
-- Note that all rules can have an `id` field. This can then be used to find
-- the rule. For example, it can be used in `remove_rule` instead of the table.
-- Flowchart
-- =========
-- ![Client rules](../images/client_rules.svg)
-- Applicable client properties
-- ===
-- The table below holds the list of default client properties along with
-- some extra properties that are specific to the rules. Note that any property
-- can be set in the rules and interpreted by user provided code. This table
-- only represent those offered by default.
-- @author Julien Danjou <>
-- @copyright 2009 Julien Danjou
-- @ruleslib ruled.client
-- Grab environment we need
local capi = {client = client, awesome = awesome, screen = screen, tag = tag}
local table = table
local type = type
local ipairs = ipairs
local pairs = pairs
local atag = require("awful.tag")
local gobject = require("gears.object")
local gtable = require("gears.table")
local a_place = require("awful.placement")
local protected_call = require("gears.protected_call")
local aspawn = require("awful.spawn")
local gdebug = require("gears.debug")
local gmatcher = require("gears.matcher")
local amouse = require("awful.mouse")
local akeyboard = require("awful.keyboard")
local unpack = unpack or table.unpack -- luacheck: globals unpack (compatibility with Lua 5.1)
local module = {}
local crules = gmatcher()
--- Check if a client matches a rule.
-- @tparam client c The client.
-- @tparam table rule The rule to check.
-- @treturn bool True if it matches, false otherwise.
-- @staticfct ruled.client.match
function module.match(c, rule)
return crules:_match(c, rule)
--- Check if a client matches any part of a rule.
-- @tparam client c The client.
-- @tparam table rule The rule to check.
-- @treturn bool True if at least one rule is matched, false otherwise.
-- @staticfct ruled.client.match_any
function module.match_any(c, rule)
return crules:_match_any(c, rule)
--- Does a given rule entry match a client?
-- @tparam client c The client.
-- @tparam table entry Rule entry (with keys `rule`, `rule_any`, `except` and/or
-- `except_any`).
-- @treturn bool
-- @staticfct ruled.client.matches
function module.matches(c, entry)
return crules:matches_rule(c, entry)
--- Get list of matching rules for a client.
-- @tparam client c The client.
-- @tparam table rules The rules to check. List with "rule", "rule_any", "except" and
-- "except_any" keys.
-- @treturn table The list of matched rules.
-- @staticfct ruled.client.matching_rules
function module.matchingrules(c, rules)
return crules:matching_rules(c, rules)
--- Check if a client matches a given set of rules.
-- @tparam client c The client.
-- @tparam table rules The rules to check. List of tables with `rule`, `rule_any`,
-- `except` and `except_any` keys.
-- @treturn bool True if at least one rule is matched, false otherwise.
-- @staticfct ruled.client.matches_list
function module.matches_list(c, rules)
return crules:matchesrules(c, rules)
--- Remove a source.
-- @tparam string name The source name.
-- @treturn boolean If the source was removed.
-- @staticfct ruled.client.remove_rule_source
function module.remove_rule_source(name)
return crules:remove_matching_source(name)
--- Apply ruled.client.rules to a client.
-- @tparam client c The client.
-- @staticfct ruled.client.apply
function module.apply(c)
return crules:apply(c)
--- Add a new rule to the default set.
-- @tparam table rule A valid rule.
function module.append_rule(rule)
crules:append_rule("awful.rules", rule)
--- Add a new rules to the default set.
-- @tparam table rules A table with rules.
function module.append_rules(rules)
crules:append_rules("awful.rules", rules)
--- Remove a new rule to the default set.
-- @tparam table|string rule A valid rule or a name passed in the `id` value
-- when calling `append_rule`.
function module.remove_rule(rule)
crules:remove_rule("awful.rules", rule)
--- Add a new rule source.
-- A rule source is a provider called when a client is managed (started). It
-- allows to configure the client by providing properties that should be applied.
-- By default, Awesome provides 2 sources:
-- * `awful.rules`: A declarative matcher
-- * `awful.spawn`: Launch clients with pre-defined properties
-- It is possible to register new callbacks to modify the properties table
-- before it is applied. Each provider is executed sequentially and modifies the
-- same table. If the first provider set a property, then the second can
-- override it, then the third, etc. Once the providers are exhausted, the
-- properties are applied on the client.
