Unbork the default template + fixes some beautiful.colors refs

This commit is contained in:
Ksaper 2023-03-12 12:24:33 +02:00
parent ba8071b13f
commit c6e87c11d0
1 changed files with 63 additions and 54 deletions

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@ -46,67 +46,76 @@ local function build_widget(self)
layout = rofi_grid_widget,
lazy_load_widgets = false,
widget_template = wibox.widget {
layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical,
forced_width = dpi(1000),
forced_height = dpi(1000),
spacing = dpi(15),
widget = wibox.container.margin,
margins = dpi(15),
widget = text_input_widget,
id = "text_input_role",
reset_on_stop = self.reset_on_hide,
placeholder = self.text_input_placeholder,
unfocus_keys = { },
unfocus_on_clicked_inside = false,
unfocus_on_clicked_outside = false,
unfocus_on_mouse_leave = false,
unfocus_on_tag_change = false,
unfocus_on_other_text_input_focus = false,
focus_on_subject_mouse_enter = nil,
unfocus_on_subject_mouse_leave = nil,
widget_template = wibox.widget {
widget = wibox.container.background,
forced_height = dpi(120),
bg = self.text_input_bg_color,
widget = wibox.container.margin,
margins = dpi(30),
layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical,
spacing = dpi(15),
widget = text_input_widget,
id = "text_input_role",
forced_width = dpi(650),
forced_height = dpi(60),
reset_on_stop = self.reset_on_hide,
placeholder = self.text_input_placeholder,
unfocus_keys = { },
unfocus_on_clicked_inside = false,
unfocus_on_clicked_outside = false,
unfocus_on_mouse_leave = false,
unfocus_on_tag_change = false,
unfocus_on_other_text_input_focus = false,
focus_on_subject_mouse_enter = nil,
unfocus_on_subject_mouse_leave = nil,
widget_template = wibox.widget {
widget = wibox.container.background,
bg = self.text_input_bg_color,
widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
text_color = self.text_input_color,
id = "text_role"
widget = wibox.container.margin,
margins = dpi(15),
layout = wibox.layout.stack,
widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
id = "placeholder_role",
text = "Search: "
widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
id = "text_role"
layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
spacing = dpi(10),
layout = wibox.layout.grid,
id = "grid_role",
orientation = "horizontal",
homogeneous = true,
spacing = dpi(30),
forced_num_cols = self.apps_per_column,
forced_num_rows = self.apps_per_row,
layout = wibox.container.rotate,
direction = 'west',
layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
spacing = dpi(10),
widget = wibox.widget.slider,
id = "scrollbar_role",
forced_width = dpi(5),
minimum = 1,
value = 1,
-- bar_shape = helpers.ui.rrect(),
bar_height= 3,
bar_color = beautiful.colors.transparent,
bar_active_color = beautiful.colors.transparent,
handle_width = dpi(50),
handle_color = beautiful.bg_normal,
-- handle_shape = helpers.ui.rrect(),
handle_color = beautiful.colors.on_background
layout = wibox.layout.grid,
id = "grid_role",
orientation = "horizontal",
homogeneous = true,
spacing = dpi(30),
forced_num_cols = self.apps_per_column,
forced_num_rows = self.apps_per_row,
layout = wibox.container.rotate,
direction = 'west',
widget = wibox.widget.slider,
id = "scrollbar_role",
forced_width = dpi(5),
forced_height = dpi(10),
minimum = 1,
value = 1,
bar_height= 3,
bar_color = "#00000000",
bar_active_color = "#00000000",
handle_width = dpi(50),
handle_color = beautiful.bg_normal,
handle_color = beautiful.fg_normal