diff --git a/widget/app_launcher/init.lua b/widget/app_launcher/init.lua
index 3d1e0bc..3efbb8c 100644
--- a/widget/app_launcher/init.lua
+++ b/widget/app_launcher/init.lua
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ local gtimer = require("gears.timer")
local wibox = require("wibox")
local beautiful = require("beautiful")
local text_input_widget = require(... .. ".text_input")
+local rofi_grid_widget = require(... .. ".rofi_grid")
local dpi = beautiful.xresources.apply_dpi
local string = string
local table = table
@@ -37,225 +38,221 @@ local function has_value(tab, val)
return false
-local function scroll(self, dir, page_dir)
- local grid = self:get_grid()
- if #grid.children < 1 then
- self._private.selected_app_widget = nil
- return
- end
- local next_app_index = nil
- local grid_orientation = grid:get_orientation()
- if dir == "up" then
- if grid_orientation == "horizontal" then
- next_app_index = grid:index(self:get_selected_app_widget()) - 1
- elseif grid_orientation == "vertical" then
- next_app_index = grid:index(self:get_selected_app_widget()) - grid.forced_num_cols
- end
- elseif dir == "down" then
- if grid_orientation == "horizontal" then
- next_app_index = grid:index(self:get_selected_app_widget()) + 1
- elseif grid_orientation == "vertical" then
- next_app_index = grid:index(self:get_selected_app_widget()) + grid.forced_num_cols
- end
- elseif dir == "left" then
- if grid_orientation == "horizontal" then
- next_app_index = grid:index(self:get_selected_app_widget()) - grid.forced_num_rows
- elseif grid_orientation == "vertical" then
- next_app_index = grid:index(self:get_selected_app_widget()) - 1
- end
- elseif dir == "right" then
- if grid_orientation == "horizontal" then
- next_app_index = grid:index(self:get_selected_app_widget()) + grid.forced_num_rows
- elseif grid_orientation == "vertical" then
- next_app_index = grid:index(self:get_selected_app_widget()) + 1
- end
- end
- local next_app = grid.children[next_app_index]
- if next_app then
- next_app:select()
- self:emit_signal("scroll", dir)
- else
- if dir == "up" or dir == "left" then
- self:page_backward(page_dir or dir)
- elseif dir == "down" or dir == "right" then
- self:page_forward(page_dir or dir)
- end
- end
-local function app_widget(self, app)
- if self._private.apps_widgets_cache[app.name] then
- return self._private.apps_widgets_cache[app.name]
- end
- local widget = nil
- if self.app_template == nil then
- widget = wibox.widget
+local function build_widget(self)
+ local widget_template = self.widget_template
+ if widget_template == nil then
+ widget_template = wibox.widget
- widget = wibox.container.background,
- forced_width = dpi(300),
- forced_height = dpi(120),
- bg = self.app_normal_color,
- {
- widget = wibox.container.margin,
- margins = dpi(10),
+ layout = rofi_grid_widget,
+ lazy_load_widgets = false,
+ widget_template = wibox.widget {
+ layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical,
+ forced_width = dpi(1000),
+ forced_height = dpi(1000),
+ spacing = dpi(15),
- layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical,
+ widget = text_input_widget,
+ id = "text_input_role",
+ reset_on_stop = self.reset_on_hide,
+ placeholder = self.text_input_placeholder,
+ unfocus_keys = { },
+ unfocus_on_clicked_inside = false,
+ unfocus_on_clicked_outside = false,
+ unfocus_on_mouse_leave = false,
+ unfocus_on_tag_change = false,
+ unfocus_on_other_text_input_focus = false,
+ focus_on_subject_mouse_enter = nil,
+ unfocus_on_subject_mouse_leave = nil,
+ widget_template = wibox.widget {
+ widget = wibox.container.background,
+ forced_height = dpi(120),
+ bg = self.text_input_bg_color,
+ {
+ widget = wibox.container.margin,
+ margins = dpi(30),
+ {
+ widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
+ text_color = self.text_input_color,
+ id = "text_role"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
spacing = dpi(10),
- widget = wibox.container.place,
- halign = "center",
- valign = "center",
- {
- widget = wibox.widget.imagebox,
- id = "icon_role",
- forced_width = dpi(70),
- forced_height = dpi(70),
- image = app.icon
- },
+ layout = wibox.layout.grid,
+ id = "grid_role",
+ orientation = "horizontal",
+ homogeneous = true,
+ spacing = dpi(30),
+ forced_num_cols = self.apps_per_column,
