Merge pull request #33 from Nooo37/tag-preview-feature
Add tag preview widget
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,5 +12,8 @@
- Signals
- [Playerctl](signals/
- Widgets
- [Tag Preview](widgets/
- Extra
- [Theme Variable Template](
@ -51,4 +51,15 @@ theme.mstab_tabbar_style = "default" -- style of the tabbar ("default", "
theme.tabbar_color_close = "#f9929b" -- chnges the color of the close button
theme.tabbar_color_min = "#fbdf90" -- chnges the color of the minimize button
theme.tabbar_color_float = "#ccaced" -- chnges the color of the float button
-- tag preview widget
theme.tag_preview_widget_border_radius = 0 -- Border radius of the widget (With AA)
theme.tag_preview_client_border_radius = 0 -- Border radius of each client in the widget (With AA)
theme.tag_preview_client_opacity = 0.5 -- Opacity of each client
theme.tag_preview_client_bg = "#000000" -- The bg color of each client
theme.tag_preview_client_border_color = "#ffffff" -- The border color of each client
theme.tag_preview_client_border_width = 3 -- The border width of each client
theme.tag_preview_widget_bg = "#000000" -- The bg color of the widget
theme.tag_preview_widget_border_color = "#ffffff" -- The border color of the widget
theme.tag_preview_widget_border_width = 3 -- The border width of the widget
@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
## 🔍 Tag Preview <!-- {docsify-ignore} -->
This is a popup widget that will show a preview of a specified tag that illustrates the position, size, content, and icon of all clients.
*gif by [javacafe](*
### Usage
To enable:
bling.widget.tag_preview.enable {
show_client_content = false, -- Whether or not to show the client content
x = 10, -- The x-coord of the popup
y = 10, -- The y-coord of the popup
scale = 0.25 -- The scale of the previews compared to the screen
Here are the signals available:
-- bling::tag_preview::update -- first line is the signal
-- t (tag) -- indented lines are function parameters
-- bling::tag_preview::visibility
-- s (screen)
-- v (boolean)
By default, the widget is not visible. You must implement when it will update and when it will show.
### Example Implementation
We can trigger the widget to show the specific tag when hovering over it in the taglist. The code shown below is the example taglist from the [AwesomeWM docs]( Basically, we are going to update the widget and toggle it through the taglist's `create_callback`. (The bling addons are commented)
s.mytaglist = awful.widget.taglist {
screen = s,
filter = awful.widget.taglist.filter.all,
style = {
shape = gears.shape.powerline
layout = {
spacing = -12,
spacing_widget = {
color = '#dddddd',
shape = gears.shape.powerline,
widget = wibox.widget.separator,
layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal
widget_template = {
id = 'index_role',
widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
margins = 4,
widget = wibox.container.margin,
bg = '#dddddd',
shape =,
widget = wibox.container.background,
id = 'icon_role',
widget = wibox.widget.imagebox,
margins = 2,
widget = wibox.container.margin,
id = 'text_role',
widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
left = 18,
right = 18,
widget = wibox.container.margin
id = 'background_role',
widget = wibox.container.background,
-- Add support for hover colors and an index label
create_callback = function(self, c3, index, objects) --luacheck: no unused args
self:get_children_by_id('index_role')[1].markup = '<b> '..index..' </b>'
self:connect_signal('mouse::enter', function()
-- BLING: Only show widget when there are clients in the tag
if #c3:clients() > 0 then
-- BLING: Update the widget with the new tag
awesome.emit_signal("bling::tag_preview::update", c3)
-- BLING: Show the widget
awesome.emit_signal("bling::tag_preview::visibility", mouse.screen, true)
if ~= '#ff0000' then
self.backup =
self.has_backup = true
|||| = '#ff0000'
self:connect_signal('mouse::leave', function()
-- BLING: Turn the widget off
awesome.emit_signal("bling::tag_preview::visibility", mouse.screen, false)
if self.has_backup then = self.backup end
update_callback = function(self, c3, index, objects) --luacheck: no unused args
self:get_children_by_id('index_role')[1].markup = '<b> '..index..' </b>'
buttons = taglist_buttons
### Theme Variables
theme.tag_preview_widget_border_radius = 0 -- Border radius of the widget (With AA)
theme.tag_preview_client_border_radius = 0 -- Border radius of each client in the widget (With AA)
theme.tag_preview_client_opacity = 0.5 -- Opacity of each client
theme.tag_preview_client_bg = "#000000" -- The bg color of each client
theme.tag_preview_client_border_color = "#ffffff" -- The border color of each client
theme.tag_preview_client_border_width = 3 -- The border width of each client
theme.tag_preview_widget_bg = "#000000" -- The bg color of the widget
theme.tag_preview_widget_border_color = "#ffffff" -- The border color of the widget
theme.tag_preview_widget_border_width = 3 -- The border width of the widget
NOTE: I recommend to only use the widget border radius theme variable when not using shadows with a compositor, as anti-aliased rounding with the outer widgets made with AwesomeWM rely on the actual bg being transparent. If you want rounding with shadows on the widget, use a compositor like [jonaburg's fork](
@ -5,5 +5,6 @@
layout = require(... .. ".layout"),
module = require(... .. ".module"),
helpers = require(... .. ".helpers"),
signal = require(... .. ".signal")
signal = require(... .. ".signal"),
widget = require(... .. ".widget")
@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ This file has all theme variables of the bling module.
Every variable has a small comment on what it does.
You might just want to copy that whole part into your theme.lua and start adjusting from there.
