--------------------------------------------------------- dependencies -- ; local grect = require("gears.geometry").rectangle local tabs = require("machina.tabs") local geoms = require("machina.geoms") local helpers = require("machina.helpers") local get_client_ix = helpers.get_client_ix local getlowest = helpers.getlowest local compare = helpers.compare local tablelength = helpers.tablelength local set_contains = helpers.set_contains local clear_tabbar = helpers.clear_tabbar ---------------------------------------------------------------- locals -- ; local global_client_table = {} local global_widget_table = {} function get_global_clients() return global_client_table end function update_global_clients(c) global_client_table[c.window] = c end ------------------------------------------------------------- go_edge() -- ; local function go_edge(direction, regions, current_box) test_box = true edge_pos = nil while test_box do test_box = grect.get_in_direction(direction, regions, current_box) if test_box then current_box = regions[test_box] edge_pos = test_box end end return edge_pos end --| --|figures out the beginning of each row on the layout. ----------------------------------------------------------- always_on() -- ; local function toggle_always_on() always_on = nil or client.focus.always_on client.focus.always_on = not always_on end --------------------------------------------------------- screen_info() -- ; local function screen_info(s) local s = s or awful.screen.focused() local focused_screen = s or nil local workarea = s.workarea or nil local selected_tag = s.selected_tag or nil local layout = awful.layout.get(s) or nil local focused_client = client.focus or nil return focused_screen, workarea, selected_tag, layout, focused_client end --------------------------------------------------------- get_regions() -- ; local function get_regions(s) local s = s or awful.screen.focused() local focused_screen, workarea, selected_tag, layout, focused_client = screen_info(s) local machi_fn = nil local machi_data = nil local machi_regions = nil if layout.machi_get_regions then machi_fn = layout.machi_get_regions machi_data = machi_fn(workarea, selected_tag) machi_regions = machi_data end --|version 1 if layout.machi_get_instance_data then machi_fn = layout.machi_get_instance_data machi_geom = layout.machi_set_geometry machi_data = {machi_fn(screen[focused_screen], selected_tag)} machi_regions = machi_data[3] for i=#machi_regions,1,-1 do if machi_regions[i].habitable == false then table.remove(machi_regions, i) end end --|remove unhabitable regions table.sort( machi_regions, function (a1, a2) return a1.id > a2.id end ) --|v2 returns unordered region list and needs sorting. end --|version 2/NG return machi_regions, machi_fn end ------------------------------------------------------- get_client_info -- ; local function get_client_info(c) local c = c or client.focus or nil local s = s or c.screen or nil local source_client = c local active_region = nil local outofboundary = nil local proximity = {} if not source_client then return {} end --|flow control if source_client.x < 0 or source_client.y < 0 then outofboundary = true end --| negative coordinates always mean out of boundary local regions = get_regions(s) --|get regions on the screen if not regions then return {} end --|flow control for i, a in ipairs(regions) do local px = a.x - source_client.x local py = a.y - source_client.y if px == 0 then px = 1 end if py == 0 then py = 1 end proximity[i] = { index = i, v = math.abs(px * py) } --│keep track of proximity in case nothing matches in --│this block. end --│figures out focused client's region under normal --│circumstances. if not active_region then table.sort(proximity, compare) --| sort to get the smallest area active_region = proximity[1].index --| first item should be the right choice if source_client.floating then if regions[active_region].width - source_client.width ~= 0 or regions[active_region].height - source_client.height ~= 0 then outofboundary = true end end --|when client is not the same size as the located --|region, we should still consider this as out of --|boundary end --|user is probably executing get_active_regions on a --|floating window. if not active_region then active_region = 1 end --|at this point, we are out of options, set the index --|to one and hope for the best. -- refactor if active_region and source_client.width > regions[active_region].width