
213 lines
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-- Corner layout.
-- Display master client in a corner of the screen, and slaves in one
-- column and one row around the master.
-- See Pull Request for example :
-- @module awful.layout
-- @author Alexis Brenon <>
-- @copyright 2015 Alexis Brenon
-- Grab environment we need
local ipairs = ipairs
local math = math
local capi = {screen = screen}
--- The cornernw layout layoutbox icon.
-- @beautiful beautiful.layout_cornernw
-- @param surface
-- @see gears.surface
--- The cornerne layout layoutbox icon.
-- @beautiful beautiful.layout_cornerne
-- @param surface
-- @see gears.surface
--- The cornersw layout layoutbox icon.
-- @beautiful beautiful.layout_cornersw
-- @param surface
-- @see gears.surface
--- The cornerse layout layoutbox icon.
-- @beautiful beautiful.layout_cornerse
-- @param surface
-- @see gears.surface
-- Actually arrange clients of p.clients for corner layout
-- @param p Mandatory table containing required information for layouts
-- (clients to arrange, workarea geometry, etc.)
-- @param orientation String indicating in which corner is the master window.
-- Available values are : NE, NW, SW, SE
local function do_corner(p, orientation)
local t = p.tag or capi.screen[p.screen].selected_tag
local wa = p.workarea
local cls = p.clients
if #cls == 0 then return end
local master = {}
local column = {}
local row = {}
-- Use the nmaster field of the tag in a cheaty way
local row_privileged = ((cls[1].screen.selected_tag.master_count % 2) == 0)
local master_factor = cls[1].screen.selected_tag.master_width_factor
master.width = master_factor * wa.width
master.height = master_factor * wa.height
local number_privileged_win = math.ceil((#cls - 1)/2)
local number_unprivileged_win = (#cls - 1) - number_privileged_win
-- Define some obvious parameters
column.width = wa.width - master.width
column.x_increment = 0
row.height = wa.height - master.height
row.y_increment = 0
-- Place master at the right place and move row and column accordingly
column.y = wa.y
row.x = wa.x
if orientation:match('N.') then
master.y = wa.y
row.y = master.y + master.height
elseif orientation:match('S.') then
master.y = wa.y + wa.height - master.height
row.y = wa.y
if orientation:match('.W') then
master.x = wa.x
column.x = master.x + master.width
elseif orientation:match('.E') then
master.x = wa.x + wa.width - master.width
column.x = wa.x
-- At this point, master is in a corner
-- but row and column are overlaied in the opposite corner...
-- Reduce the unprivileged slaves to remove overlay
-- and define actual width and height
if row_privileged then
row.width = wa.width
row.number_win = number_privileged_win
column.y = master.y
column.height = master.height
column.number_win = number_unprivileged_win
column.height = wa.height
column.number_win = number_privileged_win
row.x = master.x
row.width = master.width
row.number_win = number_unprivileged_win
column.win_height = column.height/column.number_win
column.win_width = column.width
column.y_increment = column.win_height
column.win_idx = 0
row.win_width = row.width/row.number_win
row.win_height = row.height
row.x_increment = row.win_width
row.win_idx = 0
-- Extend master if there is only a few windows and "expand" policy is set
if #cls < 3 then
if row_privileged then
master.x = wa.x
master.width = wa.width
master.y = wa.y
master.height = wa.height
if #cls < 2 then
if t.master_fill_policy == "expand" then
master = wa
master.x = master.x + (wa.width - master.width)/2
master.y = master.y + (wa.height - master.height)/2
for i, c in ipairs(cls) do
local g
-- Handle master window
if i == 1 then
g = {
x = master.x,
y = master.y,
width = master.width,
height = master.height
-- handle column windows
elseif i % 2 == 0 then
g = {
x = column.x + column.win_idx * column.x_increment,
y = column.y + column.win_idx * column.y_increment,
width = column.win_width,
height = column.win_height
column.win_idx = column.win_idx + 1
g = {
x = row.x + row.win_idx * row.x_increment,
y = row.y + row.win_idx * row.y_increment,
width = row.win_width,
height = row.win_height
row.win_idx = row.win_idx + 1
p.geometries[c] = g
local corner = {}
corner.row_privileged = false
function corner.skip_gap(nclients, t)
return nclients == 1 and t.master_fill_policy == "expand"
--- Corner layout.
-- Display master client in a corner of the screen, and slaves in one
-- column and one row around the master.
-- @clientlayout awful.layout.suit.corner.nw
corner.nw = {
name = "cornernw",
arrange = function (p) return do_corner(p, "NW") end,
skip_gap = corner.skip_gap
--- Corner layout.
-- Display master client in a corner of the screen, and slaves in one
-- column and one row around the master.
-- @clientlayout = {
name = "cornerne",
arrange = function (p) return do_corner(p, "NE") end,
skip_gap = corner.skip_gap
--- Corner layout.
-- Display master client in a corner of the screen, and slaves in one
-- column and one row around the master.
-- @clientlayout awful.layout.suit.corner.sw
corner.sw = {
name = "cornersw",
arrange = function (p) return do_corner(p, "SW") end,
skip_gap = corner.skip_gap
--- Corner layout.
-- Display master client in a corner of the screen, and slaves in one
-- column and one row around the master.
-- @clientlayout = {
name = "cornerse",
arrange = function (p) return do_corner(p, "SE") end,
skip_gap = corner.skip_gap
return corner
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