+ forced_num_rows = self.apps_per_row,
- widget = wibox.container.place,
- halign = "center",
- valign = "center",
+ layout = wibox.container.rotate,
+ direction = 'west',
- widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
- id = "name_role",
- markup = string.format("%s", self.app_name_normal_color, app.name)
+ widget = wibox.widget.slider,
+ id = "scrollbar_role",
+ forced_width = dpi(5),
+ minimum = 1,
+ value = 1,
+ -- bar_shape = helpers.ui.rrect(),
+ bar_height= 3,
+ bar_color = beautiful.colors.transparent,
+ bar_active_color = beautiful.colors.transparent,
+ handle_width = dpi(50),
+ handle_color = beautiful.bg_normal,
+ -- handle_shape = helpers.ui.rrect(),
+ handle_color = beautiful.colors.on_background
- }
+ },
+ entry_template = function(app)
+ local widget = wibox.widget
+ {
+ widget = wibox.container.background,
+ forced_width = dpi(300),
+ forced_height = dpi(120),
+ bg = self.app_normal_color,
+ {
+ widget = wibox.container.margin,
+ margins = dpi(10),
+ {
+ layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical,
+ spacing = dpi(10),
+ {
+ widget = wibox.container.place,
+ halign = "center",
+ valign = "center",
+ {
+ widget = wibox.widget.imagebox,
+ id = "icon_role",
+ forced_width = dpi(70),
+ forced_height = dpi(70),
+ image = app.icon
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ widget = wibox.container.place,
+ halign = "center",
+ valign = "center",
+ {
+ widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
+ id = "name_role",
+ markup = string.format("%s", self.app_name_normal_color, app.name)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ widget:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function()
+ local widget = capi.mouse.current_wibox
+ if widget then
+ widget.cursor = "hand2"
+ end
+ end)
+ widget:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function()
+ local widget = capi.mouse.current_wibox
+ if widget then
+ widget.cursor = "left_ptr"
+ end
+ end)
+ widget:connect_signal("button::press", function(_, __, __, button)
+ if button == 1 then
+ if widget:is_selected() or not self.select_before_spawn then
+ widget:run()
+ else
+ widget:select()
+ end
+ end
+ end)
+ widget:connect_signal("select", function()
+ widget.bg = self.app_selected_color
+ local name_widget = widget:get_children_by_id("name_role")[1]
+ name_widget.markup = string.format("%s", self.app_name_selected_color, name_widget.text)
+ end)
+ widget:connect_signal("unselect", function()
+ widget.bg = self.app_normal_color
+ local name_widget = widget:get_children_by_id("name_role")[1]
+ name_widget.markup = string.format("%s", self.app_name_normal_color, name_widget.text)
+ end)
+ return widget
+ end
- widget:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function()
- local widget = capi.mouse.current_wibox
- if widget then
- widget.cursor = "hand2"
- end
- end)
- widget:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function()
- local widget = capi.mouse.current_wibox
- if widget then
- widget.cursor = "left_ptr"
- end
- end)
- widget:connect_signal("button::press", function(app, _, __, button)
- if button == 1 then
- if app:is_selected() or not self.select_before_spawn then
- app:run()
- else
- app:select()
+ end
+ widget_template:set_search_fn(function(text, app)
+ local matched_apps = Gio.DesktopAppInfo.search(text:lower())
+ for _, matched_app in ipairs(matched_apps) do
+ for _, app_id in ipairs(matched_app) do
+ if app.id == app_id then
+ return true
- end)
+ end
+ end)
+ self._private.widget = awful.popup
+ {
+ screen = self.screen,
+ type = self.type,
+ visible = false,
+ ontop = true,
+ placement = self.placement,
+ border_width = self.border_width,
+ border_color = self.border_color,
+ shape = self.shape,
+ bg = self.bg,
+ widget = widget_template
+ }
+ self:get_text_input():connect_signal("key::press", function(_, mod, key, cmd)
+ if key == "Escape" then
+ self:hide()
+ end
+ end)
+ self:get_text_input():connect_signal("key::release", function(_, mod, key, cmd)
+ if key == "Return" then
+ if self:get_rofi_grid():get_selected_widget() ~= nil then
+ self:get_rofi_grid():get_selected_widget():run()
+ end
+ end
+ end)
+local function default_sort_fn(a, b)
+ local is_a_favorite = has_value(self.favorites, a.id)
+ local is_b_favorite = has_value(self.favorites, b.id)
