local gears = require("gears")
local wibox = require("wibox")
local beautiful = require("beautiful")
local bg_normal = beautiful.tabbar_bg_normal or beautiful.bg_normal or "#ffffff"
local fg_normal = beautiful.tabbar_fg_normal or beautiful.fg_normal or "#000000"
local bg_focus = beautiful.tabbar_bg_focus or beautiful.bg_focus or "#000000"
local fg_focus = beautiful.tabbar_fg_focus or beautiful.fg_focus or "#ffffff"
local bg_focus_inactive = beautiful.tabbar_bg_focus_inactive or bg_focus
local fg_focus_inactive = beautiful.tabbar_fg_focus_inactive or fg_focus
local bg_normal_inactive = beautiful.tabbar_bg_normal_inactive or bg_normal
local fg_normal_inactive = beautiful.tabbar_fg_normal_inactive or fg_normal
local font = beautiful.tabbar_font or beautiful.font or "Hack 15"
local size = beautiful.tabbar_size or 20
local position = beautiful.tabbar_position or "top"
local function create(c, focused_bool, buttons, inactive_bool)
local flexlist = wibox.layout.flex.horizontal()
local title_temp = c.name or c.class or "-"
local bg_temp = inactive_bool and bg_normal_inactive or bg_normal
local fg_temp = inactive_bool and fg_normal_inactive or fg_normal
if focused_bool then
bg_temp = inactive_bool and bg_focus_inactive or bg_focus
fg_temp = inactive_bool and fg_focus_inactive or fg_focus
local text_temp = wibox.widget.textbox()
text_temp.align = "center"
text_temp.valign = "center"
text_temp.font = font
text_temp.markup = ""
.. title_temp
.. ""
c:connect_signal("property::name", function(_)
local title_temp = c.name or c.class or "-"
text_temp.markup = ""
.. title_temp
.. ""
local wid_temp = wibox.widget({
buttons = buttons,
bg = bg_temp,
widget = wibox.container.background(),
return wid_temp
return {
layout = wibox.layout.flex.horizontal,
create = create,
position = position,
size = size,
bg_normal = bg_normal,
bg_focus = bg_focus,