549 lines
15 KiB
549 lines
15 KiB
--- Wibox module for awful.
-- This module allows you to easily create wibox and attach them to the edge of
-- a screen.
-- You can even have vertical bars too.
-- @author Emmanuel Lepage Vallee <elv1313@gmail.com>
-- @copyright 2016 Emmanuel Lepage Vallee
-- @popupmod awful.wibar
-- @supermodule awful.popup
-- Grab environment we need
local capi =
screen = screen,
client = client
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local tostring = tostring
local ipairs = ipairs
local error = error
local wibox = require("wibox")
local beautiful = require("beautiful")
local gdebug = require("gears.debug")
local placement = require("awful.placement")
local gtable = require("gears.table")
local function get_screen(s)
return s and capi.screen[s]
local awfulwibar = { mt = {} }
--- Array of table with wiboxes inside.
-- It's an array so it is ordered.
local wiboxes = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "v"})
local opposite_margin = {
top = "bottom",
bottom = "top",
left = "right",
right = "left"
--- If the wibar needs to be stretched to fill the screen.
-- @property stretch
-- @tparam boolean stretch
-- @propbeautiful
-- @propemits true false
--- Margins on each side of the wibar.
-- It can either be a table if `top`, `bottom`, `left`, `right` or a
-- single number.
-- @property margins
-- @tparam number|table margins
-- @propbeautiful
-- @propemits true false
--- If the wibar needs to be stretched to fill the screen.
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_stretch
-- @tparam boolean stretch
--- The wibar border width.
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_border_width
-- @tparam integer border_width
--- The wibar border color.
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_border_color
-- @tparam string border_color
--- If the wibar is to be on top of other windows.
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_ontop
-- @tparam boolean ontop
--- The wibar's mouse cursor.
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_cursor
-- @tparam string cursor
--- The wibar opacity, between 0 and 1.
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_opacity
-- @tparam number opacity
--- The window type (desktop, normal, dock, …).
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_type
-- @tparam string type
--- The wibar's width.
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_width
-- @tparam integer width
--- The wibar's height.
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_height
-- @tparam integer height
--- The wibar's background color.
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_bg
-- @tparam color bg
--- The wibar's background image.
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_bgimage
-- @tparam surface bgimage
--- The wibar's foreground (text) color.
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_fg
-- @tparam color fg
--- The wibar's shape.
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_shape
-- @tparam gears.shape shape
--- The wibar's margins.
-- @beautiful beautiful.wibar_margins
-- @tparam number|table margins
-- Compute the margin on one side
local function get_margin(w, position, auto_stop)
local h_or_w = (position == "top" or position == "bottom") and "height" or "width"
local ret = 0
for _, v in ipairs(wiboxes) do
-- Ignore the wibars placed after this one
if auto_stop and v == w then break end
if v.position == position and v.screen == w.screen and v.visible then
ret = ret + v[h_or_w]
local wb_margins = v.margins
if wb_margins then
ret = ret + wb_margins[position] + wb_margins[opposite_margin[position]]
return ret
-- `honor_workarea` cannot be used as it does modify the workarea itself.
-- a manual padding has to be generated.
local function get_margins(w)
local position = w.position
local margins = gtable.clone(w._private.margins)
margins[position] = margins[position] + get_margin(w, position, true)
-- Avoid overlapping wibars
if position == "left" or position == "right" then
margins.top = get_margin(w, "top" )
margins.bottom = get_margin(w, "bottom")
return margins
-- Create the placement function
local function gen_placement(position, stretch)
local maximize = (position == "right" or position == "left") and
"maximize_vertically" or "maximize_horizontally"
return placement[position] + (stretch and placement[maximize] or nil)
-- Attach the placement function.
local function attach(wb, align)
gen_placement(align, wb._stretch)(wb, {
attach = true,
update_workarea = true,
margins = get_margins(wb)
-- Re-attach all wibars on a given wibar screen
local function reattach(wb)
local s = wb.screen
for _, w in ipairs(wiboxes) do
if w ~= wb and w.screen == s then
if w.detach_callback then
w.detach_callback = nil
attach(w, w.position)
--- The wibox position.
