771 lines
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771 lines
25 KiB
-- @author Uli Schlachter
-- @copyright 2010 Uli Schlachter
-- @classmod wibox.widget.base
local object = require("gears.object")
local cache = require("gears.cache")
local matrix = require("gears.matrix")
local gdebug = require("gears.debug")
local protected_call = require("gears.protected_call")
local gtable = require("gears.table")
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local pairs = pairs
local type = type
local table = table
local base = {}
-- {{{ Functions on widgets
-- Functions available on all widgets.
base.widget = {}
object.properties._legacy_accessors(base.widget, "buttons", nil, true, function(new_btns)
return new_btns[1] and (
type(new_btns[1]) == "button" or new_btns[1]._is_capi_button
) or false
end, true)
--- Set a widget's visibility.
-- @tparam boolean b Whether the widget is visible.
-- @method set_visible
function base.widget:set_visible(b)
if b ~= self._private.visible then
self._private.visible = b
-- In case something ignored fit and drew the widget anyway.
--- Is the widget visible?
-- @treturn boolean
-- @method get_visible
function base.widget:get_visible()
return self._private.visible or false
--- Set a widget's opacity.
-- @tparam number o The opacity to use (a number from 0 (transparent) to 1
-- (opaque)).
-- @method set_opacity
function base.widget:set_opacity(o)
if o ~= self._private.opacity then
self._private.opacity = o
--- Get the widget's opacity.
-- @treturn number The opacity (between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque)).
-- @method get_opacity
function base.widget:get_opacity()
return self._private.opacity
--- Set the widget's forced width.
-- @tparam[opt] number width With `nil` the default mechanism of calling the
-- `:fit` method is used.
-- @see fit_widget
-- @method set_forced_width
function base.widget:set_forced_width(width)
if width ~= self._private.forced_width then
self._private.forced_width = width
--- Get the widget's forced width.
-- Note that widget instances can be used in different places simultaneously,
-- and therefore can have multiple dimensions.
-- If there is no forced width/height, then the only way to get the widget's
-- actual size is during a `mouse::enter`, `mouse::leave` or button event.
-- @treturn[opt] number The forced width (nil if automatic).
-- @see fit_widget
-- @method get_forced_width
function base.widget:get_forced_width()
return self._private.forced_width
--- Set the widget's forced height.
-- @tparam[opt] number height With `nil` the default mechanism of calling the
-- `:fit` method is used.
-- @see fit_widget
-- @method set_height
function base.widget:set_forced_height(height)
if height ~= self._private.forced_height then
self._private.forced_height = height
--- Get the widget's forced height.
-- Note that widget instances can be used in different places simultaneously,
-- and therefore can have multiple dimensions.
-- If there is no forced width/height, then the only way to get the widget's
-- actual size is during a `mouse::enter`, `mouse::leave` or button event.
-- @treturn[opt] number The forced height (nil if automatic).
-- @method get_forced_height
function base.widget:get_forced_height()
return self._private.forced_height
--- Get the widget's direct children widgets.
-- This method should be re-implemented by the relevant widgets.
-- @treturn table The children
-- @method get_children
function base.widget:get_children()
return {}
--- Replace the layout children.
-- The default implementation does nothing, this must be re-implemented by
-- all layout and container widgets.
-- @tab children A table composed of valid widgets.
-- @method set_children
function base.widget:set_children(children) -- luacheck: no unused
-- Nothing on purpose
-- It could have been merged into `get_all_children`, but it's not necessary.
local function digg_children(ret, tlw)
for _, w in ipairs(tlw:get_children()) do
table.insert(ret, w)
digg_children(ret, w)
--- Get all direct and indirect children widgets.
-- This will scan all containers recursively to find widgets.
-- *Warning*: This method it prone to stack overflow if the widget, or any of
-- its children, contains (directly or indirectly) itself.
-- @treturn table The children
-- @method get_all_children
function base.widget:get_all_children()
local ret = {}
digg_children(ret, self)
return ret
--- Common implementation of the `:set_widget()` method exposed by many
-- other widgets.
-- Use this if your widget has no custom logic when setting the widget.