+ -- Sort the favorite apps first
+ if is_a_favorite and not is_b_favorite then
+ return true
+ elseif not is_a_favorite and is_b_favorite then
+ return false
+ end
+ -- Sort alphabetically if specified
+ if self.sort_alphabetically then
+ return a.name:lower() < b.name:lower()
+ elseif self.reverse_sort_alphabetically then
+ return b.name:lower() > a.name:lower()
- widget = self.app_template(app, self)
+ return true
- local app_launcher = self
- function widget:run()
- if app.terminal == true then
- local pid = awful.spawn.with_shell(AWESOME_SENSIBLE_TERMINAL_SCRIPT_PATH .. " -e " .. app.exec)
- local class = app.startup_wm_class or app.name
- awful.spawn.with_shell(string.format(
- [[xdotool search --sync --all --pid %s --name '.*' set_window --classname "%s" set_window --class "%s"]],
- pid,
- class,
- class
- ))
- else
- app:launch()
- end
- if app_launcher.hide_on_launch then
- app_launcher:hide()
- end
- end
- function widget:run_or_select()
- if self:is_selected() then
- self:run()
- else
- self:select()
- end
- end
- function widget:run_as_root()
- if app.terminal == true then
- local pid = awful.spawn.with_shell(
- app.exec
- )
- local class = app.startup_wm_class or app.name
- awful.spawn.with_shell(string.format(
- [[xdotool search --sync --all --pid %s --name '.*' set_window --classname "%s" set_window --class "%s"]],
- pid,
- class,
- class
- ))
- else
- awful.spawn(RUN_AS_ROOT_SCRIPT_PATH .. " " .. app.exec)
- end
- if app_launcher.hide_on_launch then
- app_launcher:hide()
- end
- end
- function widget:select()
- if app_launcher:get_selected_app_widget() then
- app_launcher:get_selected_app_widget():unselect()
- end
- app_launcher._private.selected_app_widget = self
- self:emit_signal("select")
- self.selected = true
- if app_launcher.app_template == nil then
- widget.bg = app_launcher.app_selected_color
- local name_widget = self:get_children_by_id("name_role")[1]
- name_widget.markup = string.format("%s", app_launcher.app_name_selected_color, name_widget.text)
- end
- end
- function widget:unselect()
- self:emit_signal("unselect")
- self.selected = false
- app_launcher._private.selected_app_widget = nil
- if app_launcher.app_template == nil then
- widget.bg = app_launcher.app_normal_color
- local name_widget = self:get_children_by_id("name_role")[1]
- name_widget.markup = string.format("%s", app_launcher.app_name_normal_color, name_widget.text)
- end
- end
- function widget:is_selected()
- return app_launcher._private.selected_app_widget == self
- end
- function app:run() widget:run() end
- function app:run_or_select() widget:run_or_select() end
- function app:run_as_root() widget:run_as_root() end
- function app:select() widget:select() end
- function app:unselect() widget:unselect() end
- function app:is_selected() widget:is_selected() end
- self._private.apps_widgets_cache[app.name] = widget
- return widget
local function generate_apps(self)
- self._private.all_apps = {}
- self._private.matched_apps = {}
+ local entries = {}
local app_info = Gio.AppInfo
local apps = app_info.get_all()
@@ -299,353 +296,71 @@ local function generate_apps(self)
- table.insert(self._private.all_apps, app)
- if self.lazy_load_widgets == false then
- self._private.apps_widgets_cache[app.name] = app_widget(self, app)
- end
+ table.insert(entries, app)
- self:sort_apps()
+ self:get_rofi_grid():set_entries(entries, self.sort_fn)
-local function build_widget(self)
- local widget = self.widget_template
- if widget == nil then
- self._private.text_input = wibox.widget
- {
- widget = text_input_widget,
- reset_on_stop = self.reset_on_hide,
- placeholder = self.text_input_placeholder,
- widget_template = wibox.widget {
- widget = wibox.container.background,
- forced_height = dpi(120),
- bg = self.text_input_bg_color,
- {
- widget = wibox.container.margin,
- margins = dpi(30),
- {
- widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
- id = "text_role"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- self._private.grid = wibox.widget
- {
- layout = wibox.layout.grid,
- orientation = "horizontal",
- homogeneous = true,
- spacing = dpi(30),
- forced_num_cols = self.apps_per_column,
- forced_num_rows = self.apps_per_row,
- }
- widget = wibox.widget
- {
- layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical,