then outofboundary = true end --|machi sometimes could auto expand the client, consider --|that as out of boundary. if active_region and source_client.height > regions[active_region].height then outofboundary = true end --|machi sometimes could auto expand the client, consider --|that as out of boundary. -- refactor active_region_geom = { width=regions[active_region].width-regions[active_region].width/2, height=regions[active_region].height-regions[active_region].height/2 } return { active_region = active_region, active_region_geom = active_region_geom, regions = regions, outofboundary = outofboundary } end ------------------------------------------------------------- move_to() -- ; local function move_to(location) return function() local useless_gap = nil local regions = get_regions() local edges = {x={},y={}} local is = { region=get_client_info(client.focus).active_region } for i,region in ipairs(regions) do edges.x[region.x] = region.x + region.width edges.y[region.y] = region.y + region.height end useless_gap = getlowest(edges.x) client.focus:geometry(geoms[location](useless_gap)) if not client.focus.floating then local tobe = { region=get_client_info(client.focus).active_region } draw_tabbar(tobe.region) draw_tabbar(is.region) client.focus.region = tobe.region end --| redraw tabs and update meta return end end ----------------------------------------- focus_by_direction(direction) -- ; local function focus_by_direction(direction) return function() if not client.focus then return false end awful.client.focus.global_bydirection(direction, nil,true) client.focus:raise() end end ----------------------------------------------- get_clients_in_region() -- ; local function get_clients_in_region(region_ix, c, s) local s = s or c.screen or awful.screen.focused() local c = c or client.focus or nil local source_client = c or client.focus or nil local source_screen = s or (source_client and source_client.screen) local active_region = region_ix or nil local regions = get_regions(s) local region_clients = {} if not active_region then for i, a in ipairs(regions) do if a.x <= source_client.x and source_client.x < a.x + a.width and a.y <= source_client.y and source_client.y < a.y + a.height then active_region = i end end end --|if no region index was provided, find the --|region of the focused_client. if not active_region then return end if #region_clients == 0 then for i, w in ipairs(s.clients) do if not (w.floating) then if math.abs(regions[active_region].x - w.x) <= 5 and math.abs(regions[active_region].y - w.y) <= 5 then region_clients[#region_clients + 1] = w w.region = region_ix --|this basically will fix any inconsistency --|along the way. end end end --|try to get clients based on simple coordinates end if #region_clients == 0 then for i, cc in pairs(s.clients) do if cc.region == active_region and regions[active_region].x == cc.x and regions[active_region].y == cc.y then region_clients[#region_clients + 1] = cc end end end --| this logic compares c.region to global client index. --| if we somehow fail to update c.region somewhere --| shuffle shortcuts won't work with this one. if #region_clients == 0 then for _, cc in ipairs(s.clients) do if not (cc.floating) then if regions[active_region].x <= cc.x + cc.width + cc.border_width * 2 and cc.x <= (regions[active_region].x + regions[active_region].width) and regions[active_region].y <= (cc.y + cc.height + cc.border_width * 2) and cc.y <= (regions[active_region].y + regions[active_region].height) then region_clients[#region_clients + 1] = cc end end end end --|this logic works with coordinates more throughly but --|it also causes issues with overflowing --|(expanded) clients. return region_clients end --|try to get clients in a region using three different --|algorithms. ----------------------------------------------------- expand_horizontal -- ; local function expand_horizontal(direction) return function () local c = client.focus local geom = nil if c.maximized_horizontal then c.maximized_horizontal = false end --|reset toggle maximized state if c.direction == direction then c.direction = nil c.maximized_horizontal = false c.maximized_vertical = false if not c.floating then draw_tabbar(c.region) resize_region_to_client(c, true) end return end --|reset toggle when sending same shortcut --|consequitively local stuff = get_client_info() local target = grect.get_in_direction(direction, stuff.regions, client.focus:geometry()) if