586 lines
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586 lines
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--- A module to build a set of properties based on a graph of rules.
-- Sources
-- =======
-- This module holds the business logic used by `ruled.client`. It provides an
-- object on which one can add sets of rules or, alternatively, functions.
-- In this module, the sets of rules or custom functions are called sources.
-- The sources are used to build a property table. Once all sources are
-- evaluated, the `:apply()` method will set the properties on the target
-- object.
-- Sources can have dependencies between them and the property table can only
-- be built if the sources graph can be resolved.
-- Rules
-- =====
-- The `rules` sources themselves are composed, as the name imply, of a set of
-- rule. A rule is a table with a `properties` *or* `callbacks` attribute along
-- with either `rule` or `rule_any`. It is also possible to add an `except` or
-- `except_any` attribute to narrow the scope in which the rule is applied.
-- Here's a basic example of a minimal `gears.matcher`.
-- @DOC_text_gears_matcher_default_EXAMPLE@
-- This example shows the different matching sections:
-- @DOC_text_gears_matcher_types_EXAMPLE@
-- More examples are available in `ruled.client`.
-- @author Julien Danjou <julien@danjou.info>
-- @copyright 2009 Julien Danjou
-- @see ruled.client
-- @module gears.matcher
local gtable = require("gears.table")
local gsort = require("gears.sort")
local gdebug = require("gears.debug")
local gobject = require("gears.object")
local protected_call = require("gears.protected_call")
local matcher = {}
--- A rule has been added to a set of matching rules.
-- @signal rule::appended
-- @tparam table gears.matcher The matcher.
-- @tparam table rule The rule.
-- @tparam table source The matching rules source name.
-- @tparam table content The matching rules source content.
-- @see append_rule
-- @see append_rules
--- A rule has been removed to a set of matching rules.
-- @signal rule::removed
-- @tparam table gears.matcher The matcher.
-- @tparam table rule The rule.
-- @tparam table source The matching rules source name.
-- @tparam table content The matching rules source content.
-- @see remove_rule
--- A matching source function has been added.
-- @signal matching_function::added
-- @tparam table gears.matcher The matcher.
-- @tparam function callback The callback.
-- @see add_matching_function
--- A matching source table has been added.
-- @signal matching_rules::added
-- @tparam table gears.matcher The matcher.
-- @tparam function callback The callback.
-- @see add_matching_rules
--- A matching source function has been removed.
-- @signal matching_source::removed
-- @tparam table gears.matcher The matcher.
-- @see remove_matching_source
local function default_matcher(a, b)
local result = a == b
if result then return true end
if type(a) == "string" and type(b) == "string" then
result = a:match(b)
if result == '' then return false end
return result
local function greater_matcher(a, b)
return a > b
local function lesser_matcher(a, b)
return a < b
-- Check if an object matches a rule.
-- @param o The object.
-- #tparam table rule The rule to check.
-- @treturn boolean True if it matches, false otherwise.
-- @method _match
function matcher:_match(o, rule, matcher_f)
if not rule then return false end
matcher_f = matcher_f or default_matcher
for field, value in pairs(rule) do
local pm = self._private.prop_matchers[field]
if pm and pm(o, value, field) then
return true
elseif not matcher_f(o[field], value) then
return false
return true
local function field_matcher(self, o, field, value, matcher_f)
matcher_f = matcher_f or default_matcher
local pm = self._private.prop_matchers[field]
if pm and pm(o, value, field) then
return true
elseif matcher_f(o[field] , value) then
return true
return false
-- Check if an object matches any part of a rule.
-- @param o The object.
-- @tparam table rule The rule to check.
-- @treturn boolean True if at least one rule is matched, false otherwise.
-- @method _match_any
function matcher:_match_any(o, rule)
if not rule then return false end
for field, values in pairs(rule) do
if o[field] then
-- Special case, "all"
if type(values) == "boolean" and values then
return true
for _, value in ipairs(values) do
if field_matcher(self, o, field, value) then
return true
return false
-- Check if an object matches at least one of every part of a rule.
-- @param o The object.
-- @tparam table rule The rule to check.
-- @tparam boolean multi If the entries are table of choices.
-- @treturn boolean True if all rules are matched.
-- @method _match_every
function matcher:_match_every(o, rule)
if not rule then return true end
for field, values in pairs(rule) do
local found = false
for _, value in ipairs(values) do
if field_matcher(self, o, field, value) then
found = true
if not found then
return false
return true
--- Does a given rule entry match an object?
-- @param o The object.
-- @tparam table entry Rule entry (with keys `rule`, `rule_any`, `except` and/or
-- `except_any`).
-- @treturn boolean If `o` matches `entry`.