- self._private.text_input,
- {
- widget = wibox.container.margin,
- margins = dpi(30),
- self._private.grid
- }
- }
+function app_launcher:run(widget)
+ if widget.entry.terminal == true then
+ local pid = awful.spawn.with_shell(AWESOME_SENSIBLE_TERMINAL_SCRIPT_PATH .. " -e " .. widget.entry.exec)
+ local class = widget.entry.startup_wm_class or widget.entry.name
+ awful.spawn.with_shell(string.format(
+ [[xdotool search --sync --all --pid %s --name '.*' set_window --classname "%s" set_window --class "%s"]],
+ pid,
+ class,
+ class
+ ))
- self._private.text_input = widget:get_children_by_id("text_input_role")[1]
- self._private.grid = widget:get_children_by_id("grid_role")[1]
+ widget.entry:launch()
- self._private.widget = awful.popup
- {
- screen = self.screen,
- type = self.type,
- visible = false,
- ontop = true,
- placement = self.placement,
- border_width = self.border_width,
- border_color = self.border_color,
- shape = self.shape,
- bg = self.bg,
- widget = widget
- }
- self:get_grid():connect_signal("button::press", function(_, lx, ly, button, mods, find_widgets_result)
- if button == 4 then
- if self:get_grid():get_orientation() == "horizontal" then
- self:scroll_up()
- else
- self:scroll_left("up")
- end
- elseif button == 5 then
- if self:get_grid():get_orientation() == "horizontal" then
- self:scroll_down()
- else
- self:scroll_right("down")
- end
- end
- end)
- self:get_text_input():connect_signal("property::text", function(_, text)
- if text == self:get_text() then
- return
- end
- self._private.text = text
- self._private.search_timer:again()
- end)
- self:get_text_input():connect_signal("key::press", function(_, mod, key, cmd)
- if key == "Escape" then
- self:hide()
- end
- end)
- self:get_text_input():connect_signal("key::release", function(_, mod, key, cmd)
- if key == "Return" then
- if self:get_selected_app_widget() ~= nil then
- self:get_selected_app_widget():run()
- end
- end
- if key == "Up" then
- self:scroll_up()
- end
- if key == "Down" then
- self:scroll_down()
- end
- if key == "Left" then
- self:scroll_left()
- end
- if key == "Right" then
- self:scroll_right()
- end
- end)
- self._private.max_apps_per_page = self:get_grid().forced_num_cols * self:get_grid().forced_num_rows
- self._private.apps_per_page = self._private.max_apps_per_page
+ if self.hide_on_launch then
+ app_launcher:hide()
+ end
-function app_launcher:sort_apps(sort_fn)
- table.sort(self._private.all_apps, sort_fn or self.sort_fn or function(a, b)
- local is_a_favorite = has_value(self.favorites, a.id)
- local is_b_favorite = has_value(self.favorites, b.id)
+function app_launcher:run_or_select(widget)
+ if self:get_selected_widget() == widget then
+ self:run(widget)
+ else
+ self:select(widget)
+ end
- -- Sort the favorite apps first
- if is_a_favorite and not is_b_favorite then
- return true
- elseif not is_a_favorite and is_b_favorite then
- return false
- end
+function app_launcher:run_as_root(widget)
+ if widget.entry.terminal == true then
+ local pid = awful.spawn.with_shell(
+ widget.entry.exec
+ )
+ local class = widget.entry.startup_wm_class or widget.entry.name
+ awful.spawn.with_shell(string.format(
+ [[xdotool search --sync --all --pid %s --name '.*' set_window --classname "%s" set_window --class "%s"]],
+ pid,
+ class,
+ class
+ ))
+ else
+ awful.spawn(RUN_AS_ROOT_SCRIPT_PATH .. " " .. widget.entry.exec)
+ end
- -- Sort alphabetically if specified
- if self.sort_alphabetically then
- return a.name:lower() < b.name:lower()
- elseif self.reverse_sort_alphabetically then
- return b.name:lower() > a.name:lower()
- else
- return true
- end
- end)
+ if self.hide_on_launch then
+ app_launcher:hide()
+ end
function app_launcher:set_favorites(favorites)
self.favorites = favorites
- self:sort_apps()
+ self:get_rofi_grid():set_sort_fn(self.sort_fn)
-function app_launcher:refresh()
- local max_app_index_to_include = self._private.apps_per_page * self:get_current_page()
- local min_app_index_to_include = max_app_index_to_include - self._private.apps_per_page
- self:get_grid():reset()
- for index, app in ipairs(self._private.matched_apps) do
- -- Only add widgets that are between this range (part of the current page)
- if index > min_app_index_to_include and index <= max_app_index_to_include then
