You can think about a scratchpad as a window whose visibility can be toggled, but still runs in the background without being visible (or minimized) most of the time. Many people use it to have one terminal in which to perform minor tasks, but it is the most useful for windows which only need a couple seconds in between your actual activity, such as music players or chat applications.
#### Awestore is now deprecated from Bling, we are switching to Rubato.
Please go over to the [rubato]( repository for installation instructions. Give it a star as well! The animations are completely optional, and if you choose not to use it, you do not need rubato installed.
dont_focus_before_close = false, -- When set to true, the scratchpad will be closed by the toggle function regardless of whether its focused or not. When set to false, the toggle function will first bring the scratchpad into focus and only close it on a second call
rubato = {x = anim_x, y = anim_y} -- Optional. This is how you can pass in the rubato tables for animations. If you don't want animations, you can ignore this option.