not target and direction ~= "center" then return end -- flow control --▨▨▨ if direction == "right" then tobe = { x=c.x, width=math.abs(stuff.regions[target].x + stuff.regions[target].width - c.x - 4), height=c.height, y=c.y } c.direction = direction c.maximized_horizontal = true c.maximixed_vertical = false gears.timer.delayed_call(function (c) c:geometry(tobe) draw_tabbar(c.region) resize_region_to_client(c, {horizontal=true,vertical=false,direction=direction}) -- clear_tabbar(c) end,c) return end --▨▨▨ if direction == "left" then tobe = { x=stuff.regions[target].x, width=c.x + c.width - stuff.regions[target].x, height=c.height, y=c.y } c.direction = direction c.maximized_horizontal = true c.maximixed_vertical = false gears.timer.delayed_call(function (c) client.focus:geometry(tobe) draw_tabbar(c.region) clear_tabbar(c) resize_region_to_client(c, {horizontal=true,vertical=false,direction=direction}) end,c) return end --▨▨▨ if direction == "center" then c.maximized = false c.maximixed_vertical = false fixedchoice = geoms.clients[c.class] or nil if c.floating then c.maximized_horizontal = false geom = geoms.crt43() end if not c.floating then c.direction = "center" c.maximized_horizontal = true geom = geoms.p1080() end if fixedchoice then c.direction = "center" c.maximized_horizontal = true geom = fixedchoice() end c:geometry(geom) awful.placement.centered(c) gears.timer.delayed_call(function (c) c:raise() client.emit_signal("tabbar_draw", c.region) clear_tabbar(c) end,c) --|give it time in case maximize_horizontal is --|adjusted before centering return end end end --|c.direction is used to create a fake toggling effect. --|tiled clients require an internal maximized property to --|be set, otherwise they won't budge. ----------------------------------------------------- expand_vertical() -- ; local function expand_vertical() local c = client.focus local going = "down" if c.maximized_vertical then c.maximized_vertical = false return end --|reset toggle maximized state local stuff = get_client_info() local target = grect.get_in_direction("down", stuff.regions, client.focus:geometry()) if target and stuff.regions[target].x ~= c.x then return end --|flow control --|ensure we are operating in the same X axis, --|vertical directions jump around if not target then going = "up" target = grect.get_in_direction("up", stuff.regions, client.focus:geometry()) end --|flow control --|try reverse direction if not target then return end --|flow control if going == "down" then tobe = { y=c.y, x=c.x, width=c.width, height=stuff.regions[target].y + stuff.regions[target].height - c.y } end if going == "up" then tobe = { x=c.x, width=c.width, y=stuff.regions[target].y, height= c.height + c.y - stuff.regions[target].y } end c.maximized_vertical = true gears.timer.delayed_call(function () client.focus:geometry(tobe) client.focus:raise() end) return end ------------------------------------------------------------- shuffle() -- ; local function shuffle(direction) return function() local tablist = get_tiled_clients() --|this is the ordered list if not #tablist then return end --▨ flow control if not client.focus then return end --▨ flow control focused_client_ix = get_client_ix(client.focus.window, tablist) --|find the index position of the focused client if not focused_client_ix then return end --▨ flow control prev_ix = focused_client_ix - 1 next_ix = focused_client_ix + 1 --|calculate target indexes if next_ix > #tablist then next_ix = 1 end if prev_ix < 1 then prev_ix = #tablist end --|check for validity of the index if direction == "backward" then tablist[prev_ix]:emit_signal("request::activate", "mouse_enter",{raise = true}) return end if direction == "forward" then tablist[next_ix]:emit_signal("request::activate", "mouse_enter",{raise = true}) return end end end ---------------------------------------------------------- get_swapee() -- ; local function get_swapee(target_region_ix) local regions = get_regions() --| all regions local cltbl = awful.client.visible(client.focus.screen, true) --| all visible clients on all regions --| but we don't know which regions they are at local swap_map = {} for a,region in ipairs(regions) do for i,c in ipairs(cltbl) do if c.x == region.x and c.y == region.y then swap_map[a] = i break --|avoid stacked regions end end end --|iterate over regions, and match the client objects in --|each region. local swapee = cltbl[swap_map[target_region_ix]] return