-- Provides: -- bling::playerctl::status -- playing (boolean) -- bling::playerctl::album -- album_art (string) -- bling::playerctl::title_artist -- title (string) -- artist (string) -- bling::playerctl::position -- interval_sec (number) -- length_sec (number) -- local awful = require("awful") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local interval = beautiful.playerctl_position_update_interval or 1 local function emit_player_status() local status_cmd = "playerctl status -F" -- Follow status awful.spawn.easy_async_with_shell( "ps x | grep \"playerctl status\" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill", function() awful.spawn.with_line_callback(status_cmd, { stdout = function(line) local playing = false if line:find("Playing") then playing = true else playing = false end awesome.emit_signal("bling::playerctl::status", playing) end }) end) end local function emit_player_info() local art_script = [[ sh -c ' tmp_dir="$XDG_CACHE_HOME/awesome/" if [ -z ${XDG_CACHE_HOME} ]; then tmp_dir="$HOME/.cache/awesome/" fi tmp_cover_path=${tmp_dir}"cover.png" if [ ! -d $tmp_dir ]; then mkdir -p $tmp_dir fi link="$(playerctl metadata mpris:artUrl)" curl -s "$link" --output $tmp_cover_path echo "$tmp_cover_path" ']] -- Command that lists artist and title in a format to find and follow local song_follow_cmd = "playerctl metadata --format 'artist_{{artist}}title_{{title}}' -F" -- Progress Cmds local prog_cmd = "playerctl position" local length_cmd = "playerctl metadata mpris:length" awful.widget.watch(prog_cmd, interval, function(_, interval) awful.spawn.easy_async_with_shell(length_cmd, function(length) local length_sec = tonumber(length) -- in microseconds local interval_sec = tonumber(interval) -- in seconds if length_sec and interval_sec then if interval_sec >= 0 and length_sec > 0 then awesome.emit_signal("bling::playerctl::position", interval_sec, length_sec / 1000000) end end end) end) -- Follow title awful.spawn.easy_async_with_shell( "ps x | grep \"playerctl metadata\" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill", function() awful.spawn.with_line_callback(song_follow_cmd, { stdout = function(line) -- Get Album Art awful.spawn.easy_async_with_shell(art_script, function(out) local album_path = out:gsub('%\n', '') awesome.emit_signal("bling::playerctl::album", album_path) end) -- Get Title and Artist local artist = line:match('artist_(.*)title_') local title = line:match('title_(.*)') awesome.emit_signal("bling::playerctl::title_artist", title, artist) end }) end) end -- Emit info -- emit_player_status() -- emit_player_info() local enable = function() emit_player_status() emit_player_info() end return {enable = enable}