-- It is important to note that properties themselves have their own
-- dependencies. For example, a `tag` property implies a `screen`. Therefor, if
-- a `screen` is already specified, then it will be ignored when the rule is
-- executed. Properties also have their own priorities. For example, the
-- `titlebar` and `border_width` need to be applied before the `x` and `y`
-- positions are set. Otherwise, it will be off or the client will shift
-- upward everytime Awesome is restarted. A rule source *cannot* change this.
-- It is up to the callback to be aware of the dependencies and avoid to
-- introduce issues. For example, if the source wants to set a `screen`, it has
-- to check if the `tag`, `tags` or `new_tag` are on that `screen` or remove
-- those properties. Otherwise, they will be ignored once the rule is applied.
-- @tparam string name The provider name. It must be unique.
-- @tparam function callback The callback that is called to produce properties.
-- @tparam client callback.c The client
-- @tparam table The current properties. The callback should
-- add to and overwrite properties in this table
-- @tparam table callback.callbacks A table of all callbacks scheduled to be
-- executed after the main properties are applied.
-- @tparam[opt={}] table depends_on A list of names of sources this source depends on
-- (sources that must be executed *before* `name`.
-- @tparam[opt={}] table precede A list of names of sources this source have a
-- priority over.
-- @treturn boolean Returns false if a dependency conflict was found.
-- @staticfct ruled.client.add_rule_source
function module.add_rule_source(name, cb, ...)
local function callback(_, ...)
return crules:add_matching_function(name, callback, ...)
--- The default `ruled.client` source.
-- It is called `awful.rules` for historical reasons.
-- **Has priority over:**
-- *nothing*
-- @rulesources awful.rules
crules:add_matching_rules("awful.rules", {}, {"awful.spawn"}, {})
-- Add startup_id overridden properties
local function apply_spawn_rules(c, props, callbacks)
if c.startup_id and aspawn.snid_buffer[c.startup_id] then
local snprops, sncb = unpack(aspawn.snid_buffer[c.startup_id])
-- The SNID tag(s) always have precedence over the rules one(s)
if snprops.tag or snprops.tags or snprops.new_tag then
props.tag, props.tags, props.new_tag = nil, nil, nil
gtable.crush(props, snprops)
gtable.merge(callbacks, sncb)
--- The rule source for clients spawned by `awful.spawn`.
-- **Has priority over:**
-- * `awful.rules`
-- @rulesources awful.spawn
module.add_rule_source("awful.spawn", apply_spawn_rules, {}, {"awful.rules"})
local function apply_singleton_rules(c, props, callbacks)
local persis_id, info = c.single_instance_id, nil
-- This is a persistent property set by `awful.spawn`
if capi.awesome.startup and persis_id then
info = aspawn.single_instance_manager.by_uid[persis_id]
elseif c.startup_id then
info = aspawn.single_instance_manager.by_snid[c.startup_id]
aspawn.single_instance_manager.by_snid[c.startup_id] = nil
elseif aspawn.single_instance_manager.by_pid[] then
info = aspawn.single_instance_manager.by_pid[].matcher(c) and
aspawn.single_instance_manager.by_pid[] or nil
if info then
c.single_instance_id = info.hash
if info.rules then
gtable.crush(props, info.rules)
table.insert(callbacks, info.callback)
table.insert(info.instances, c)
-- Prevent apps with multiple clients from re-using this too often in
-- the first 30 seconds before the PID is cleared.
aspawn.single_instance_manager.by_pid[] = nil
--- The rule source for clients spawned by `awful.spawn.once` and `single_instance`.
-- **Has priority over:**
-- * `awful.rules`
-- **Depends on:**
-- * `awful.spawn`
-- @rulesources awful.spawn_once
module.add_rule_source("awful.spawn_once", apply_singleton_rules, {"awful.spawn"}, {"awful.rules"})
local function add_to_tag(c, t)
if not t then return end
local tags = c:tags()
table.insert(tags, t)
--- Extra rules properties.
-- These properties are used in the rules only and are not sent to the client
-- afterward.
-- To add a new properties, just do:
-- function ruled.client.extra_properties.my_new_property(c, value, props)
-- -- do something
-- end
-- By default, the table has the following functions:
-- * geometry
-- * placement
-- @tfield table ruled.client.extra_properties
module.extra_properties = {}
--- Extra high priority properties.
-- Some properties, such as anything related to tags, geometry or focus, will
-- cause a race condition if set in the main property section. This is why
-- they have a section for them.