-- The valid values are:
-- * left
-- * right
-- * top
-- * bottom
-- @property position
-- @tparam string position Either "left", right", "top" or "bottom"
-- @propemits true false
local function get_position(wb)
return wb._position or "top"
local function set_position(wb, position, skip_reattach)
-- Detach first to avoid any uneeded callbacks
if wb.detach_callback then
-- Avoid disconnecting twice, this produces a lot of warnings
wb.detach_callback = nil
-- Move the wibar to the end of the list to avoid messing up the others in
-- case there is stacked wibars on one side.
if wb._position then
for k, w in ipairs(wiboxes) do
if w == wb then
table.remove(wiboxes, k)
table.insert(wiboxes, wb)
-- In case the position changed, it may be necessary to reset the size
if (wb._position == "left" or wb._position == "right")
and (position == "top" or position == "bottom") then
wb.height = math.ceil(beautiful.get_font_height(wb.font) * 1.5)
elseif (wb._position == "top" or wb._position == "bottom")
and (position == "left" or position == "right") then
wb.width = math.ceil(beautiful.get_font_height(wb.font) * 1.5)
-- Set the new position
wb._position = position
-- Attach to the new position
attach(wb, position)
-- A way to skip reattach is required when first adding a wibar as it's not
-- in the `wiboxes` table yet and can't be added until it's attached.
if not skip_reattach then
-- Changing the position will also cause the other margins to be invalidated.
-- For example, adding a wibar to the top will change the margins of any left
-- or right wibars. To solve, this, they need to be re-attached.
wb:emit_signal("property::position", position)
local function get_stretch(w)
return w._stretch
local function set_stretch(w, value)
w._stretch = value
attach(w, w.position)
w:emit_signal("property::stretch", value)
function awfulwibar.set_margins(w, value)
if type(value) == "number" then
value = {
top = value,
bottom = value,
right = value,
left = value,
value = value or {
left = 0,
right = 0,
top = 0,
bottom = 0
w._private.margins = value
attach(w, w.position)
w:emit_signal("property::margins", value)
-- Allow each margins to be set individually.
local function meta_margins(self)
return setmetatable({}, {
__index = self._private.margins,
__newindex = function(_, k, v)
self._private.margins[k] = v
awfulwibar.set_margins(self, self._private.margins)
function awfulwibar.get_margins(self)
return self._private.meta_margins
--- Remove a wibar.
-- @method remove
local function remove(self)
self.visible = false
if self.detach_callback then
self.detach_callback = nil
for k, w in ipairs(wiboxes) do
if w == self then
table.remove(wiboxes, k)
self._screen = nil
--- Get a wibox position if it has been set, or return top.
-- @param wb The wibox
-- @deprecated awful.wibar.get_position
-- @return The wibox position.
function awfulwibar.get_position(wb)
gdebug.deprecate("Use wb.position instead of awful.wibar.get_position", {deprecated_in=4})
return get_position(wb)
--- Put a wibox on a screen at this position.
-- @param wb The wibox to attach.
-- @param position The position: top, bottom left or right.
-- @param screen This argument is deprecated, use wb.screen directly.
-- @deprecated awful.wibar.set_position
function awfulwibar.set_position(wb, position, screen) --luacheck: no unused args
gdebug.deprecate("Use `wb.position = position` instead of awful.wibar.set_position", {deprecated_in=4})
set_position(wb, position)
--- Attach a wibox to a screen.
-- This function has been moved to the `awful.placement` module. Calling this
-- no longer does anything.
-- @param wb The wibox to attach.
-- @param position The position of the wibox: top, bottom, left or right.
-- @param screen The screen to attach to
-- @see awful.placement
-- @deprecated awful.wibar.attach
function awfulwibar.attach(wb, position, screen) --luacheck: no unused args
gdebug.deprecate("awful.wibar.attach is deprecated, use the 'attach' property"..
" of awful.placement. This method doesn't do anything anymore",
--- Align a wibox.
-- Supported alignment are:
-- * top_left
-- * top_right
-- * bottom_left
-- * bottom_right
-- * left
-- * right
-- * top
-- * bottom
-- * centered
-- * center_vertical
-- * center_horizontal
-- @param wb The wibox.