-- @method matches_rule
function matcher:matches_rule(o, entry)
local match = self:_match(o, entry.rule) or self:_match_any(o, entry.rule_any)
-- If there was `rule` or `rule_any` and they failed to match, look no further.
if (not match) and (entry.rule or entry.rule_any) then return false end
if not self:_match_every(o, entry.rule_every) then return false end
-- Negative matching.
if entry.except and self:_match(o, entry.except) then return false end
if entry.except_any and self:_match_any(o, entry.except_any) then return false end
-- Other operators.
if entry.rule_greater and not self:_match(o, entry.rule_greater, greater_matcher) then
return false
if entry.rule_lesser and not self:_match(o, entry.rule_lesser, lesser_matcher) then
return false
return true
--- Get list of matching rules for an object.
-- If the `rules` argument is not provided, the rules added with
-- `add_matching_rules` will be used.
-- @param o The object.
-- @tparam[opt=nil] table rules The rules to check. List with "rule", "rule_any",
-- "except" and "except_any" keys. If no rules are provided, all rules
-- registered with a source will be matched.
-- @method matching_rules
function matcher:matching_rules(o, rules)
-- Match all sources.
if not rules then
local ret = {}
for _, r in pairs(self._matching_rules) do
gtable.merge(ret, self:matching_rules(o, r))
return ret
local result = {}
if not rules then
gdebug.print_warning("This matcher has no rule source")
return result
for _, entry in ipairs(rules) do
if self:matches_rule(o, entry) then
table.insert(result, entry)
return result
--- Check if an object matches a given set of rules.
-- @param o The object.
-- @tparam table rules The rules to check. List of tables with `rule`,
-- `rule_any`, `except` and `except_any` keys.
-- @treturn boolean True if at least one rule is matched, false otherwise.
-- @method matches_rules
function matcher:matches_rules(o, rules)
for _, entry in ipairs(rules) do
if self:matches_rule(o, entry) then
return true
return false
--- Assign a function to match an object property against a value.
-- The default matcher uses the `==` operator for all types. It also uses the
-- `:match()` method for string and allows pattern matching. If the value is a
-- function, then that function is called with the object and the current
-- properties to be applied. If the function returns true, the match is
-- accepted.
-- Custom property matcher are useful when objects are compared. This avoids
-- having to implement custom metatable for everything.
-- The `f` function receives 3 arguments:
-- * The object to match against (anything)
-- * The value to compare
-- * The property/field name.
-- It should return `true` if it matches and `false` otherwise.
-- @tparam string name The property name.
-- @tparam function f The matching function.
-- @method add_property_matcher
-- @usage -- Manually match the screen in various ways.
-- matcher:add_property_matcher("screen", function(c, value)
-- return c.screen == value
-- or screen[c.screen] == value
-- or c.screen.outputs[value] ~= nil
-- or value == "any"
-- or (value == "primary" and c.screen == screen.primary)
-- end)
function matcher:add_property_matcher(name, f)
assert(not self._private.prop_matchers[name], name .. " already has a matcher")
self._private.prop_matchers[name] = f
self:emit_signal("property_matcher::added", name, f)
--- Add a special setter for a property.
-- This is useful to add more properties to object which only make sense within
-- the context of a rule.
-- @method add_property_setter
-- @tparam string name The property name.
-- @tparam function f The setter function.
function matcher:add_property_setter(name, f)
assert(not self._private.prop_setters[name], name .. " already has a matcher")
self._private.prop_setters[name] = f
self:emit_signal("property_setter::added", name, f)
local function default_rules_callback(self, o, props, callbacks, rules)
-- Get all matching rules.
local matches = self:matching_rules(o, rules)
-- Split the main ones from the fallback ones.
local main, fallback = {}, {}
for _, match in ipairs(matches) do
table.insert(match.fallback and fallback or main, match)
-- Select which set to use.
matches = #main > 0 and main or fallback
for _, entry in ipairs(matches) do
gtable.crush(props, entry.properties or {})
if entry.callback then
table.insert(callbacks, entry.callback)
--- Add a set of matching rules.
-- @tparam string name The provider name. It must be unique.
-- @tparam table rules A set of rules (see how they work at the top of this
-- page).
-- @tparam[opt={}] table depends_on A list of names of sources this source
-- depends on (sources that must be executed *before* `name`).
-- @tparam[opt={}] table precede A list of names of sources this source has a
-- priority over.
-- @treturn boolean Returns false if a dependency conflict was found.
-- @method add_matching_rules
function matcher:add_matching_rules(name, rules, depends_on, precede)
local function matching_fct(_, c, props, callbacks)
default_rules_callback(self, c, props, callbacks, rules)
self._matching_rules[name] = rules
self:emit_signal("matching_rules::added", rules)
return self:add_matching_function(name, matching_fct, depends_on, precede)
--- Add a matching function.
-- @tparam string name The provider name. It must be unique.
-- @tparam function callback The callback that is called to produce properties.
-- @tparam gears.matcher callback.self The matcher object.
-- @param callback.o The object.
-- @tparam table callback.properties The current properties. The callback should
-- add to and overwrite properties in this table.