-- To add a new properties, just do:
-- function ruled.client.high_priority_properties.my_new_property(c, value, props)
-- -- do something
-- end
-- By default, the table has the following functions:
-- * tag
-- * new_tag
-- @tfield table ruled.client.high_priority_properties
module.high_priority_properties = {}
--- Delayed properties.
-- Properties applied after all other categories.
-- @tfield table ruled.client.delayed_properties
-- By default, the table has the following functions:
-- * switch_to_tags
module.delayed_properties = {}
local force_ignore = {
titlebars_enabled=true, focus=true, screen=true, x=true,
y=true, width=true, height=true, geometry=true,placement=true,
function module.high_priority_properties.tag(c, value, props)
if value then
if type(value) == "string" then
local name = value
value = atag.find_by_name(c.screen, value)
if not value and not props.screen then
value = atag.find_by_name(nil, name)
if not value then
gdebug.print_error("ruled.client-rule specified "
.. "tag = '" .. name .. "', but no such tag exists")
-- In case the tag has been forced to another screen, move the client
if c.screen ~= value.screen then
c.screen = value.screen
props.screen = value.screen -- In case another rule query it
c:tags{ value }
function module.delayed_properties.switch_to_tags(c, value)
if not value then return end
atag.viewmore(c:tags(), c.screen)
function module.delayed_properties.switchtotag(c, value)
gdebug.deprecate("Use switch_to_tags instead of switchtotag", {deprecated_in=5})
module.delayed_properties.switch_to_tags(c, value)
function module.extra_properties.geometry(c, _, props)
local cur_geo = c:geometry()
local new_geo = type(props.geometry) == "function"
and props.geometry(c, props) or props.geometry or {}
for _, v in ipairs {"x", "y", "width", "height"} do
new_geo[v] = type(props[v]) == "function" and props[v](c, props)
or props[v] or new_geo[v] or cur_geo[v]
c:geometry(new_geo) --TODO use request::geometry
function module.high_priority_properties.new_tag(c, value, props)
local ty = type(value)
local t = nil
if ty == "boolean" then
-- Create a new tag named after the client class
t = atag.add(c.class or "N/A", {screen=c.screen, volatile=true})
elseif ty == "string" then
-- Create a tag named after "value"
t = atag.add(value, {screen=c.screen, volatile=true})
elseif ty == "table" then
-- Assume a table of tags properties. Set the right screen, but
-- avoid editing the original table
local values = value.screen and value or gtable.clone(value)
values.screen = values.screen or c.screen
t = atag.add( or c.class or "N/A", values)
-- In case the tag has been forced to another screen, move the client
c.screen = t.screen
props.screen = t.screen -- In case another rule query it
add_to_tag(c, t)
return t
function module.extra_properties.placement(c, value, props)
-- Avoid problems
if capi.awesome.startup and
(c.size_hints.user_position or c.size_hints.program_position) then
local ty = type(value)
local args = {
honor_workarea = props.honor_workarea ~= false,
honor_padding = props.honor_padding ~= false
if ty == "function" or (ty == "table" and
getmetatable(value) and getmetatable(value).__call
) then
value(c, args)
elseif ty == "string" and a_place[value] then
a_place[value](c, args)
function module.high_priority_properties.tags(c, value, props)
local current = c:tags()
local tags, s = {}, nil
for _, t in ipairs(value) do
if type(t) == "string" then
t = atag.find_by_name(c.screen, t)
if t and ((not s) or t.screen == s) then
table.insert(tags, t)
s = s or t.screen
if s and s ~= c.screen then
c.screen = s
props.screen = s -- In case another rule query it
if #current == 0 or (value[1] and value[1].screen ~= current[1].screen) then
c:tags(gtable.merge(current, tags))
--- Apply properties and callbacks to a client.
-- @tparam client c The client.
-- @tparam table props Properties to apply.
-- @tparam[opt] table callbacks Callbacks to apply.