swapee end --[[ returns the client object at a specific region. we can also use signals to keep track of this but we are trying to avoid exessive use of signals. --]] ---------------------------------------------------------- my_shifter() -- ; local function reset_client_meta(c) c.maximized = false c.maximized_horizontal = false c.maximized_vertical = false c.direction = nil return c end local function my_shifter(direction, swap) return function() if direction == "left" then direction = "backward" end if direction == "right" then direction = "forward" end local c = client.focus local stuff = get_client_info() local client_region_ix = stuff.active_region local source_region local target_region_ix local target_region c = reset_client_meta(c) --|clean artifacts in case client was expanded. if direction == "backward" then if (client_region_ix + 1) > #stuff.regions then target_region_ix = 1 else target_region_ix = client_region_ix+1 end end --|go next region by index, --|if not reset to first if direction == "forward" then if (client_region_ix - 1) < 1 then target_region_ix = #stuff.regions else target_region_ix = client_region_ix - 1 end end --|go previous region by index, --|if not reset to last if stuff.outofboundary then target_region_ix = client_region_ix end --|ignore previous when out of boundary --|probably floating or expanded client --|push inside the boundary instead source_region = stuff.regions[client_region_ix] target_region = stuff.regions[target_region_ix] --|target regions geometry local swapee = get_swapee(target_region_ix) --|visible client at the target region c:geometry(target_region) --|relocate client c.region = target_region_ix --|update client property if not swap then c:raise() end --|raise if swap and swapee then swapee:geometry(source_region) swapee:emit_signal("request::activate", "mouse_enter",{raise = true}) end --|perform swap draw_tabbar(target_region_ix) resize_region_to_index(target_region_ix, target_region, true) --|update tabs in target region draw_tabbar(client_region_ix) resize_region_to_index(client_region_ix, source_region, true) --|update tabs in source region end end ---------------------------------------------------- shift_by_direction -- ; local function shift_by_direction(direction, swap) return function () local c = client.focus local stuff = get_client_info() local target_region_ix = nil local client_region_ix = stuff.active_region if stuff.outofboundary == true then return my_shifter(direction)() end --|my_shifter handles this situation better. local candidate = { up = grect.get_in_direction("up", stuff.regions, client.focus:geometry()), down = grect.get_in_direction("down", stuff.regions, client.focus:geometry()), left = grect.get_in_direction("left", stuff.regions, client.focus:geometry()), right = grect.get_in_direction("right", stuff.regions, client.focus:geometry()) } target_region_ix = candidate[direction] --|try to get a candidate region if possible if not target_region_ix then if direction == "right" then try = "left" end if direction == "left" then try = "right" end if direction == "down" then try = "up" end if direction == "up" then try = "down" end target_region_ix = go_edge(try, stuff.regions, client.focus:geometry()) end --|go the beginning or the end if there is no --|candidate source_region = stuff.regions[client_region_ix] target_region = stuff.regions[target_region_ix] local swapee = get_swapee(target_region_ix) --|visible client at the target region c:geometry(target_region) --|relocate client c.region = target_region_ix --|update client property if not swap then c:raise() end --|raise if swap and swapee then swapee:geometry(source_region) swapee:emit_signal("request::activate", "mouse_enter",{raise = true}) swapee.region = client_region_ix end --|perform swap, update meta draw_tabbar(target_region_ix) resize_region_to_index(target_region_ix, target_region, true) --|update tabs in target region draw_tabbar(client_region_ix) resize_region_to_index(client_region_ix, source_region, true) --|update tabs in source region end end ----------------------------------------------------- get_tiled_clients -- ; function get_tiled_clients(region_ix, s) local s = s or client.focus.screen or awful.screen.focused() local tablist = get_clients_in_region(region_ix, c, s) local all_clients = get_global_clients() local tiled_clients = {} local myorder = {} local window_ix = {} for i,t in ipairs(tablist) do