-- @tparam table callback.callbacks A table of all callbacks scheduled to be
-- executed after the main properties are applied.
-- @tparam[opt={}] table depends_on A list of names of sources this source depends on
-- (sources that must be executed *before* `name`).
-- @tparam[opt={}] table precede A list of names of sources this source has a
-- priority over.
-- @treturn boolean Returns false if a dependency conflict was found.
-- @method add_matching_function
function matcher:add_matching_function(name, callback, depends_on, precede)
depends_on = depends_on or {}
precede = precede or {}
assert(type( depends_on ) == "table")
assert(type( precede ) == "table")
for _, v in ipairs(self._matching_source) do
-- Names must be unique
v.name ~= name,
"Name must be unique, but '" .. name .. "' was already registered."
local new_sources = self._rule_source_sort:clone()
new_sources:prepend(name, precede )
new_sources:append (name, depends_on )
local res, err = new_sources:sort()
if err then
gdebug.print_warning("Failed to add the rule source: "..err)
return false
-- Only replace the source once the additions has been proven to be safe.
self._rule_source_sort = new_sources
local callbacks = {}
-- Get all callbacks for *existing* sources.
-- It is important to remember that names can be used in the sorting even
-- if the source itself doesn't (yet) exist.
for _, v in ipairs(self._matching_source) do
callbacks[v.name] = v.callback
self._matching_source = {}
callbacks[name] = callback
for _, v in ipairs(res) do
if callbacks[v] then
table.insert(self._matching_source, 1, {
callback = callbacks[v],
name = v
self:emit_signal("matching_function::added", callback)
return true
--- Remove a source.
-- This removes sources added with `add_matching_function` or
-- `add_matching_rules`.
-- @tparam string name The source name.
-- @treturn boolean If the source has been removed.
-- @method remove_matching_source
function matcher:remove_matching_source(name)
for k, v in ipairs(self._matching_source) do
if v.name == name then
self:emit_signal("matching_source::removed", v)
table.remove(self._matching_source, k)
return true
self._matching_rules[name] = nil
return false
--- Apply ruled.client.rules to an object.
-- Calling this will apply all properties provided by the matching functions
-- and rules.
-- @param o The object.
-- @method apply
function matcher:apply(o)
local callbacks, props = {}, {}
for _, v in ipairs(self._matching_source) do
v.callback(self, o, props, callbacks)
self:_execute(o, props, callbacks)
-- Execute the rules for the object `o`.
-- @param o The object.
-- @tparam table props A list of properties to apply.
-- @tparam table callbacks A list of callback to execute with the object `o` as
-- sole argument. The callbacks are executed *before* applying the properties.
-- @see gears.matcher.apply
function matcher:_execute(o, props, callbacks)
-- Apply all callbacks.
if callbacks then
for _, callback in pairs(callbacks) do
protected_call(callback, o)
for property, value in pairs(props) do
if type(value) == "function" then
value = value(o, props)
if self._private.prop_setters[property] then
self._private.prop_setters[property](o, value)
elseif type(o[property]) == "function" then
o[property](o, value)
o[property] = value
--- Add a new rule to the default set.
-- @tparam string source The source name.
-- @tparam table rule A valid rule.
-- @method append_rule
function matcher:append_rule(source, rule)
if not self._matching_rules[source] then
self:add_matching_rules(source, {}, {}, {})
table.insert(self._matching_rules[source], rule)
self:emit_signal("rule::appended", rule, source, self._matching_rules[source])
--- Add a new rules to the default set.
-- @tparam string source The source name.
-- @tparam table rules A table with rules.
-- @method append_rules
function matcher:append_rules(source, rules)
for _, rule in ipairs(rules) do
self:append_rule(source, rule)
--- Remove a new rule from the default set.
-- @tparam string source The source name.
-- @tparam string|table rule An existing rule or its `id`.
-- @treturn boolean If the rule was removed.
-- @method remove_rule
function matcher:remove_rule(source, rule)
if not self._matching_rules[source] then return end
for k, v in ipairs(self._matching_rules[source]) do
if v == rule or v.id == rule then
table.remove(self._matching_rules[source], k)
self:emit_signal("rule::removed", rule, source, self._matching_rules[source])
return true
return false
local module = {}
--- Create a new rule solver object.
-- @constructorfct gears.matcher
-- @return A new rule solver object.
local function new()
local ret = gobject()
rawset(ret, "_private", {
rules = {}, prop_matchers = {}, prop_setters = {}
-- Contains the sources.
-- The elements are ordered "first in, first executed". Thus, the higher the
-- index, the higher the priority. Each entry is a table with a `name` and a
-- `callback` field. This table is exposed for debugging purpose. The API
-- is private and should only be modified using the public accessors.
ret._matching_source = {}
ret._rule_source_sort = gsort.topological()
ret._matching_rules = {}
gtable.crush(ret, matcher, true)
return ret
return setmetatable(module, {__call = new})