- self:get_grid():add(app_widget(self, app))
- end
- end
-function app_launcher:search()
- local text = self:get_text()
- local old_pos = self:get_grid():get_widget_position(self:get_selected_app_widget())
- -- Reset all the matched apps
- self._private.matched_apps = {}
- -- Remove all the grid widgets
- self:get_grid():reset()
- if text == "" then
- self._private.matched_apps = self._private.all_apps
- for _, matched_app in ipairs(self._private.matched_apps) do
- if #self:get_grid().children + 1 <= self._private.max_apps_per_page then
- self:get_grid():add(app_widget(self, matched_app))
- else
- break
- end
- end
- else
- local matched_apps = Gio.DesktopAppInfo.search(text:lower())
- for _, matched_app in ipairs(matched_apps) do
- for _, app_id in ipairs(matched_app) do
- for _, app in ipairs(self._private.all_apps) do
- if app.id == app_id then
- table.insert(self._private.matched_apps, app)
- -- Only add the widgets for apps that are part of the first page
- if #self:get_grid().children + 1 <= self._private.max_apps_per_page then
- self:get_grid():add(app_widget(self, app))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- Recalculate the apps per page based on the current matched apps
- self._private.apps_per_page = math.min(#self._private.matched_apps, self._private.max_apps_per_page)
- -- Recalculate the pages count based on the current apps per page
- self._private.pages_count = math.ceil(math.max(1, #self._private.matched_apps) / math.max(1, self._private.apps_per_page))
- -- Page should be 1 after a search
- self._private.current_page = 1
- -- This is an option to mimic rofi behaviour where after a search
- -- it will reselect the app whose index is the same as the app index that was previously selected
- -- and if matched_apps.length < current_index it will instead select the app with the greatest index
- if self.try_to_keep_index_after_searching then
- if self:get_grid():get_widgets_at(old_pos.row, old_pos.col) == nil then
- local app = self:get_grid().children[#self:get_grid().children]
- app:select()
- else
- local app = self:get_grid():get_widgets_at(old_pos.row, old_pos.col)[1]
- app:select()
- end
- -- Otherwise select the first app on the list
- elseif #self:get_grid().children > 0 then
- local app = self:get_grid():get_widgets_at(1, 1)[1]
- app:select()
- end
- self:emit_signal("search", self:get_text(), self:get_current_page(), self:get_pages_count())
-function app_launcher:scroll_up(page_dir)
- scroll(self, "up", page_dir)
-function app_launcher:scroll_down(page_dir)
- scroll(self, "down", page_dir)
-function app_launcher:scroll_left(page_dir)
- scroll(self, "left", page_dir)
-function app_launcher:scroll_right(page_dir)
- scroll(self, "right", page_dir)
-function app_launcher:page_forward(dir)
- local min_app_index_to_include = 0
- local max_app_index_to_include = self._private.apps_per_page
- if self:get_current_page() < self:get_pages_count() then
- min_app_index_to_include = self._private.apps_per_page * self:get_current_page()
- self._private.current_page = self:get_current_page() + 1
- max_app_index_to_include = self._private.apps_per_page * self:get_current_page()
- elseif self.wrap_page_scrolling and #self._private.matched_apps >= self._private.max_apps_per_page then
- self._private.current_page = 1
- min_app_index_to_include = 0
- max_app_index_to_include = self._private.apps_per_page
- elseif self.wrap_app_scrolling then
- local app = self:get_grid():get_widgets_at(1, 1)[1]
- app:select()
- return
- else
- return
- end
- local pos = self:get_grid():get_widget_position(self:get_selected_app_widget())
- -- Remove the current page apps from the grid
- self:get_grid():reset()
- for index, app in ipairs(self._private.matched_apps) do
- -- Only add widgets that are between this range (part of the current page)
- if index > min_app_index_to_include and index <= max_app_index_to_include then
- self:get_grid():add(app_widget(self, app))
- end
- end
- if self:get_current_page() > 1 or self.wrap_page_scrolling then
- local app = nil
- if dir == "down" then
- app = self:get_grid():get_widgets_at(1, 1)[1]
- elseif dir == "right" then
- app = self:get_grid():get_widgets_at(pos.row, 1)
- if app then
- app = app[1]
- end
- if app == nil then
