local awful = require("awful") local gears = require("gears") local wibox = require("wibox") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local mylayout = {} mylayout.name = "mstab" local tabbar_ontop = beautiful.mstab_bar_ontop or false local tabbar_padding = beautiful.mstab_bar_padding or "default" local border_radius = beautiful.mstab_border_radius or beautiful.border_radius or 0 local tabbar_position = beautiful.mstab_tabbar_position or beautiful.tabbar_position or "top" local bar_style = beautiful.mstab_tabbar_style or beautiful.tabbar_style or "default" local bar = require( tostring(...):match(".*bling") .. ".widget.tabbar." .. bar_style ) local tabbar_size = bar.size or beautiful.mstab_bar_height or beautiful.tabbar_size or 40 local dont_resize_slaves = beautiful.mstab_dont_resize_slaves or false -- The top_idx is the idx of the slave clients (excluding all master clients) -- that should be on top of all other slave clients ("the focused slave") -- by creating a variable outside of the arrange function, this layout can "remember" that client -- by creating it as a new property of every tag, this layout can be active on different tags and -- still have different "focused slave clients" for idx, tag in ipairs(root.tags()) do tag.top_idx = 1 end -- Haven't found a signal that is emitted when a new tag is added. That should work though -- since you can't use a layout on a tag that you haven't selected previously tag.connect_signal("property::selected", function(t) if not t.top_idx then t.top_idx = 1 end end) function update_tabbar( clients, t, top_idx, area, master_area_width, slave_area_width ) local s = t.screen -- create the list of clients for the tabbar local clientlist = bar.layout() for idx, c in ipairs(clients) do -- focus with right click, kill with mid click, minimize with left click local buttons = gears.table.join( awful.button({}, 1, function() c:raise() client.focus = c end), awful.button({}, 2, function() c:kill() end), awful.button({}, 3, function() c.minimized = true end) ) local client_box = bar.create(c, (idx == top_idx), buttons) clientlist:add(client_box) end -- if no tabbar exists, create one if not s.tabbar then s.tabbar = wibox({ ontop = tabbar_ontop, shape = function(cr, width, height) gears.shape.rounded_rect(cr, width, height, border_radius) end, bg = bar.bg_normal, visible = true, }) -- Change visibility of the tab bar when layout, selected tag or number of clients (visible, master, slave) changes local function adjust_visiblity(t) s.tabbar.visible = (#t:clients() - t.master_count > 1) and (t.layout.name == mylayout.name) end tag.connect_signal("property::selected", function(t) adjust_visiblity(t) end) tag.connect_signal("property::layout", function(t, layout) adjust_visiblity(t) end) tag.connect_signal("tagged", function(t, c) adjust_visiblity(t) end) tag.connect_signal("untagged", function(t, c) adjust_visiblity(t) end) tag.connect_signal("property::master_count", function(t) adjust_visiblity(t) end) client.connect_signal("property::minimized", function(c) local t = c.first_tag adjust_visiblity(t) end) end -- update the tabbar size and position (to support gap size change on the fly) if tabbar_position == "top" then s.tabbar.x = area.x + master_area_width + t.gap s.tabbar.y = area.y + t.gap s.tabbar.width = slave_area_width - 2 * t.gap s.tabbar.height = tabbar_size elseif tabbar_position == "bottom" then s.tabbar.x = area.x + master_area_width + t.gap s.tabbar.y = area.y + area.height - tabbar_size - t.gap s.tabbar.width = slave_area_width - 2 * t.gap s.tabbar.height = tabbar_size elseif tabbar_position == "left" then s.tabbar.x = area.x + master_area_width + t.gap s.tabbar.y = area.y + t.gap s.tabbar.width = tabbar_size s.tabbar.height = area.height - 2 * t.gap elseif tabbar_position == "right" then s.tabbar.x = area.x + master_area_width + slave_area_width - tabbar_size - t.gap s.tabbar.y = area.y + t.gap s.tabbar.width = tabbar_size s.tabbar.height = area.height - 2 * t.gap end -- update clientlist s.tabbar:setup({ layout = wibox.layout.flex.horizontal, clientlist }) end function mylayout.arrange(p) local area = p.workarea local t = p.tag or screen[p.screen].selected_tag local s = t.screen local mwfact = t.master_width_factor local nmaster = math.min(t.master_count, #p.clients) local nslaves = #p.clients - nmaster local master_area_width = area.width * mwfact local slave_area_width = area.width - master_area_width -- "default" means that it uses standard useless gap size if tabbar_padding == "default" then tabbar_padding = 2 * t.gap end -- Special case: No masters -> full screen slave width if nmaster == 0 then master_area_width = 1 slave_area_width = area.width end -- Special case: One or zero slaves -> no tabbar (essentially tile right) if nslaves <= 1 then -- since update_tabbar isnt called that way we have to hide it manually if s.tabbar then s.tabbar.visible = false end -- otherwise just do tile right awful.layout.suit.tile.right.arrange(p) return end -- Iterate through masters for idx = 1, nmaster do local c = p.clients[idx] local g = { x = area.x, y = area.y + (idx - 1) * (area.height / nmaster), width = master_area_width, height = area.height / nmaster, } p.geometries[c] = g end local tabbar_size_change = 0 local tabbar_width_change = 0 local tabbar_y_change = 0 local tabbar_x_change = 0 if tabbar_position == "top" then tabbar_size_change = tabbar_size + tabbar_padding tabbar_y_change = tabbar_size + tabbar_padding elseif tabbar_position == "bottom" then tabbar_size_change = tabbar_size + tabbar_padding elseif tabbar_position == "left" then tabbar_width_change = tabbar_size + tabbar_padding tabbar_x_change = tabbar_size + tabbar_padding elseif tabbar_position == "right" then tabbar_width_change = tabbar_size + tabbar_padding end -- Iterate through slaves -- (also creates a list of all slave clients for update_tabbar) local slave_clients = {} for idx = 1, nslaves do local c = p.clients[idx + nmaster] slave_clients[#slave_clients + 1] = c if c == client.focus then t.top_idx = #slave_clients end local g = { x = area.x + master_area_width + tabbar_x_change, y = area.y + tabbar_y_change, width = slave_area_width - tabbar_width_change, height = area.height - tabbar_size_change, } if not dont_resize_slaves and idx ~= t.top_idx then g = { x = area.x + master_area_width + slave_area_width / 4, y = area.y + tabbar_size + area.height / 4, width = slave_area_width / 2, height = area.height / 4 - tabbar_size, } end p.geometries[c] = g end update_tabbar( slave_clients, t, t.top_idx, area, master_area_width, slave_area_width ) end return mylayout