-- @usage
-- rawset(my_custom_widget, "set_widget", wibox.widget.base.set_widget_common)
function base.set_widget_common(self, widget)
local w = widget and base.make_widget_from_value(widget)
if w then
self._private.widget = w
--- Emit a signal and ensure all parent widgets in the hierarchies also
-- forward the signal. This is useful to track signals when there is a dynamic
-- set of containers and layouts wrapping the widget.
-- Note that this function has some flaws:
-- 1. The signal is only forwarded once the widget tree has been built. This
-- happens after all currently scheduled functions have been executed.
-- Therefore, it will not start to work right away.
-- 2. In case the widget is present multiple times in a single widget tree,
-- this function will also forward the signal multiple times (once per upward
-- tree path).
-- 3. If the widget is removed from the widget tree, the signal is still
-- forwarded for some time, similar to the first case.
-- @tparam string signal_name
-- @param ... Other arguments
-- @method emit_signal_recursive
function base.widget:emit_signal_recursive(signal_name, ...)
-- This is a convenience wrapper, the real implementation is in the
-- hierarchy.
self:emit_signal("widget::emit_recursive", signal_name, ...)
--- Get the index of a widget.
-- @tparam widget widget The widget to look for.
-- @tparam[opt] boolean recursive Also check sub-widgets?
-- @tparam[opt] widget ... Additional widgets to add at the end of the "path"
-- @treturn number The index.
-- @treturn widget The parent widget.
-- @treturn table The path between "self" and "widget".
-- @method index
function base.widget:index(widget, recursive, ...)
local widgets = self:get_children()
for idx, w in ipairs(widgets) do
if w == widget then
return idx, self, {...}
elseif recursive then
local child_idx, l, path = w:index(widget, true, self, ...)
if child_idx and l then
return child_idx, l, path
return nil, self, {}
-- }}}
-- {{{ Caches
-- Indexes are widgets, allow them to be garbage-collected.
local widget_dependencies = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "kv" })
-- Get the cache of the given kind for this widget. This returns a gears.cache
-- that calls the callback of kind `kind` on the widget.
local function get_cache(widget, kind)
if not widget._private.widget_caches[kind] then
widget._private.widget_caches[kind] = cache.new(function(...)
return protected_call(widget[kind], widget, ...)
return widget._private.widget_caches[kind]
-- Special value to skip the dependency recording that is normally done by
-- base.fit_widget() and base.layout_widget(). The caller must ensure that no
-- caches depend on the result of the call and/or must handle the children's
-- widget::layout_changed signal correctly when using this.
base.no_parent_I_know_what_I_am_doing = {}
-- Record a dependency from parent to child: The layout of `parent` depends on
-- the layout of `child`.
local function record_dependency(parent, child)
if parent == base.no_parent_I_know_what_I_am_doing then
local deps = widget_dependencies[child] or {}
deps[parent] = true
widget_dependencies[child] = deps
-- Clear the caches for `widget` and all widgets that depend on it.
local clear_caches
function clear_caches(widget)
local deps = widget_dependencies[widget] or {}
widget_dependencies[widget] = {}
widget._private.widget_caches = {}
for w in pairs(deps) do
-- }}}
--- Figure out the geometry in the device coordinate space.
-- This gives only tight bounds if no rotations by non-multiples of 90° are
-- used.
-- @staticfct wibox.widget.base.rect_to_device_geometry
function base.rect_to_device_geometry(cr, x, y, width, height)
return matrix.transform_rectangle(cr.matrix, x, y, width, height)
--- Fit a widget for the given available width and height.
-- This calls the widget's `:fit` callback and caches the result for later use.
-- Never call `:fit` directly, but always through this function!
-- @tparam widget parent The parent widget which requests this information.
-- @tab context The context in which we are fit.
-- @tparam widget widget The widget to fit (this uses
-- `widget:fit(context, width, height)`).
-- @tparam number width The available width for the widget.
-- @tparam number height The available height for the widget.
-- @treturn number The width that the widget wants to use.
-- @treturn number The height that the widget wants to use.