-- @staticfct ruled.client.execute
-- @request client titlebars rules granted The `titlebars_enabled` is set in the
-- rules.
crules._execute = function(_, c, props, callbacks)
-- Set the default buttons and keys
local btns = amouse._get_client_mousebindings()
local keys = akeyboard._get_client_keybindings()
props.keys = props.keys or keys
props.buttons = props.buttons or btns
-- Border width will also cause geometry related properties to fail
if props.border_width then
c.border_width = type(props.border_width) == "function" and
props.border_width(c, props) or props.border_width
-- This has to be done first, as it will impact geometry related props.
if props.titlebars_enabled and (type(props.titlebars_enabled) ~= "function"
or props.titlebars_enabled(c,props)) then
c:emit_signal("request::titlebars", "rules", {properties=props})
c._request_titlebars_called = true
-- Size hints will be re-applied when setting width/height unless it is
-- disabled first
if props.size_hints_honor ~= nil then
c.size_hints_honor = type(props.size_hints_honor) == "function" and props.size_hints_honor(c,props)
or props.size_hints_honor
-- Geometry will only work if floating is true, otherwise the "saved"
-- geometry will be restored.
if props.floating ~= nil then
c.floating = type(props.floating) == "function" and props.floating(c,props)
or props.floating
-- Before requesting a tag, make sure the screen is right
if props.screen then
c.screen = type(props.screen) == "function" and capi.screen[props.screen(c,props)]
or capi.screen[props.screen]
-- Some properties need to be handled first. For example, many properties
-- require that the client is tagged, this isn't yet the case.
for prop, handler in pairs(module.high_priority_properties) do
local value = props[prop]
if value ~= nil then
if type(value) == "function" then
value = value(c, props)
handler(c, value, props)
-- Make sure the tag is selected before the main rules are called.
-- Otherwise properties like "urgent" or "focus" may fail (if they were
-- overridden by other callbacks).
-- Previously this was done in a second client.manage callback, but caused
-- a race condition where the order of modules being loaded would change
-- the outcome.
c:emit_signal("request::tag", nil, {reason="rules", screen = c.screen})
-- By default, rc.lua uses no_overlap+no_offscreen placement. This has to
-- be executed before x/y/width/height/geometry as it would otherwise
-- always override the user specified position with the default rule.
if props.placement then
-- It may be a function, so this one doesn't execute it like others
module.extra_properties.placement(c, props.placement, props)
-- Handle the geometry (since tags and screen are set).
if props.height or props.width or props.x or props.y or props.geometry then
module.extra_properties.geometry(c, nil, props)
-- Apply the remaining properties (after known race conditions are handled).
for property, value in pairs(props) do
if property ~= "focus" and property ~= "shape" and type(value) == "function" then
value = value(c, props)
local ignore = module.high_priority_properties[property] or
module.delayed_properties[property] or force_ignore[property]
if not ignore then
if module.extra_properties[property] then
module.extra_properties[property](c, value, props)
elseif type(c[property]) == "function" then
c[property](c, value)
c[property] = value
-- Apply all callbacks.
if callbacks then
for _, callback in pairs(callbacks) do
protected_call(callback, c)
-- Apply the delayed properties
for prop, handler in pairs(module.delayed_properties) do
if not force_ignore[prop] then
local value = props[prop]
if value ~= nil then
if type(value) == "function" then
value = value(c, props)
handler(c, value, props)
-- Do this at last so we do not erase things done by the focus signal.
if props.focus and (type(props.focus) ~= "function" or props.focus(c)) then
c:emit_signal('request::activate', "rules", {raise=not capi.awesome.startup})
function module.execute(...) crules:_execute(...) end
-- TODO v5 deprecate this
function module.completed_with_payload_callback(c, props, callbacks)
module.execute(c, props, callbacks)
capi.client.connect_signal("request::manage", module.apply)
-- Request rules to be added **after** all modules are loaded, but before the
-- clients are managed. This allows module to listen to rules being added and
-- either modify them or add their own in the right order.
local function request_rules()
capi.client.connect_signal("scanning", request_rules)
return setmetatable(module, {
__newindex = function(_, k, v)
if k == "rules" then
"Use ruled.client.append_rules instead of setting awful.rules.rules directly",
-- Clearing the rule was supported, so it still has to be. This is
-- a bad idea. There is no plan to make this API public.
if not next(v) then
-- It isn't possible to just set it to {}, there is other
-- references to the table.
for k2 in pairs(crules._matching_rules["awful.rules"]) do
crules._matching_rules["awful.rules"][k2] = nil
crules:append_rules("awful.rules", v)
rawset(module, k, v)
__index = function(_, k)
if k == "rules" then
"Accessing `ruled.rules` isn't recommended, to modify rules, "..
"use `ruled.client.remove_rule()` and add a new one.",
if not crules._matching_rules["awful.rules"] then
crules:add_matching_rules("awful.rules", {}, {}, {})
return crules._matching_rules["awful.rules"]
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