-- @param align The alignment
-- @param screen This argument is deprecated. It is not used. Use wb.screen
-- directly.
-- @deprecated awful.wibar.align
-- @see awful.placement.align
function awfulwibar.align(wb, align, screen) --luacheck: no unused args
if align == "center" then
gdebug.deprecate("awful.wibar.align(wb, 'center' is deprecated, use 'centered'", {deprecated_in=4})
align = "centered"
if screen then
gdebug.deprecate("awful.wibar.align 'screen' argument is deprecated", {deprecated_in=4})
if placement[align] then
return placement[align](wb)
--- Stretch a wibox so it takes all screen width or height.
-- **This function has been removed.**
-- @deprecated awful.wibox.stretch
-- @see awful.placement
-- @see awful.wibar.stretch
--- Create a new wibox and attach it to a screen edge.
-- You can add also position key with value top, bottom, left or right.
-- You can also use width or height in % and set align to center, right or left.
-- You can also set the screen key with a screen number to attach the wibox.
-- If not specified, the primary screen is assumed.
-- @see wibox
-- @tparam[opt=nil] table args
-- @tparam string args.position The position.
-- @tparam string args.stretch If the wibar need to be stretched to fill the screen.
-- @return The new wibar
-- @constructorfct awful.wibar
function awfulwibar.new(args)
args = args or {}
local position = args.position or "top"
local has_to_stretch = true
local screen = get_screen(args.screen or 1)
args.type = args.type or "dock"
if position ~= "top" and position ~="bottom"
and position ~= "left" and position ~= "right" then
error("Invalid position in awful.wibar(), you may only use"
.. " 'top', 'bottom', 'left' and 'right'")
-- Set default size
if position == "left" or position == "right" then
args.width = args.width or beautiful["wibar_width"]
or math.ceil(beautiful.get_font_height(args.font) * 1.5)
if args.height then
has_to_stretch = false
if args.screen then
local hp = tostring(args.height):match("(%d+)%%")
if hp then
args.height = math.ceil(screen.geometry.height * hp / 100)
args.height = args.height or beautiful["wibar_height"]
or math.ceil(beautiful.get_font_height(args.font) * 1.5)
if args.width then
has_to_stretch = false
if args.screen then
local wp = tostring(args.width):match("(%d+)%%")
if wp then
args.width = math.ceil(screen.geometry.width * wp / 100)
args.screen = nil
-- The C code scans the table directly, so metatable magic cannot be used.
for _, prop in ipairs {
"border_width", "border_color", "font", "opacity", "ontop", "cursor",
"bgimage", "bg", "fg", "type", "stretch", "shape", "margins"
} do
if (args[prop] == nil) and beautiful["wibar_"..prop] ~= nil then
args[prop] = beautiful["wibar_"..prop]
local w = wibox(args)
w._private.margins = {
left = 0,
right = 0,
top = 0,
bottom = 0
w._private.meta_margins = meta_margins(w)
w.screen = screen
w._screen = screen --HACK When a screen is removed, then getbycoords wont work
w._stretch = args.stretch == nil and has_to_stretch or args.stretch
w.get_position = get_position
w.set_position = set_position
w.get_stretch = get_stretch
w.set_stretch = set_stretch
w.remove = remove
w.get_margins = awfulwibar.get_margins
w.set_margins = awfulwibar.set_margins
awfulwibar.set_margins(w, args.margins)
if args.visible == nil then w.visible = true end
-- `w` needs to be inserted in `wiboxes` before reattach or its own offset
-- will not be taken into account by the "older" wibars when `reattach` is
-- called. `skip_reattach` is required.
w:set_position(position, true)
table.insert(wiboxes, w)
-- Force all the wibars to be moved
w:connect_signal("property::visible", function() reattach(w) end)
return w
capi.screen.connect_signal("removed", function(s)
local wibars = {}
for _, wibar in ipairs(wiboxes) do
if wibar._screen == s then
table.insert(wibars, wibar)
for _, wibar in ipairs(wibars) do
function awfulwibar.mt:__call(...)
return awfulwibar.new(...)
return setmetatable(awfulwibar, awfulwibar.mt)
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