-- @staticfct wibox.widget.base.fit_widget
function base.fit_widget(parent, context, widget, width, height)
record_dependency(parent, widget)
if not widget._private.visible then
return 0, 0
-- Sanitize the input. This also filters out e.g. NaN.
width = math.max(0, width)
height = math.max(0, height)
local w, h = 0, 0
if widget.fit then
w, h = get_cache(widget, "fit"):get(context, width, height)
-- If it has no fit method, calculate based on the size of children
local children = base.layout_widget(parent, context, widget, width, height)
for _, info in ipairs(children or {}) do
local x, y, w2, h2 = matrix.transform_rectangle(info._matrix,
0, 0, info._width, info._height)
w, h = math.max(w, x + w2), math.max(h, y + h2)
-- Apply forced size and handle nil's
w = widget._private.forced_width or w or 0
h = widget._private.forced_height or h or 0
-- Also sanitize the output.
w = math.max(0, math.min(w, width))
h = math.max(0, math.min(h, height))
return w, h
--- Lay out a widget for the given available width and height.
-- This calls the widget's `:layout` callback and caches the result for later
-- use. Never call `:layout` directly, but always through this function!
-- However, normally there shouldn't be any reason why you need to use this
-- function.
-- @tparam widget parent The parent widget which requests this information.
-- @tab context The context in which we are laid out.
-- @tparam widget widget The widget to layout (this uses
-- `widget:layout(context, width, height)`).
-- @tparam number width The available width for the widget.
-- @tparam number height The available height for the widget.
-- @treturn[opt] table The result from the widget's `:layout` callback.
-- @staticfct wibox.widget.base.layout_widget
function base.layout_widget(parent, context, widget, width, height)
record_dependency(parent, widget)
if not widget._private.visible then
-- Sanitize the input. This also filters out e.g. NaN.
width = math.max(0, width)
height = math.max(0, height)
if widget.layout then
return get_cache(widget, "layout"):get(context, width, height)
--- Handle a button event on a widget.
-- This is used internally and should not be called directly.
-- @staticfct wibox.widget.base.handle_button
function base.handle_button(event, widget, x, y, button, modifiers, geometry)
x = x or y -- luacheck: no unused
local function is_any(mod)
return #mod == 1 and mod[1] == "Any"
local function tables_equal(a, b)
if #a ~= #b then
return false
for k, v in pairs(b) do
if a[k] ~= v then
return false
return true
-- Find all matching button objects.
local matches = {}
for _, v in pairs(widget._private.buttons_formatted or {}) do
local match = true
-- Is it the right button?
if v.button ~= 0 and v.button ~= button then match = false end
-- Are the correct modifiers pressed?
if (not is_any(v.modifiers)) and (not tables_equal(v.modifiers, modifiers)) then match = false end
if match then
table.insert(matches, v)
-- Emit the signals.
for _, v in pairs(matches) do
--- Create widget placement information. This should be used in a widget's
-- `:layout()` callback.
-- @tparam widget widget The widget that should be placed.
-- @param mat A matrix transforming from the parent widget's coordinate
-- system. For example, use matrix.create_translate(1, 2) to draw a
-- widget at position (1, 2) relative to the parent widget.
-- @tparam number width The width of the widget in its own coordinate system.
-- That is, after applying the transformation matrix.
-- @tparam number height The height of the widget in its own coordinate system.
-- That is, after applying the transformation matrix.
-- @treturn table An opaque object that can be returned from `:layout()`.
-- @staticfct wibox.widget.base.place_widget_via_matrix
function base.place_widget_via_matrix(widget, mat, width, height)
assert(width >= 0, "A widget's width cannot be negative: " .. tostring(width))
assert(height >= 0, "A widget's height cannot be negative: " .. tostring(height))
return {
_widget = widget,
_width = width,
_height = height,
_matrix = mat
--- Create widget placement information. This should be used for a widget's
-- `:layout()` callback.
-- @tparam widget widget The widget that should be placed.
-- @tparam number x The x coordinate for the widget.
-- @tparam number y The y coordinate for the widget.
-- @tparam number width The width of the widget in its own coordinate system.
-- That is, after applying the transformation matrix.
-- @tparam number height The height of the widget in its own coordinate system.
-- That is, after applying the transformation matrix.
-- @treturn table An opaque object that can be returned from `:layout()`.