- app = self:get_grid().children[#self:get_grid().children]
- end
- end
- app:select()
- end
- self:emit_signal("page::forward", dir, self:get_current_page(), self:get_pages_count())
-function app_launcher:page_backward(dir)
- if self:get_current_page() > 1 then
- self._private.current_page = self:get_current_page() - 1
- elseif self.wrap_page_scrolling and #self._private.matched_apps >= self._private.max_apps_per_page then
- self._private.current_page = self:get_pages_count()
- elseif self.wrap_app_scrolling then
- local app = self:get_grid().children[#self:get_grid().children]
- app:select()
- return
- else
- return
- end
- local pos = self:get_grid():get_widget_position(self:get_selected_app_widget())
- -- Remove the current page apps from the grid
- self:get_grid():reset()
- local max_app_index_to_include = self._private.apps_per_page * self:get_current_page()
- local min_app_index_to_include = max_app_index_to_include - self._private.apps_per_page
- for index, app in ipairs(self._private.matched_apps) do
- -- Only add widgets that are between this range (part of the current page)
- if index > min_app_index_to_include and index <= max_app_index_to_include then
- self:get_grid():add(app_widget(self, app))
- end
- end
- local app = nil
- if self:get_current_page() < self:get_pages_count() then
- if dir == "up" then
- app = self:get_grid().children[#self:get_grid().children]
- else
- -- Keep the same row from last page
- local _, columns = self:get_grid():get_dimension()
- app = self:get_grid():get_widgets_at(pos.row, columns)[1]
- end
- elseif self.wrap_page_scrolling then
- app = self:get_grid().children[#self:get_grid().children]
- end
- app:select()
- self:emit_signal("page::backward", dir, self:get_current_page(), self:get_pages_count())
function app_launcher:show()
if self.show_on_focused_screen then
self:get_widget().screen = awful.screen.focused()
@@ -662,7 +377,7 @@ function app_launcher:hide()
if self.reset_on_hide == true then
- self:reset()
+ self:get_rofi_grid():reset()
self:get_widget().visible = false
@@ -678,54 +393,16 @@ function app_launcher:toggle()
-function app_launcher:reset()
- self:get_grid():reset()
- self._private.matched_apps = self._private.all_apps
- self._private.apps_per_page = self._private.max_apps_per_page
- self._private.pages_count = math.ceil(#self._private.all_apps / self._private.apps_per_page)
- self._private.current_page = 1
- for index, app in ipairs(self._private.all_apps) do
- -- Only add the apps that are part of the first page
- if index <= self._private.apps_per_page then
- self:get_grid():add(app_widget(self, app))
- else
- break
- end
- end
- local app = self:get_grid():get_widgets_at(1, 1)[1]
- app:select()
- self:get_text_input():set_text("")
function app_launcher:get_widget()
return self._private.widget
+function app_launcher:get_rofi_grid()
+ return self:get_widget().widget
function app_launcher:get_text_input()
- return self._private.text_input
-function app_launcher:get_grid()
- return self._private.grid
-function app_launcher:get_pages_count()
- return self._private.pages_count
-function app_launcher:get_current_page()
- return self._private.current_page
-function app_launcher:get_text()
- return self._private.text
-function app_launcher:get_selected_app_widget()
- return self._private.selected_app_widget
+ return self:get_rofi_grid():get_text_input()
local function new(args)
@@ -766,6 +443,7 @@ local function new(args)
args.apps_per_column = default_value(args.apps_per_column, 3)
args.text_input_bg_color = default_value(args.text_input_bg_color, "#000000")
+ args.text_input_color = default_value(args.text_input_bg_color, "#FFFFFF")
args.text_input_placeholder = default_value(args.text_input_placeholder, "Search: ")
args.app_normal_color = default_value(args.app_normal_color, "#000000")
@@ -781,7 +459,6 @@ local function new(args)
ret._private.text = ""
ret._private.pages_count = 0
ret._private.current_page = 1
- ret._private.apps_widgets_cache = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "v" })
ret._private.search_timer = gtimer {
timeout = 0.05,
call_now = false,
@@ -827,7 +504,6 @@ local function new(args)
- ret:reset()
return ret
diff --git a/widget/app_launcher/rofi_grid.lua b/widget/app_launcher/rofi_grid.lua
index ebc1382..85caeca 100644