window_ix[t.window] = true end local po = 1 for i,c in pairs(all_clients) do if not c.floating and window_ix[c.window] then tiled_clients[po] = c po = po + 1 end end return tiled_clients end --[23] -------------------------------------------------------- draw_tabbar() -- ; function draw_tabbar(region_ix, s) local s = s or awful.screen.focused() local flexlist = tabs.layout() local tablist = get_tiled_clients(region_ix, s) if tablelength(tablist) == 0 then return end --|this should only fire on an empty region if tablelength(tablist) == 1 then clear_tabbar(tablist[1]) return end --|reset tabbar titlebar when only --|one client is in the region. for cl_ix, cl in ipairs(tablist) do local flexlist = tabs.layout() global_widget_table[cl.window] = {} for cc_ix, cc in ipairs(tablist) do local buttons = gears.table.join(awful.button({}, 1, function() end)) -- wid_temp global_widget_table[cl.window][cc_ix] = tabs.create(cc, (cc == cl), buttons, cl_ix) flexlist:add(global_widget_table[cl.window][cc_ix]) flexlist.max_widget_size = 120 end local titlebar = awful.titlebar(cl, { bg = tabs.bg_normal, size = tabs.size, position = tabs.position, }) titlebar:setup{layout = wibox.layout.flex.horizontal, flexlist} awful.titlebar(cl, {size=8, position = "top"}) awful.titlebar(cl, {size=0, position = "left"}) awful.titlebar(cl, {size=0, position = "right"}) end end ------------------------------------------------------ resize_region_to -- ; -- todo: can merge these later, this will have side effects -- when using multipler monitors. function resize_region_to_client(c, reset) if c.floating then return end --|we don't wan't interference local c = c or client.focus local tablist = get_tiled_clients(c.region) for i, w in ipairs(tablist) do if reset == true then reset_client_meta(w) else w.maximized_horizontal = reset.horizontal w.maximized_vertical = reset.vertical w.direction = reset.direction end w:geometry(c:geometry()) end end function resize_region_to_index(region_ix, geom, reset) local tablist = get_tiled_clients(region_ix) for c_ix, c in ipairs(tablist) do if reset == true then reset_client_meta(c) else c.maximized_horizontal = reset.horizontal c.maximized_vertical = reset.vertical c.direction = reset.direction end c:geometry(geom) end end ----------------------------------------------------- teleport_client() -- ; local function teleport_client(c,s) local c = c or client.focus local s = s or c.screen or awful.screen.focused() if not c then return true end --|flow control local is = { region=c.region or get_client_info(c).active_region, geom=c:geometry(), screen=c.screen } --|parameters before teleport if not c.floating then c:geometry({width=300, height=300}) end --|to avoid machi's auto expansion (lu,rd) of tiled --|clients, resize them temporarily. they will be auto --|expanded to the region anyway. c:move_to_screen() --|teleport gears.timer.delayed_call(function (c) local tobe = { region=get_client_info(c).active_region, } c.region = tobe.region draw_tabbar(c.region, c.screen) draw_tabbar(is.region, is.screen) c:emit_signal("request::activate", "mouse_enter",{raise = true}) end,c) end ------------------------------------------------------ signal helpers -- ; local function manage_signal(c) local ci = get_client_info(c) --|client info global_client_table[c.window] = c --|add window.id to client index if ci.active_region and not c.floating then gears.timer.delayed_call(function(region, screen, p) p.region = region draw_tabbar(region, screen) c:geometry(ci.active_region_geom) end, ci.active_region, c.screen, c) end --|in case new client appears tiled --|we must update the regions tabbars. end --[6] ----------------------------------------------------; local function unmanage_signal(c) if c then global_client_table[c.window] = nil --|remove window.id from client index global_widget_table[c.window] = nil --|remove window.id from widget index if not c.floating then local ci = get_client_info(c) if ci.active_region then draw_tabbar(ci.active_region, c.screen) end end end end --[7] ----------------------------------------------------; local function selected_tag_signal(t) gears.timer.delayed_call(function(t) local regions = get_regions(t.screen) if regions and #regions then for i, region in ipairs(regions) do draw_tabbar(i, t.screen) end end end,t) end --[8] ----------------------------------------------------; local function floating_signal(c) if c.floating then if c.region then