-- Playerctl signals -- -- Provides: -- metadata -- title (string) -- artist (string) -- album_path (string) -- album (string) -- player_name (string) -- position -- interval_sec (number) -- length_sec (number) -- playback_status -- playing (boolean) -- volume -- volume (number) -- loop_status -- loop_status (string) -- shuffle -- shuffle (bool) -- no_players -- (No parameters) local awful = require("awful") local gobject = require("gears.object") local gtable = require("gears.table") local gtimer = require("gears.timer") local gstring = require("gears.string") local gfs = require("gears.filesystem") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local helpers = require(tostring(...):match(".*bling") .. ".helpers") local setmetatable = setmetatable local tonumber = tonumber local ipairs = ipairs local type = type local capi = { awesome = awesome } local playerctl = { mt = {} } function playerctl:disable() self._private.metadata_timer:stop() self._private.metadata_timer = nil awful.spawn.with_shell("killall playerctl") end function playerctl:pause(player) if player ~= nil then awful.spawn.with_shell("playerctl --player=" .. player .. " pause") else awful.spawn.with_shell(self._private.cmd .. "pause") end end function playerctl:play(player) if player ~= nil then awful.spawn.with_shell("playerctl --player=" .. player .. " play") else awful.spawn.with_shell(self._private.cmd .. "play") end end function playerctl:stop(player) if player ~= nil then awful.spawn.with_shell("playerctl --player=" .. player .. " stop") else awful.spawn.with_shell(self._private.cmd .. "stop") end end function playerctl:play_pause(player) if player ~= nil then awful.spawn.with_shell("playerctl --player=" .. player .. " play-pause") else awful.spawn.with_shell(self._private.cmd .. "play-pause") end end function playerctl:previous(player) if player ~= nil then awful.spawn.with_shell("playerctl --player=" .. player .. " previous") else awful.spawn.with_shell(self._private.cmd .. "previous") end end function playerctl:next(player) if player ~= nil then awful.spawn.with_shell("playerctl --player=" .. player .. " next") else awful.spawn.with_shell(self._private.cmd .. "next") end end function playerctl:set_loop_status(loop_status, player) if player ~= nil then awful.spawn.with_shell("playerctl --player=" .. player .. " loop " .. loop_status) else awful.spawn.with_shell(self._private.cmd .. "loop " .. loop_status) end end function playerctl:cycle_loop_status(player) local function set_loop_status(loop_status) if loop_status == "None" then self:set_loop_status("Track") elseif loop_status == "Track" then self:set_loop_status("Playlist") elseif loop_status == "Playlist" then self:set_loop_status("None") end end if player ~= nil then awful.spawn.easy_async_with_shell("playerctl --player=" .. player .. " loop", function(stdout) set_loop_status(stdout) end) else set_loop_status(self._private.loop_status) end end function playerctl:set_position(position, player) if player ~= nil then awful.spawn.with_shell("playerctl --player=" .. player .. " position " .. position) else awful.spawn.with_shell(self._private.cmd .. "position " .. position) end end function playerctl:set_shuffle(shuffle, player) shuffle = shuffle and "on" or "off" if player ~= nil then awful.spawn.with_shell("playerctl --player=" .. player .. " shuffle " .. shuffle) else awful.spawn.with_shell(self._private.cmd .. "shuffle " .. shuffle) end end function playerctl:cycle_shuffle(player) if player ~= nil then awful.spawn.easy_async_with_shell("playerctl --player=" .. player .. " shuffle", function(stdout) local shuffle = stdout == "on" and true or false self:set_shuffle(not self._private.shuffle) end) else self:set_shuffle(not self._private.shuffle) end end function playerctl:set_volume(volume, player) if player ~= nil then awful.spawn.with_shell("playerctl --player=" .. player .. " volume " .. volume) else awful.spawn.with_shell(self._private.cmd .. "volume " .. volume) end end local function emit_player_metadata(self) local metadata_cmd = self._private.cmd .. "metadata --format 'title_{{title}}artist_{{artist}}art_url_{{mpris:artUrl}}player_name_{{playerName}}album_{{album}}' -F" awful.spawn.with_line_callback(metadata_cmd, { stdout = function(line) local title = gstring.xml_escape(line:match('title_(.*)artist_')) or "" local artist = gstring.xml_escape(line:match('artist_(.*)art_url_')) or "" local art_url = line:match('art_url_(.*)player_name_') or "" local player_name = line:match('player_name_(.*)album_') or "" local album = gstring.xml_escape(line:match('album_(.