--- a/widget/app_launcher/rofi_grid.lua
+++ b/widget/app_launcher/rofi_grid.lua
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ local function scroll(self, dir, page_dir)
local next_widget = grid.children[next_widget_index]
if next_widget then
- self:emit_signal("scroll", self:get_index_of_widget(next_widget))
+ self:emit_signal("scroll", self:get_index_of_entry(next_widget.entry))
if dir == "up" or dir == "left" then
self:page_backward(page_dir or dir)
@@ -93,17 +93,37 @@ local function entry_widget(self, entry)
local rofi_grid = self
function widget:select()
- rofi_grid:select_widget(self)
+ if rofi_grid:get_selected_widget() then
+ rofi_grid:get_selected_widget():unselect()
+ end
+ rofi_grid._private.selected_widget = self
+ self.selected = true
+ local index = rofi_grid:get_index_of_entry(entry)
+ self:emit_signal("select", index)
+ rofi_grid:emit_signal("select", index)
+ end
+ function widget:unselect()
+ self.selected = false
+ rofi_grid._private.selected_widget = nil
+ self:emit_signal("unselect")
+ rofi_grid:emit_signal("unselect")
function widget:is_selected()
- return rofi_grid:get_selected_widget() == self
+ return rofi_grid._private.selected_widget == self
+ function entry:select() widget:select() end
+ function entry:unselect() widget:unselect() end
+ function entry:is_selected() widget:is_selected() end
entry.widget = widget
widget.entry = entry
self._private.entries_widgets_cache[entry] = widget
return widget
@@ -182,7 +202,7 @@ function rofi_grid:set_widget_template(widget_template)
scrollbar:connect_signal("property::value", function(_, value, instant)
if instant ~= true then
- self:select_widget_by_index(value)
+ self:set_selected_entry(value)
@@ -253,12 +273,12 @@ function rofi_grid:search()
for _, entry in ipairs(self._private.entries) do
text = text:gsub( "%W", "" )
- if self.search_fn(text:lower(), entry, self:get_entries()) then
+ if self._private.search_fn(text:lower(), entry) then
table.insert(self:get_matched_entries(), entry)
- if self:get_sort_fn() then
+ if self:get_search_sort_fn() then
table.sort(self:get_matched_entries(), function(a, b)
return self._private.search_sort_fn(text, a, b)
@@ -284,9 +304,9 @@ function rofi_grid:search()
-- it will reselect the entry whose index is the same as the entry index that was previously selected
-- and if matched_entries.length < current_index it will instead select the entry with the greatest index
if self._private.try_to_keep_index_after_searching then
- local widget_at_old_pos = self:get_grid():get_widgets_at(old_pos.row, old_pos.col)
- if widget_at_old_pos and widget_at_old_pos[1] then
- widget_at_old_pos[1]:select()
+ local entry_at_old_pos = self:get_grid():get_widgets_at(old_pos.row, old_pos.col)
+ if entry_at_old_pos and entry_at_old_pos[1] then
+ entry_at_old_pos[1]:select()
local widget = self:get_grid().children[#self:get_grid().children]
@@ -297,35 +317,21 @@ function rofi_grid:search()
- self:emit_signal("search", self:get_text(), self:get_index_of_widget(self:get_selected_widget()))
+ self:emit_signal("search", self:get_text(), self:get_index_of_entry(self:get_selected_widget().entry))
-function rofi_grid:select_widget(widget)
- print(widget)
- self:select_widget_by_index(self:get_index_of_widget(widget))
-function rofi_grid:select_widget_by_index(index)
- local previous_widget = self:get_selected_widget()
- if previous_widget then
- self._private.selected_widget = nil
- self:emit_signal("unselect")
- previous_widget:emit_signal("unselect")
+function rofi_grid:set_selected_entry(index)
+ local selected_widget_index = self:get_grid():index(self:get_selected_widget())
+ if index == selected_widget_index then
+ return
- print(index)
+ local page = self:get_page_of_index(index)
+ if self:get_current_page() ~= page then
+ self:set_page(page)
+ end
- -- local new_widget = self:get_widget_of_index(index)
- -- if new_widget then
- -- local page = self:get_page_of_index(index)
- -- if self:get_current_page() ~= page then
- -- self:set_page(page)
- -- end
- -- self._private.selected_widget = new_widget
- -- self:emit_signal("select", index)
- -- new_widget:emit_signal("select", index)
- -- end
+ self:get_entry_of_index(index).widget:select()
function rofi_grid:scroll_up(page_dir)
@@ -359,7 +365,7 @@ function rofi_grid:page_forward(dir)
