local wibox = require("wibox") local awful = require("awful") local gears = require("gears") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local dpi = require("beautiful.xresources").apply_dpi local function tabobj_support(self, c, index, clients) -- Self is the background widget in this context if not c.bling_tabbed and #c.bling_tabbed.clients > 1 then return end local group = c.bling_tabbed -- TODO: Allow customization here local layout_v = wibox.widget { vertical_spacing = dpi(2), horizontal_spacing = dpi(2), layout = wibox.layout.grid.horizontal, forced_num_rows = 2, forced_num_cols = 2, homogeneous = true } local wrapper = wibox.widget({ layout_v, id = "click_role", widget = wibox.container.margin, margins = dpi(5), }) -- To get the ball rolling. for idx, c in ipairs(group.clients) do if (c and c.icon) then -- Add to the last layout layout_v:add(wibox.widget { { widget = awful.widget.clienticon, client = c }, widget = wibox.container.constraint, width = dpi(24), height = dpi(24) }) end end self.widget = wrapper end return tabobj_support