-- @staticfct wibox.widget.base.place_widget_at
function base.place_widget_at(widget, x, y, width, height)
return base.place_widget_via_matrix(widget, matrix.create_translate(x, y), width, height)
-- Check if `obj` can be called (either using the metacall or as a function)
local function is_callable(obj)
local t = type(obj)
return t == "function" or (
t == "table" and getmetatable(obj) and getmetatable(obj).__call
), t
-- Read the table, separate attributes from widgets.
local function parse_table(t, leave_empty)
local max = 0
local attributes, widgets = {}, {}
for k,v in pairs(t) do
if type(k) == "number" then
if v then
-- Since `ipairs` doesn't always work on sparse tables, update
-- the maximum.
if k > max then
max = k
widgets[k] = v
attributes[k] = v
-- Pack the sparse table, if the container doesn't support sparse tables.
if not leave_empty then
widgets = gtable.from_sparse(widgets)
max = #widgets
return max, attributes, widgets
-- Recursively build a container from a declarative table.
local function drill(ids, content)
if not content then return end
-- Alias `widget` to `layout` as they are handled the same way.
content.layout = content.layout or content.widget
-- Make sure the layout is not indexed on a function.
local layout = type(content.layout) == "function" and content.layout() or content.layout
-- Create layouts based on metatable's __call.
local l = layout.is_widget and layout or layout()
-- Get the number of children widgets (including nil widgets).
local max, attributes, widgets = parse_table(content, l.allow_empty_widget)
-- Get the optional identifier to create a virtual widget tree to place
-- in an "access table" to be able to retrieve the widget.
local id = attributes.id
-- Clear the internal attributes.
attributes.id, attributes.layout, attributes.widget = nil, nil, nil
-- Set layout attributes.
-- This has to be done before the widgets are added because it might affect
-- the output.
for attr, val in pairs(attributes) do
if l["set_"..attr] then
l["set_"..attr](l, val)
elseif type(l[attr]) == "function" then
l[attr](l, val)
l[attr] = val
-- Add all widgets.
for k = 1, max do
-- ipairs cannot be used on sparse tables.
local v, id2, e = widgets[k], id, nil
if v then
-- It is another declarative container, parse it.
if (not v.is_widget) and (v.widget or v.layout) then
e, id2 = drill(ids, v)
widgets[k] = e
elseif (not v.is_widget) and is_callable(v) then
widgets[k] = v()
-- Place the widget in the access table.
if id2 then
l [id2] = e
ids[id2] = ids[id2] or {}
table.insert(ids[id2], e)
-- Replace all children (if any) with the new ones.
if widgets then
return l, id
-- Only available when the declarative system is used.
local function get_children_by_id(self, name)
if rawget(self, "_private") then
return self._private.by_id[name] or {}
return rawget(self, "_by_id")[name] or {}
--- Set a declarative widget hierarchy description.
-- See [The declarative layout system](../documentation/03-declarative-layout.md.html).
-- @tab args A table containing the widget's disposition.
-- @method setup
function base.widget:setup(args)
local f,ids = self.set_widget or self.add or self.set_first,{}
local w, id = drill(ids, args)
if id then
-- Avoid being dropped by wibox metatable -> drawin
rawset(self, id, w)
ids[id] = ids[id] or {}
table.insert(ids[id], 1, w)
if rawget(self, "_private") then
self._private.by_id = ids
rawset(self, "_by_id", ids)
if not rawget(self, "get_children_by_id") then
rawset(self, "get_children_by_id", get_children_by_id)
--- Create a widget from a declarative description.
-- See [The declarative layout system](../documentation/03-declarative-layout.md.html).
-- @tab args A table containing the widgets disposition.
-- @constructorfct wibox.widget.base.make_widget_declarative
function base.make_widget_declarative(args)
local ids = {}
if (not args.layout) and (not args.widget) then
args.widget = base.make_widget(nil, args.id)
local w, id = drill(ids, args)
local mt = getmetatable(w) or {}
local orig_string = tostring(w)
-- Add the main id (if any)
if id then
ids[id] = ids[id] or {}
table.insert(ids[id], 1, w)
if rawget(w, "_private") then
w._private.by_id = ids
rawset(w, "_by_id", ids)
rawset(w, "get_children_by_id", get_children_by_id)
mt.__tostring = function()
return string.format("%s (%s)", id or w.widget_name or "N/A", orig_string)
return setmetatable(w, mt)
--- Create a widget from an undetermined value.
