318 lines
8.5 KiB
318 lines
8.5 KiB
-- A boolean display widget.
-- If necessary, themes can implement custom shape:
-- @author Emmanuel Lepage Valle
-- @copyright 2010 Emmanuel Lepage Vallee
-- @widgetmod wibox.widget.checkbox
-- @supermodule wibox.widget.base
local color = require( "gears.color" )
local base = require( "wibox.widget.base" )
local beautiful = require( "beautiful" )
local shape = require( "gears.shape" )
local gtable = require( "gears.table" )
local checkbox = {}
--- The outer (unchecked area) border width.
-- @beautiful beautiful.checkbox_border_width
-- @param number
--- The outer (unchecked area) background color, pattern or gradient.
-- @beautiful beautiful.checkbox_bg
-- @param color
--- The outer (unchecked area) border color.
-- @beautiful beautiful.checkbox_border_color
-- @param color
--- The checked part border color.
-- @beautiful beautiful.checkbox_check_border_color
-- @param color
--- The checked part border width.
-- @beautiful beautiful.checkbox_check_border_width
-- @param number
--- The checked part filling color.
-- @beautiful beautiful.checkbox_check_color
-- @param number
--- The outer (unchecked area) shape.
-- @beautiful beautiful.checkbox_shape
-- @tparam gears.shape|function shape
-- @see gears.shape
--- The checked part shape.
-- If none is set, then the `shape` property will be used.
-- @beautiful beautiful.checkbox_check_shape
-- @tparam gears.shape|function shape
-- @see gears.shape
--- The padding between the outline and the progressbar.
-- @beautiful beautiful.checkbox_paddings
-- @tparam[opt=0] table|number paddings A number or a table
-- @tparam[opt=0] number paddings.top
-- @tparam[opt=0] number paddings.bottom
-- @tparam[opt=0] number paddings.left
-- @tparam[opt=0] number paddings.right
--- The checkbox color.
-- This will be used for the unchecked part border color and the checked part
-- filling color. Note that `check_color` and `border_color` have priority
-- over this property.
-- @beautiful beautiful.checkbox_color
-- @param color
--- The outer (unchecked area) border width.
-- @property border_width
-- @tparam number|nil border_width
-- @negativeallowed false
-- @propertyunit pixel
-- @propbeautiful
-- @propemits true false
--- The outer (unchecked area) background color, pattern or gradient.
-- @property bg
-- @tparam color|nil bg
-- @propbeautiful
-- @propemits true false
--- The outer (unchecked area) border color.
-- @property border_color
-- @tparam color|nil border_color
-- @propbeautiful
-- @propemits true false
--- The checked part border color.
-- @property check_border_color
-- @tparam color|nil check_border_color
-- @propbeautiful
-- @propemits true false
--- The checked part border width.
-- @property check_border_width
-- @tparam number|nil check_border_width
-- @propbeautiful
-- @negativeallowed false
-- @propertyunit pixel
-- @propemits true false
--- The checked part filling color.
-- @property check_color
-- @tparam color|nil check_color
-- @propbeautiful
-- @propemits true false
--- The outer (unchecked area) shape.
-- @property shape
-- @tparam shape|nil shape
-- @propbeautiful
-- @propemits true false
-- @see gears.shape
--- The checked part shape.
-- If none is set, then the `shape` property will be used.
-- @property check_shape
-- @tparam shape|nil check_shape
-- @propbeautiful
-- @propemits true false
-- @see gears.shape
--- The padding between the outline and the progressbar.
-- @property paddings
-- @tparam[opt=0] table|number|nil paddings A number or a table
-- @tparam[opt=0] number paddings.top
-- @tparam[opt=0] number paddings.bottom
-- @tparam[opt=0] number paddings.left
-- @tparam[opt=0] number paddings.right
-- @propertyunit pixel
-- @negativeallowed true
-- @propertytype number A single number for all sides.
-- @propertytype table A different value for each sides:
-- @propbeautiful
-- @propemits false false
--- The checkbox color.
-- This will be used for the unchecked part border color and the checked part
-- filling color. Note that `check_color` and `border_color` have priority
-- over this property.
-- @property color
-- @tparam color|nil color
-- @propbeautiful
-- @propemits true false
local function outline_workarea(self, width, height)
local offset = (self._private.border_width or
beautiful.checkbox_border_width or 1)/2
return {
x = offset,
y = offset,
width = width-2*offset,
height = height-2*offset
-- The child widget area
local function content_workarea(self, width, height)
local padding = self._private.paddings or {}
local offset = self:get_check_border_width() or 0
local wa = outline_workarea(self, width, height)
wa.x = offset + wa.x + (padding.left or 1)
wa.y = offset + wa.y + (padding.top or 1)
wa.width = wa.width - (padding.left or 1) - (padding.right or 1) - 2*offset
wa.height = wa.height - (padding.top or 1) - (padding.bottom or 1) - 2*offset
return wa
local function draw(self, _, cr, width, height)
local size = math.min(width, height)
local background_shape = self:get_shape() or shape.rectangle
local border_width = self:get_border_width() or 1
local main_color = self:get_color()
local bg = self:get_bg()
local border_color = self:get_border_color()
-- If no color is set, it will fallback to the default one
if border_color or main_color then
cr:set_source(color(border_color or main_color))
local wa = outline_workarea(self, size, size)
cr:translate(wa.x, wa.y)
background_shape(cr, wa.width, wa.height)
if bg then
cr:translate(-wa.x, -wa.y)
-- Draw the checked part
if self._private.checked then
local col = self:get_check_color() or main_color
border_color = self:get_check_border_color()
border_width = self:get_check_border_width() or 0
local check_shape = self:get_check_shape() or background_shape
wa = content_workarea(self, size, size)
cr:translate(wa.x, wa.y)
check_shape(cr, wa.width, wa.height)
if col then
if border_width > 0 then
local function fit(_, _, w, h)
local size = math.min(w, h)
return size, size
--- If the checkbox is checked.
-- @property checked
-- @tparam[opt=false] boolean checked
for _, prop in ipairs {"border_width", "bg", "border_color", "check_border_color",
"check_border_width", "check_color", "shape", "check_shape", "paddings",
"checked", "color" } do
checkbox["set_"..prop] = function(self, value)
self._private[prop] = value
self:emit_signal("property::"..prop, value)
checkbox["get_"..prop] = function(self)
return self._private[prop] or beautiful["checkbox_"..prop]
function checkbox:set_paddings(val)
self._private.paddings = type(val) == "number" and {
left = val,
right = val,
top = val,
bottom = val,
} or val or {}
--- Create a new checkbox.
-- @constructorfct wibox.widget.checkbox
-- @tparam[opt=false] boolean checked
-- @tparam[opt] table args
-- @tparam gears.color args.color The color.
local function new(checked, args)
checked, args = checked or false, args or {}
local ret = base.make_widget(nil, nil, {
enable_properties = true,
gtable.crush(ret, checkbox)
ret._private.checked = checked
ret._private.color = args.color and color(args.color) or nil
rawset(ret, "fit" , fit )
rawset(ret, "draw", draw)
return ret
return setmetatable({}, { __call = function(_, ...) return new(...) end})
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