elseif self._private.wrap_entry_scrolling then
local widget = self:get_grid():get_widgets_at(1, 1)[1]
- self:emit_signal("scroll", self:get_index_of_widget(widget))
+ self:emit_signal("scroll", self:get_index_of_entry(widget.entry))
@@ -378,22 +384,22 @@ function rofi_grid:page_forward(dir)
if self:get_current_page() > 1 or self._private.wrap_page_scrolling then
- local widget = nil
+ local entry = nil
if dir == "down" then
- widget = self:get_grid():get_widgets_at(1, 1)[1]
+ entry = self:get_grid():get_widgets_at(1, 1)[1]
elseif dir == "right" then
- widget = self:get_grid():get_widgets_at(pos.row, 1)
- if widget then
- widget = widget[1]
+ entry = self:get_grid():get_widgets_at(pos.row, 1)
+ if entry then
+ entry = entry[1]
- if widget == nil then
- widget = self:get_grid().children[#self:get_grid().children]
+ if entry == nil then
+ entry = self:get_grid().children[#self:get_grid().children]
- widget:select()
+ entry:select()
- self:emit_signal("page::forward", self:get_index_of_widget(self:get_selected_widget()))
+ self:emit_signal("page::forward", self:get_index_of_entry(self:get_selected_widget().entry))
function rofi_grid:page_backward(dir)
@@ -404,7 +410,7 @@ function rofi_grid:page_backward(dir)
elseif self._private.wrap_entry_scrolling then
local widget = self:get_grid().children[#self:get_grid().children]
- self:emit_signal("scroll", self:get_index_of_widget(widget))
+ self:emit_signal("scroll", self:get_index_of_entry(widget.entry))
@@ -425,21 +431,21 @@ function rofi_grid:page_backward(dir)
- local widget = nil
+ local entry = nil
if self:get_current_page() < self:get_pages_count() then
if dir == "up" then
- widget = self:get_grid().children[#self:get_grid().children]
+ entry = self:get_grid().children[#self:get_grid().children]
-- Keep the same row from last page
local _, columns = self:get_grid():get_dimension()
- widget = self:get_grid():get_widgets_at(pos.row, columns)[1]
+ entry = self:get_grid():get_widgets_at(pos.row, columns)[1]
elseif self._private.wrap_page_scrolling then
- widget = self:get_grid().children[#self:get_grid().children]
+ entry = self:get_grid().children[#self:get_grid().children]
- widget:select()
+ entry:select()
- self:emit_signal("page::backward", self:get_index_of_widget(self:get_selected_widget()))
+ self:emit_signal("page::backward", self:get_index_of_entry(self:get_selected_widget().entry))
function rofi_grid:set_page(page)
@@ -459,11 +465,11 @@ function rofi_grid:set_page(page)
- local widget = self:get_grid():get_widgets_at(1, 1)
- if widget then
- widget = widget[1]
- if widget then
- widget:select()
+ local entry = self:get_grid():get_widgets_at(1, 1)
+ if entry then
+ entry = entry[1]
+ if entry then
+ entry:select()
@@ -484,11 +490,11 @@ function rofi_grid:reset()
- local widget = self:get_grid():get_widgets_at(1, 1)
- if widget then
- widget = widget[1]
- if widget then
- widget:select()
+ local entry = self:get_grid():get_widgets_at(1, 1)
+ if entry then
+ entry = entry[1]
+ if entry then
+ entry:select()
@@ -527,22 +533,6 @@ function rofi_grid:get_matched_entries()
return self._private.matched_entries
-function rofi_grid:get_page_of_index(index)
- return math.floor((index - 1) / self._private.entries_per_page) + 1
-function rofi_grid:get_index_of_widget(widget)
- for index, matched_widget in ipairs(self:get_matched_entries()) do
- if matched_widget.entry == widget.entry then
- return index
- end
- end
-function rofi_grid:get_widget_of_index(index)
- return self:get_matched_entries()[index].widget
function rofi_grid:get_text()
return self._private.text
@@ -551,6 +541,26 @@ function rofi_grid:get_selected_widget()
return self._private.selected_widget
+function rofi_grid:get_page_of_entry(entry)
+ return math.floor((self:get_index_of_entry(entry) - 1) / self._private.entries_per_page) + 1
+function rofi_grid:get_page_of_index(index)
+ return math.floor((index - 1) / self._private.entries_per_page) + 1
+function rofi_grid:get_index_of_entry(entry)
+ for index, matched_entry in ipairs(self:get_matched_entries()) do
+ if matched_entry == entry then
+ return index
+ end
+ end
+function rofi_grid:get_entry_of_index(index)
+ return self:get_matched_entries()[index]
local function new()
local widget = wibox.container.background()
gtable.crush(widget, rofi_grid, true)