-- The value can be:
-- * A widget (in which case nothing new is created)
-- * A declarative construct
-- * A constructor function
-- * A metaobject
-- @param wdg The value.
-- @param[opt=nil] ... Arguments passed to the contructor (if any).
-- @constructorfct wibox.widget.base.make_widget_from_value
-- @treturn widget|nil The new widget or `nil` in case of failure.
function base.make_widget_from_value(wdg, ...)
if not wdg then return nil end
local is_function, t = is_callable(wdg)
if is_function then
wdg = wdg(...)
elseif t == "table" then
wdg = wdg.is_widget and wdg or base.make_widget_declarative(wdg)
"The argument is not a function, table, or widget."
return nil
return wdg
--- Create an empty widget skeleton.
-- See [Creating new widgets](../documentation/04-new-widgets.md.html).
-- @tparam[opt] widget proxy If this is set, the returned widget will be a
-- proxy for this widget. It will be equivalent to this widget.
-- This means it looks the same on the screen.
-- @tparam[opt] string widget_name Name of the widget. If not set, it will be
-- set automatically via @{gears.object.modulename}.
-- @tparam[opt={}] table args Widget settings
-- @tparam[opt=false] boolean args.enable_properties Enable automatic getter
-- and setter methods.
-- @tparam[opt=nil] table args.class The widget class
-- @see fit_widget
-- @constructorfct wibox.widget.base.make_widget
function base.make_widget(proxy, widget_name, args)
args = args or {}
local ret = object {
enable_properties = args.enable_properties,
class = args.class,
-- Backwards compatibility.
-- TODO: Remove this
ret:connect_signal("widget::updated", function()
-- Create a table used to store the widgets internal data.
rawset(ret, "_private", {})
-- Widget is visible.
ret._private.visible = true
-- Widget is fully opaque.
ret._private.opacity = 1
-- Differentiate tables from widgets.
rawset(ret, "is_widget", true)
-- Size is not restricted/forced.
ret._private.forced_width = nil
ret._private.forced_height = nil
-- Make buttons work.
ret:connect_signal("button::press", function(...)
return base.handle_button("press", ...)
ret:connect_signal("button::release", function(...)
return base.handle_button("release", ...)
if proxy then
rawset(ret, "fit", function(_, context, width, height)
return base.fit_widget(ret, context, proxy, width, height)
rawset(ret, "layout", function(_, _, width, height)
return { base.place_widget_at(proxy, 0, 0, width, height) }
proxy:connect_signal("widget::layout_changed", function()
proxy:connect_signal("widget::redraw_needed", function()
-- Set up caches.
ret:connect_signal("widget::layout_changed", function()
-- Add functions.
for k, v in pairs(base.widget) do
rawset(ret, k, v)
-- Add __tostring method to metatable.
rawset(ret, "widget_name", widget_name or object.modulename(3))
local mt = getmetatable(ret) or {}
local orig_string = tostring(ret)
mt.__tostring = function()
return string.format("%s (%s)", ret.widget_name, orig_string)
-- Even when properties are disabled, buttons is required for backward
-- compatibility.
--TODO v6 Remove this
if not args.enable_properties then
mt.__index = function(_, key)
if key == "buttons" then
return base.widget.get_buttons(ret)
return rawget(ret, key)
return setmetatable(ret, mt)
--- Generate an empty widget which takes no space and displays nothing.
-- @constructorfct wibox.widget.base.empty_widget
function base.empty_widget()
return base.make_widget()
--- Do some sanity checking on a widget.
-- This function raises an error if the widget is not valid.
-- @staticfct wibox.widget.base.check_widget
function base.check_widget(widget)
assert(type(widget) == "table", "Type should be table, but is " .. tostring(type(widget)))
assert(widget.is_widget, "Argument is not a widget!")
for _, func in pairs({ "connect_signal", "disconnect_signal" }) do
assert(type(widget[func]) == "function", func .. " is not a function")
return base
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