--[[ This module currently works by adding a new property to each client that is tabbed. That new property is called bling_tabbed. So each client in a tabbed state has the property "bling_tabbed" which is a table. Each client that is not tabbed doesn't have that property. In the function themselves, the same object is refered to as "tabobj" which is why you will often see something like: "local tabobj = some_client.bling_tabbed" at the beginning of a function. --]] local awful = require("awful") local wibox = require("wibox") local gears = require("gears") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local helpers = require(tostring(...):match(".*bling") .. ".helpers") local bar_style = beautiful.tabbar_style or "default" local bar = require(tostring(...):match(".*bling") .. ".widget.tabbar." .. bar_style) tabbed = {} -- used to change focused tab relative to the currently focused one tabbed.iter = function(idx) if not idx then idx = 1 end if not client.focus or not client.focus.bling_tabbed then return end local tabobj = client.focus.bling_tabbed local new_idx = (tabobj.focused_idx + idx) % #tabobj.clients if new_idx == 0 then new_idx = #tabobj.clients end tabbed.switch_to(tabobj, new_idx) end -- removes a given client from its tab object tabbed.remove = function(c) if not c or not c.bling_tabbed then return end local tabobj = c.bling_tabbed table.remove(tabobj.clients, tabobj.focused_idx) if not beautiful.tabbar_disable then awful.titlebar.hide(c, bar.position) end c.bling_tabbed = nil tabbed.switch_to(tabobj, 1) end -- removes the currently focused client from the tab object tabbed.pop = function() if not client.focus or not client.focus.bling_tabbed then return end tabbed.remove(client.focus) end -- adds a client to a given tabobj tabbed.add = function(c, tabobj) if c.bling_tabbed then tabbed.remove(c) end helpers.client.sync(c, tabobj.clients[tabobj.focused_idx]) tabobj.clients[#tabobj.clients + 1] = c tabobj.focused_idx = #tabobj.clients -- calls update even though switch_to calls update again -- but the new client needs to have the tabobj property -- before a clean switch can happen tabbed.update(tabobj) awesome.emit_signal("bling::tabbed::client_added", tabobj) tabbed.switch_to(tabobj, #tabobj.clients) end -- use xwininfo to select one client and make it tab in the currently focused tab tabbed.pick = function() if not client.focus then return end -- this function uses xwininfo to grab a client window id which is then -- compared to all other clients window ids local xwininfo_cmd = [[ xwininfo | grep 'xwininfo: Window id:' | cut -d " " -f 4 ]] awful.spawn.easy_async_with_shell(xwininfo_cmd, function(output) for _, c in ipairs(client.get()) do if tonumber(c.window) == tonumber(output) then if not client.focus.bling_tabbed and not c.bling_tabbed then tabbed.init(client.focus) tabbed.add(c, client.focus.bling_tabbed) end if not client.focus.bling_tabbed and c.bling_tabbed then tabbed.add(client.focus, c.bling_tabbed) end if client.focus.bling_tabbed and not c.bling_tabbed then tabbed.add(c, client.focus.bling_tabbed) end -- TODO: Should also merge tabs when focus and picked -- both are tab groups end end end) end -- select a client by direction and make it tab in the currently focused tab tabbed.pick_by_direction = function(direction) local sel = client.focus if not sel then return end if not sel.bling_tabbed then tabbed.init(sel) end local c = helpers.client.get_by_direction(direction) if not c then return end tabbed.add(c, sel.bling_tabbed) end -- use dmenu to select a client and make it tab in the currently focused tab tabbed.pick_with_dmenu = function(dmenu_command) if not client.focus then return end if not dmenu_command then dmenu_command = "rofi -dmenu -i" end -- get all clients from the current tag -- ignores the case where multiple tags are selected local t = awful.screen.focused().selected_tag local list_clients = {} local list_clients_string = "" for idx, c in ipairs(t:clients()) do if c.window ~= client.focus.window then list_clients[#list_clients + 1] = c if #list_clients ~= 1 then list_clients_string = list_clients_string .. "\\n" end list_clients_string = list_clients_string .. tostring(c.window) .. " " .. c.name end end if #list_clients == 0 then return end -- calls the actual dmenu local xprop_cmd = [[ echo -e "]] .. list_clients_string .. [[" | ]] .. dmenu_command .. [[ | awk '{ print $1 }' ]] awful.spawn.easy_async_with_shell(xprop_cmd, function(output) for _, c in ipairs(list_clients) do if tonumber(c.window) == tonumber(output) then if not client.focus.bling_tabbed then tabbed.init(client.focus) end local tabobj = client.focus.bling_tabbed tabbed.add(c, tabobj) end end end) end -- update everything about one tab object tabbed.update = function(tabobj) local currently_focused_c = tabobj.clients[tabobj.focused_idx] -- update tabobj of each client and other things for idx, c in ipairs(tabobj.clients) do if c.valid then c.bling_tabbed = tabobj helpers.client.sync(c, currently_focused_c) -- the following handles killing a client while the client is tabbed c:connect_signal("unmanage", function(c) tabbed.remove(c) end) end end awesome.emit_signal("bling::tabbed::update", tabobj) if not beautiful.tabbar_disable then tabbed.update_tabbar(tabobj) end end -- change focused tab by absolute index tabbed.switch_to = function(tabobj, new_idx) local old_focused_c = tabobj.clients[tabobj.focused_idx] tabobj.focused_idx = new_idx for idx, c in ipairs(tabobj.clients) do if idx ~= new_idx then helpers.client.turn_off(c) else helpers.client.turn_on(c) c:raise() if old_focused_c and old_focused_c.valid then c:swap(old_focused_c) end helpers.client.sync(c, old_focused_c) end end tabbed.update(tabobj) end tabbed.update_tabbar = function(tabobj) local flexlist = bar.layout() -- itearte over all tabbed clients to create the widget tabbed list for idx, c in ipairs(tabobj.clients) do local buttons = gears.table.join( awful.button({}, 1, function() tabbed.switch_to(tabobj, idx) end)) wid_temp = bar.create(c, (idx == tabobj.focused_idx), buttons) flexlist:add(wid_temp) end -- add tabbar to each tabbed client (clients will be hided anyway) for _, c in ipairs(tabobj.clients) do local titlebar = awful.titlebar(c, { bg = bar.bg_normal, size = bar.size, position = bar.position }) titlebar:setup{layout = wibox.layout.flex.horizontal, flexlist} end end tabbed.init = function(c) local tabobj = {} tabobj.clients = {c} tabobj.focused_idx = 1 tabbed.update(tabobj) end if beautiful.tabbed_spawn_in_tab then client.connect_signal("manage", function(c) local s = awful.screen.focused() local previous_client = awful.client.focus.history.get(s, 1) if previous_client and previous_client.bling_tabbed then tabbed.add(c, previous_client.bling_tabbed) end end) end return tabbed