local cairo = require("lgi").cairo local awful = require("awful") local gears = require("gears") local wibox = require("wibox") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local helpers = require(tostring(...):match(".*bling") .. ".helpers") local dpi = beautiful.xresources.apply_dpi local window_switcher_first_client -- The client that was focused when the window_switcher was activated local window_switcher_minimized_clients = {} -- The clients that were minimized when the window switcher was activated local window_switcher_grabber local get_num_clients = function() local minimized_clients_in_tag = 0 local matcher = function(c) return awful.rules.match( c, { minimized = true, skip_taskbar = false, hidden = false, first_tag = awful.screen.focused().selected_tag, } ) end for c in awful.client.iterate(matcher) do minimized_clients_in_tag = minimized_clients_in_tag + 1 end return minimized_clients_in_tag + #awful.screen.focused().clients end local window_switcher_hide = function(window_switcher_box) -- Add currently focused client to history if client.focus then local window_switcher_last_client = client.focus awful.client.focus.history.add(window_switcher_last_client) -- Raise client that was focused originally -- Then raise last focused client if window_switcher_first_client and window_switcher_first_client.valid then window_switcher_first_client:raise() window_switcher_last_client:raise() end end -- Minimize originally minimized clients local s = awful.screen.focused() for _, c in pairs(window_switcher_minimized_clients) do if c and c.valid and not (client.focus and client.focus == c) then c.minimized = true end end -- Reset helper table window_switcher_minimized_clients = {} -- Resume recording focus history awful.client.focus.history.enable_tracking() -- Stop and hide window_switcher awful.keygrabber.stop(window_switcher_grabber) window_switcher_box.visible = false window_switcher_box.widget = nil collectgarbage("collect") end local function draw_widget( type, background, border_width, border_radius, border_color, clients_spacing, client_icon_horizontal_spacing, client_width, client_height, client_margins, thumbnail_margins, thumbnail_scale, name_margins, name_valign, name_forced_width, name_font, name_normal_color, name_focus_color, icon_valign, icon_width, mouse_keys, filterClients ) filterClients = filterClients or awful.widget.tasklist.filter.currenttags local tasklist_widget = type == "thumbnail" and awful.widget.tasklist({ screen = awful.screen.focused(), filter = filterClients, buttons = mouse_keys, style = { font = name_font, fg_normal = name_normal_color, fg_focus = name_focus_color, }, layout = { layout = wibox.layout.flex.horizontal, spacing = clients_spacing, }, widget_template = { widget = wibox.container.background, id = "bg_role", forced_width = client_width, forced_height = client_height, create_callback = function(self, c, _, __) local content = gears.surface(c.content) local cr = cairo.Context(content) local x, y, w, h = cr:clip_extents() local img = cairo.ImageSurface.create( cairo.Format.ARGB32, w - x, h - y ) cr = cairo.Context(img) cr:set_source_surface(content, 0, 0) cr.operator = cairo.Operator.SOURCE cr:paint() self:get_children_by_id("thumbnail")[1].image = gears.surface.load( img ) end, { { { horizontal_fit_policy = thumbnail_scale == true and "fit" or "auto", vertical_fit_policy = thumbnail_scale == true and "fit" or "auto", id = "thumbnail", widget = wibox.widget.imagebox, }, margins = thumbnail_margins, widget = wibox.container.margin, }, { { { id = "icon_role", widget = wibox.widget.imagebox, }, forced_width = icon_width, valign = icon_valign, widget = wibox.container.place, }, { { forced_width = name_forced_width, valign = name_valign, id = "text_role", widget = wibox.widget.textbox, }, margins = name_margins, widget = wibox.container.margin, }, spacing = client_icon_horizontal_spacing, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, }, layout = wibox.layout.flex.vertical, }, }, }) or awful.widget.tasklist({ screen = awful.screen.focused(), filter = filterClients, buttons = mouse_keys, style = { font = name_font, fg_normal = name_normal_color, fg_focus = name_focus_color, }, layout = { layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical, spacing = clients_spacing, }, widget_template = { widget = wibox.container.background, id = "bg_role", forced_width = client_width, forced_height = client_height, { { { id = "icon_role", widget = wibox.widget.imagebox, }, forced_width = icon_width, valign = icon_valign, widget = wibox.container.place, }, { { forced_width = name_forced_width, valign = name_valign, id = "text_role", widget = wibox.widget.textbox, }, margins = name_margins, widget = wibox.container.margin, }, spacing = client_icon_horizontal_spacing, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, }, }, }) return wibox.widget({ { tasklist_widget, margins = client_margins, widget = wibox.container.margin, }, shape_border_width = border_width, shape_border_color = border_color, bg = background, shape = helpers.shape.rrect(border_radius), widget = wibox.container.background, }) end local enable = function(opts) local opts = opts or {} local type = opts.type or "thumbnail" local background = beautiful.window_switcher_widget_bg or "#000000" local border_width = beautiful.window_switcher_widget_border_width or dpi(3) local border_radius = beautiful.window_switcher_widget_border_radius or dpi(0) local border_color = beautiful.window_switcher_widget_border_color or "#ffffff" local clients_spacing = beautiful.window_switcher_clients_spacing or dpi(20) local client_icon_horizontal_spacing = beautiful.window_switcher_client_icon_horizontal_spacing or dpi(5) local client_width = beautiful.window_switcher_client_width or dpi(type == "thumbnail" and 150 or 500) local client_height = beautiful.window_switcher_client_height or dpi(type == "thumbnail" and 250 or 50) local client_margins = beautiful.window_switcher_client_margins or dpi(10) local thumbnail_margins = beautiful.window_switcher_thumbnail_margins or dpi(5) local thumbnail_scale = beautiful.thumbnail_scale or false local name_margins = beautiful.window_switcher_name_margins or dpi(10) local name_valign = beautiful.window_switcher_name_valign or "center" local name_forced_width = beautiful.window_switcher_name_forced_width or dpi(type == "thumbnail" and 200 or 550) local name_font = beautiful.window_switcher_name_font or beautiful.font local name_normal_color = beautiful.window_switcher_name_normal_color or "#FFFFFF" local name_focus_color = beautiful.window_switcher_name_focus_color or "#FF0000" local icon_valign = beautiful.window_switcher_icon_valign or "center" local icon_width = beautiful.window_switcher_icon_width or dpi(40) local hide_window_switcher_key = opts.hide_window_switcher_key or "Escape" local select_client_key = opts.select_client_key or 1 local minimize_key = opts.minimize_key or "n" local unminimize_key = opts.unminimize_key or "N" local kill_client_key = opts.kill_client_key or "q" local cycle_key = opts.cycle_key or "Tab" local previous_key = opts.previous_key or "Left" local next_key = opts.next_key or "Right" local vim_previous_key = opts.vim_previous_key or "h" local vim_next_key = opts.vim_next_key or "l" local scroll_previous_key = opts.scroll_previous_key or 4 local scroll_next_key = opts.scroll_next_key or 5 local cycleClientsByIdx = opts.cycleClientsByIdx or awful.client.focus.byidx local filterClients = opts.filterClients or awful.widget.tasklist.filter.currenttags local window_switcher_box = awful.popup({ bg = "#00000000", visible = false, ontop = true, placement = awful.placement.centered, screen = awful.screen.focused(), widget = wibox.container.background, -- A dummy widget to make awful.popup not scream widget = { { draw_widget(), margins = client_margins, widget = wibox.container.margin, }, shape_border_width = border_width, shape_border_color = border_color, bg = background, shape = helpers.shape.rrect(border_radius), widget = wibox.container.background, }, }) local mouse_keys = gears.table.join( awful.button({ modifiers = { "Any" }, button = select_client_key, on_press = function(c) client.focus = c end, }), awful.button({ modifiers = { "Any" }, button = scroll_previous_key, on_press = function() cycleClientsByIdx(-1) end, }), awful.button({ modifiers = { "Any" }, button = scroll_next_key, on_press = function() cycleClientsByIdx(1) end, }) ) local keyboard_keys = { [hide_window_switcher_key] = function() window_switcher_hide(window_switcher_box) end, [minimize_key] = function() if client.focus then client.focus.minimized = true end end, [unminimize_key] = function() if awful.client.restore() then client.focus = awful.client.restore() end end, [kill_client_key] = function() if client.focus then client.focus:kill() end end, [cycle_key] = function() cycleClientsByIdx(1) end, [previous_key] = function() cycleClientsByIdx(1) end, [next_key] = function() cycleClientsByIdx(-1) end, [vim_previous_key] = function() cycleClientsByIdx(1) end, [vim_next_key] = function() cycleClientsByIdx(-1) end, } window_switcher_box:connect_signal("property::width", function() if window_switcher_box.visible and get_num_clients() == 0 then window_switcher_hide(window_switcher_box) end end) window_switcher_box:connect_signal("property::height", function() if window_switcher_box.visible and get_num_clients() == 0 then window_switcher_hide(window_switcher_box) end end) awesome.connect_signal("bling::window_switcher::turn_on", function() local number_of_clients = get_num_clients() if number_of_clients == 0 then return end -- Store client that is focused in a variable window_switcher_first_client = client.focus -- Stop recording focus history awful.client.focus.history.disable_tracking() -- Go to previously focused client (in the tag) awful.client.focus.history.previous() -- Track minimized clients -- Unminimize them -- Lower them so that they are always below other -- originally unminimized windows local clients = awful.screen.focused().selected_tag:clients() for _, c in pairs(clients) do if c.minimized then table.insert(window_switcher_minimized_clients, c) c.minimized = false c:lower() end end -- Start the keygrabber window_switcher_grabber = awful.keygrabber.run(function(_, key, event) if event == "release" then -- Hide if the modifier was released -- We try to match Super or Alt or Control since we do not know which keybind is -- used to activate the window switcher (the keybind is set by the user in keys.lua) if key:match("Super") or key:match("Alt") or key:match("Control") then window_switcher_hide(window_switcher_box) end -- Do nothing return end -- Run function attached to key, if it exists if keyboard_keys[key] then keyboard_keys[key]() end end) window_switcher_box.widget = draw_widget( type, background, border_width, border_radius, border_color, clients_spacing, client_icon_horizontal_spacing, client_width, client_height, client_margins, thumbnail_margins, thumbnail_scale, name_margins, name_valign, name_forced_width, name_font, name_normal_color, name_focus_color, icon_valign, icon_width, mouse_keys, filterClients ) window_switcher_box.screen = awful.screen.focused() window_switcher_box.visible = true end) end return { enable = enable }