local awful = require("awful") local gears = require("gears") local wibox = require("wibox") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local xresources = require("beautiful.xresources") local dpi = xresources.apply_dpi local helpers = require(tostring(...):match(".*bling") .. ".helpers") local bg_normal = beautiful.tabbar_bg_normal or beautiful.bg_normal or "#ffffff" local fg_normal = beautiful.tabbar_fg_normal or beautiful.fg_normal or "#000000" local bg_focus = beautiful.tabbar_bg_focus or beautiful.bg_focus or "#000000" local fg_focus = beautiful.tabbar_fg_focus or beautiful.fg_focus or "#ffffff" local bg_focus_inactive = beautiful.tabbar_bg_focus_inactive or bg_focus local fg_focus_inactive = beautiful.tabbar_fg_focus_inactive or fg_focus local bg_normal_inactive = beautiful.tabbar_bg_normal_inactive or bg_normal local fg_normal_inactive = beautiful.tabbar_fg_normal_inactive or fg_normal local font = beautiful.tabbar_font or beautiful.font or "Hack 15" local size = beautiful.tabbar_size or dpi(40) local border_radius = beautiful.mstab_border_radius or beautiful.border_radius or 6 local position = beautiful.tabbar_position or "top" local close_color = beautiful.tabbar_color_close or beautiful.xcolor1 or "#f9929b" local min_color = beautiful.tabbar_color_min or beautiful.xcolor3 or "#fbdf90" local float_color = beautiful.tabbar_color_float or beautiful.xcolor5 or "#ccaced" -- Helper to create buttons local function create_title_button(c, color_focus, color_unfocus) local tb_color = wibox.widget({ wibox.widget.textbox(), forced_width = dpi(8), forced_height = dpi(8), bg = color_focus, shape = gears.shape.circle, widget = wibox.container.background, }) local tb = wibox.widget({ tb_color, width = dpi(25), height = dpi(25), strategy = "min", layout = wibox.layout.constraint, }) local function update() if client.focus == c then tb_color.bg = color_focus else tb_color.bg = color_unfocus end end update() c:connect_signal("focus", update) c:connect_signal("unfocus", update) tb:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function() tb_color.bg = color_focus .. "70" end) tb:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function() tb_color.bg = color_focus end) tb.visible = true return tb end local function create(c, focused_bool, buttons, inactive_bool) -- local flexlist = wibox.layout.flex.horizontal() local title_temp = c.name or c.class or "-" title_temp = gears.string.xml_escape(title_temp) local bg_temp = inactive_bool and bg_normal_inactive or bg_normal local fg_temp = inactive_bool and fg_normal_inactive or fg_normal if focused_bool then bg_temp = inactive_bool and bg_focus_inactive or bg_focus fg_temp = inactive_bool and fg_focus_inactive or fg_focus end local text_temp = wibox.widget.textbox() text_temp.align = "center" text_temp.valign = "center" text_temp.font = font text_temp.markup = "" .. title_temp .. "" c:connect_signal("property::name", function(_) local title_temp = c.name or c.class or "-" text_temp.markup = "" .. title_temp .. "" end) local tab_content = wibox.widget({ { awful.widget.clienticon(c), top = dpi(6), left = dpi(15), bottom = dpi(6), widget = wibox.container.margin, }, text_temp, nill, expand = "inside", layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal, }) local close = create_title_button(c, close_color, bg_normal) close:connect_signal("button::press", function() c:kill() end) local floating = create_title_button(c, float_color, bg_normal) floating:connect_signal("button::press", function() c.floating = not c.floating end) local min = create_title_button(c, min_color, bg_normal) min:connect_signal("button::press", function() c.minimized = true end) if focused_bool then tab_content = wibox.widget({ { awful.widget.clienticon(c), top = dpi(6), left = dpi(15), right = dpi(10), bottom = dpi(6), widget = wibox.container.margin, }, text_temp, { { min, floating, close, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal }, top = dpi(10), right = dpi(10), bottom = dpi(10), widget = wibox.container.margin, }, expand = "inside", layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal, }) end local main_content = nil local left_shape = nil local right_shape = nil if position == "top" then main_content = wibox.widget({ { tab_content, bg = bg_temp, shape = helpers.shape.prrect( border_radius, true, true, false, false ), widget = wibox.container.background, }, top = dpi(8), widget = wibox.container.margin, }) left_shape = helpers.shape.prrect( border_radius, false, false, true, false ) right_shape = helpers.shape.prrect( border_radius, false, false, false, true ) else main_content = wibox.widget({ { tab_content, bg = bg_temp, shape = helpers.shape.prrect( border_radius, false, false, true, true ), widget = wibox.container.background, }, bottom = dpi(8), widget = wibox.container.margin, }) left_shape = helpers.shape.prrect( border_radius, false, true, false, false ) right_shape = helpers.shape.prrect( border_radius, true, false, false, false ) end local wid_temp = wibox.widget({ buttons = buttons, { { { wibox.widget.textbox(), bg = bg_normal, shape = left_shape, widget = wibox.container.background, }, bg = bg_temp, shape = gears.rectangle, widget = wibox.container.background, }, width = border_radius + (border_radius / 2), height = size, strategy = "exact", layout = wibox.layout.constraint, }, main_content, { { { wibox.widget.textbox(), bg = bg_normal, shape = right_shape, widget = wibox.container.background, }, bg = bg_temp, shape = gears.rectangle, widget = wibox.container.background, }, width = border_radius + (border_radius / 2), height = size, strategy = "exact", layout = wibox.layout.constraint, }, layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal, }) return wid_temp end return { layout = wibox.layout.flex.horizontal, create = create, position = position, size = size, bg_normal = bg_normal, bg_focus = bg_focus, }