--]] -- LuaFormatter off
-- window swallowing
theme.dont_swallow_classname_list = {"firefox", "Gimp"} -- list of class names that should not be swallowed
@ -53,3 +52,14 @@ theme.tabbar_color_close = "#f9929b" -- chnges the color of the close but
theme.tabbar_color_min = "#fbdf90" -- chnges the color of the minimize button
theme.tabbar_color_float = "#ccaced" -- chnges the color of the float button
-- tag preview widget
theme.tag_preview_widget_border_radius = 0 -- Border radius of the widget (With AA)
theme.tag_preview_client_border_radius = 0 -- Border radius of each client in the widget (With AA)
theme.tag_preview_client_opacity = 0.5 -- Opacity of each client
theme.tag_preview_client_bg = "#000000" -- The bg color of each client
theme.tag_preview_client_border_color = "#ffffff" -- The border color of each client
theme.tag_preview_client_border_width = 3 -- The border width of each client
theme.tag_preview_widget_bg = "#000000" -- The bg color of the widget
theme.tag_preview_widget_border_color = "#ffffff" -- The border color of the widget
theme.tag_preview_widget_border_width = 3 -- The border width of the widget
-- LuaFormatter on
@ -0,0 +1 @@
return {tag_preview = require(... .. ".tag_preview")}
@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
-- bling::tag_preview::update -- first line is the signal
-- t (tag) -- indented lines are function parameters
-- bling::tag_preview::visibility
-- s (screen)
-- v (boolean)
local awful = require("awful")
local wibox = require("wibox")
local helpers = require(tostring(...):match(".*bling") .. ".helpers")
local gears = require("gears")
local beautiful = require("beautiful")
local dpi = beautiful.xresources.apply_dpi
local cairo = require("lgi").cairo
local function draw_widget(tag_preview_box, t, tag_preview_image, scale,
prev_screen_width, prev_screen_height, screen_radius,
client_radius, client_opacity, client_bg,
client_border_color, client_border_width, widget_bg,
widget_border_color, widget_border_width)
local client_list = wibox.layout.manual()
client_list.forced_height = prev_screen_height
client_list.forced_width = prev_screen_width
for i, c in ipairs(t:clients()) do
local img_box = wibox.widget {
image = gears.surface.load(c.icon),
resize = true,
forced_height = 100 * scale,
forced_width = 100 * scale,
widget = wibox.widget.imagebox
if tag_preview_image then
if c.prev_content or t.selected then
local content
if t.selected then
content = gears.surface(c.content)
content = gears.surface(c.prev_content)
local cr = cairo.Context(content)
local x, y, w, h = cr:clip_extents()
local img = cairo.ImageSurface.create(cairo.Format.ARGB32,
w - x, h - y)
cr = cairo.Context(img)
cr:set_source_surface(content, 0, 0)
cr.operator = cairo.Operator.SOURCE
img_box = wibox.widget {
image = gears.surface.load(img),
resize = true,
opacity = client_opacity,
forced_height = math.floor(c.height * scale),
forced_width = math.floor(c.width * scale),
widget = wibox.widget.imagebox
local client_box = wibox.widget {
expand = "outside",
layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal
expand = "outside",
widget = wibox.layout.align.vertical
forced_height = math.floor(c.height * scale),
forced_width = math.floor(c.width * scale),
bg = client_bg,
border_color = client_border_color,
border_width = client_border_width,
shape = helpers.shape.rrect(client_radius),
widget = wibox.container.background
client_box.point = {
x = math.floor(c.x * scale),
y = math.floor(c.y * scale)
forced_height = prev_screen_height,
forced_width = prev_screen_width,
bg = widget_bg,
widget = wibox.container.background
layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal
layout = wibox.layout.align.vertical
bg = widget_bg,
border_width = widget_border_width,
border_color = widget_border_color,
shape = helpers.shape.rrect(screen_radius),
widget = wibox.container.background
local enable = function(opts)
local tag_preview_image = false
local widget_x = dpi(20)
local widget_y = dpi(20)
local screen_radius = beautiful.tag_preview_widget_border_radius or dpi(0)
local client_radius = beautiful.tag_preview_client_border_radius or dpi(0)
local client_opacity = beautiful.tag_preview_client_opacity or 0.5
local client_bg = beautiful.tag_preview_client_bg or "#000000"
local client_border_color = beautiful.tag_preview_client_border_color or
local client_border_width = beautiful.tag_preview_client_border_width or
local widget_bg = beautiful.tag_preview_widget_bg or "#000000"
local widget_border_color = beautiful.tag_preview_widget_border_color or
local widget_border_width = beautiful.tag_preview_widget_border_width or
local scale = 0.2
if opts then
tag_preview_image = opts.show_client_content or tag_preview_image
widget_x = opts.x or widget_x
widget_y = opts.y or widget_y
scale = opts.scale or scale
local prev_screen_width = math.floor(
awful.screen.focused().geometry.width * scale)
local prev_screen_height = math.floor(
awful.screen.focused().geometry.height *
local tag_preview_box = wibox({
visible = false,
ontop = true,
width = prev_screen_width,
height = prev_screen_height,
input_passthrough = true,
bg = "#00000000",
x = widget_x,
y = widget_y
tag.connect_signal("property::selected", function(t)
for _, c in ipairs(t:clients()) do
c.prev_content = gears.surface.duplicate_surface(c.content)
awesome.connect_signal("bling::tag_preview::update", function(t)
draw_widget(tag_preview_box, t, tag_preview_image, scale,
prev_screen_width, prev_screen_height, screen_radius,
client_radius, client_opacity, client_bg,
client_border_color, client_border_width, widget_bg,
widget_border_color, widget_border_width)
awesome.connect_signal("bling::tag_preview::visibility", function(s, v)
tag_preview_box.screen = s
tag_preview_box.visible = v
return {enable = enable}
Reference in New Issue