gears.timer.delayed_call(function(active_region) clear_tabbar(c) draw_tabbar(c.region) c.region = nil end, active_region) end end --|window became floating if not c.floating then local ci = get_client_info(c) if ci.active_region then c.region = ci.active_region gears.timer.delayed_call(function(active_region) draw_tabbar(active_region) end, ci.active_region) end end --|window became tiled end --[9] ----------------------------------------------------; local function focus_signal(c) if global_widget_table[c.window] then for i, p in pairs(global_widget_table[c.window]) do if p.focused then local widget = global_widget_table[c.window][i]:get_children_by_id(c.window)[1] widget.bg = "#43417a" end end end end ----------------------------------------------------; local function unfocus_signal(c) if global_widget_table[c.window] then for i, p in pairs(global_widget_table[c.window]) do if p.focused then p.bg = "#292929" break end end end end ----------------------------------------------------; local function minimized_signal(c) if c.minimized then unmanage_signal(c) end if not c.minimized then manage_signal(c) end end --[[ manage minimized and not minimized ]] ----------------------------------------------------; local function name_signal(c) if widget_ix[c.window] then for i, p in pairs(widget_ix[c.window]) do if p.focused then widget = widget_ix[c.window][i]:get_children_by_id(c.window)[1] widget.widget.markup = c.name end end end end -- todo: need to update the other clients in the region here as well -- this may not even be worth it as the client names kind of pollute the -- tabs a lot making it harder to distinguish what is what. -- client.connect_signal("property::name", name_signal) --------------------------------------------------------------- signals -- ; client.connect_signal("focus", focus_signal) client.connect_signal("unfocus", unfocus_signal) client.connect_signal("property::minimized", minimized_signal) client.connect_signal("property::floating", floating_signal) client.connect_signal("tabbar_draw", draw_tabbar) client.connect_signal("unmanage", unmanage_signal) client.connect_signal("manage", manage_signal) tag.connect_signal("property::selected", selected_tag_signal) --------------------------------------------------------------- exports -- ; module = { focus_by_direction = focus_by_direction, get_active_regions = get_client_info, shift_by_direction = shift_by_direction, expand_horizontal = expand_horizontal, shuffle = shuffle, old_shuffle = old_shuffle, my_shifter = my_shifter, expand_vertical = expand_vertical, move_to = move_to, get_regions = get_regions, toggle_always_on = toggle_always_on, draw_tabbar = draw_tabbar, get_global_clients = get_global_clients, update_global_clients = update_global_clients, get_client_info = get_client_info, teleport_client = teleport_client, } return module --[[ ------------------------------------------------- NOTES ] [4] machi's own region expansion has issues on awesome-reload. if we were to expand a region, and then do reload, machi-layout would insist to keep the expanded layout in its own accord. [5] to avoid this, we temporarily set the non floating clients region geometry. [4] when the clients become float, we restore this geometry. Do note, there is something awkward here, it appears no matter what all clients start as float then get tiled, so there is a flaw in this logic. [9] when windows switch between float and tiled we must perform necessary maintenance on the destination and source regions. a delayed call was necessary when clients become tiled to give awm enough time to draw the widgets properly. (*)this floating signal acts weird during configuration reloads. [8] property::selected gets called the last, by the time we are here, we already have the global_client_list to draw tabbars. This may appear redundant here, but it's good to have this fire up in case the user switches tags. [7] when removing a tiled client we must update the tabbars of others. floating clients do not require any cleanup. [6] global_client_table is the milestone the tabbars rely on. whenever a new client appears we must add to it, and when a client is killed we must make sure it is removed. [23] global_client_index stores the ordered list of all clients available and it is used as a blueprint to keep the order of our tablist intact, without this, tabbars would go out of order when user focuses via shortcuts (run_or_raise). --]]