*)')) or "" art_url = art_url:gsub('%\n', '') if player_name == "spotify" then art_url = art_url:gsub("open.spotify.com", "i.scdn.co") end if self._private.metadata_timer and self._private.metadata_timer.started then self._private.metadata_timer:stop() end self._private.metadata_timer = gtimer { timeout = self.debounce_delay, autostart = true, single_shot = true, callback = function() if title and title ~= "" then if art_url ~= "" then local art_path = gfs.get_cache_dir() .. "bling_album_art/" .. art_url:gsub("https://", ""):gsub("http://", "") helpers.filesystem.save_image_async_curl(false, true, art_url, art_path, function() self:emit_signal("metadata", title, artist, art_path, album, player_name) capi.awesome.emit_signal("bling::playerctl::title_artist_album", title, artist, art_path) end) else self:emit_signal("metadata", title, artist, "", album, player_name) capi.awesome.emit_signal("bling::playerctl::title_artist_album", title, artist, "") end else self:emit_signal("no_players") capi.awesome.emit_signal("bling::playerctl::no_players") end end } collectgarbage("collect") end, }) end local function emit_player_position(self) local position_cmd = self._private.cmd .. "position" local length_cmd = self._private.cmd .. "metadata mpris:length" awful.widget.watch(position_cmd, self.interval, function(_, interval) awful.spawn.easy_async_with_shell(length_cmd, function(length) local length_sec = tonumber(length) -- in microseconds local interval_sec = tonumber(interval) -- in seconds if length_sec and interval_sec then if interval_sec >= 0 and length_sec > 0 then self:emit_signal("position", interval_sec, length_sec / 1000000) capi.awesome.emit_signal("bling::playerctl::position", interval_sec, length_sec / 1000000) end end end) collectgarbage("collect") end) end local function emit_player_playback_status(self) local status_cmd = self._private.cmd .. "status -F" awful.spawn.with_line_callback(status_cmd, { stdout = function(line) if line:find("Playing") then self:emit_signal("playback_status", true) capi.awesome.emit_signal("bling::playerctl::status", true) else self:emit_signal("playback_status", false) capi.awesome.emit_signal("bling::playerctl::status", false) end end, }) end local function emit_player_volume(self) local volume_cmd = self._private.cmd .. "volume -F" awful.spawn.with_line_callback(volume_cmd, { stdout = function(line) self:emit_signal("volume", tonumber(line)) end, }) end local function emit_player_loop_status(self) local loop_status_cmd = self._private.cmd .. "loop -F" awful.spawn.with_line_callback(loop_status_cmd, { stdout = function(line) self._private.loop_status = line self:emit_signal("loop_status", line:lower()) end, }) end local function emit_player_shuffle(self) local shuffle_cmd = self._private.cmd .. "shuffle -F" awful.spawn.with_line_callback(shuffle_cmd, { stdout = function(line) if line:find("On") then self._private.shuffle = true self:emit_signal("shuffle", true) else self._private.shuffle = false self:emit_signal("shuffle", false) end end, }) end local function parse_args(self, args) if args.player then self._private.cmd = self._private.cmd .. "--player=" if type(args.player) == "string" then self._private.cmd = self._private.cmd .. args.player .. " " elseif type(args.player) == "table" then for index, player in ipairs(args.player) do self._private.cmd = self._private.cmd .. player if index < #args.player then self._private.cmd = self._private.cmd .. "," else self._private.cmd = self._private.cmd .. " " end end end end if args.ignore then self._private.cmd = self._private.cmd .. "--ignore-player=" if type(args.ignore) == "string" then self._private.cmd = self._private.cmd .. args.ignore .. " " elseif type(args.ignore) == "table" then for index, player in ipairs(args.ignore) do self._private.cmd = self._private.cmd .. player if index < #args.ignore then self._private.cmd = self._private.cmd .. "," else self._private.cmd = self._private.cmd .. " " end end end end end local function new(args) args = args or {} local ret = gobject{} gtable.crush(ret, playerctl, true) ret.interval = args.interval or beautiful.playerctl_position_update_interval or 1 ret.debounce_delay = args.debounce_delay or beautiful.playerctl_debounce_delay or 0.35 ret._private = {} ret._private.metadata_timer = nil ret._private.cmd = "playerctl " parse_args(ret, args) emit_player_metadata(ret) emit_player_position(ret) emit_player_playback_status(ret) emit_player_volume(ret) emit_player_loop_status(ret) emit_player_shuffle(ret) return ret end function playerctl.mt:__call(...) return new(...) end -- On startup instead of on playerctl object init to make it -- possible to have more than one of these running awful.spawn.with_shell("killall playerctl") return setmetatable(playerctl, playerctl.mt)