------------------------------------------- -- @author https://github.com/Kasper24 -- @copyright 2021-2022 Kasper24 ------------------------------------------- local awful = require("awful") local gtable = require("gears.table") local gstring = require("gears.string") local wibox = require("wibox") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local dpi = beautiful.xresources.apply_dpi local tostring = tostring local tonumber = tonumber local ceil = math.ceil local ipairs = ipairs local string = string local type = type local capi = { awesome = awesome, root = root, mouse = mouse, tag = tag, client = client } local prompt = { mt = {} } local properties = { "only_numbers", "round", "obscure", "always_on", "reset_on_stop", "stop_on_lost_focus", "stop_on_tag_changed", "stop_on_clicked_outside", "icon_font", "icon_size", "icon_color", "icon", "label_font", "label_size", "label_color", "label", "text_font", "text_size", "text_color", "text", "cursor_size", "cursor_color" } local function is_word_char(c) if string.find(c, "[{[(,.:;_-+=@/ ]") then return false else return true end end local function cword_start(s, pos) local i = pos if i > 1 then i = i - 1 end while i >= 1 and not is_word_char(s:sub(i, i)) do i = i - 1 end while i >= 1 and is_word_char(s:sub(i, i)) do i = i - 1 end if i <= #s then i = i + 1 end return i end local function cword_end(s, pos) local i = pos while i <= #s and not is_word_char(s:sub(i, i)) do i = i + 1 end while i <= #s and is_word_char(s:sub(i, i)) do i = i + 1 end return i end local function have_multibyte_char_at(text, position) return text:sub(position, position):wlen() == -1 end local function generate_markup(self) local wp = self._private local label_size = dpi(ceil(wp.label_size * 1024)) local text_size = dpi(ceil(wp.text_size * 1024)) local cursor_size = dpi(ceil(wp.cursor_size * 1024)) local text = tostring(wp.text) or "" if wp.obscure == true then text = text:gsub(".", "*") end local markup = "" if wp.icon ~= nil then if type(wp.icon) == "table" then local icon_size = dpi(ceil(wp.icon.size * 1024)) markup = string.format( '%s ', wp.icon.font, icon_size, wp.icon.color, wp.icon.icon) else local icon_size = dpi(ceil(wp.icon_size * 1024)) markup = string.format( '%s ', wp.icon_font, icon_size, wp.icon_color, wp.icon) end end if self._private.state == true then local char, spacer, text_start, text_end if #text < wp.cur_pos then char = " " spacer = "" text_start = gstring.xml_escape(text) text_end = "" else local offset = 0 if have_multibyte_char_at(text, wp.cur_pos) then offset = 1 end char = gstring.xml_escape(text:sub(wp.cur_pos, wp.cur_pos + offset)) spacer = " " text_start = gstring.xml_escape(text:sub(1, wp.cur_pos - 1)) text_end = gstring.xml_escape(text:sub(wp.cur_pos + offset)) end markup = markup .. (string.format( '%s' .. '%s' .. '%s' .. '%s%s', wp.label_font, label_size, wp.label_color, wp.label, wp.text_font, text_size, wp.text_color, text_start, cursor_size, wp.cursor_color, char, wp.text_font, text_size, wp.text_color, text_end, spacer)) else markup = markup .. string.format( '%s' .. '%s', wp.label_font, label_size, wp.label_color, wp.label, wp.text_font, text_size, wp.text_color, gstring.xml_escape(text)) end self:set_markup(markup) end local function paste(self) local wp = self._private awful.spawn.easy_async_with_shell("xclip -selection clipboard -o", function(stdout) if stdout ~= nil then local n = stdout:find("\n") if n then stdout = stdout:sub(1, n - 1) end wp.text = wp.text:sub(1, wp.cur_pos - 1) .. stdout .. self.text:sub(wp.cur_pos) wp.cur_pos = wp.cur_pos + #stdout generate_markup(self) end end) end local function build_properties(prototype, prop_names) for _, prop in ipairs(prop_names) do if not prototype["set_" .. prop] then prototype["set_" .. prop] = function(self, value) if self._private[prop] ~= value then self._private[prop] = value self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") self:emit_signal("property::" .. prop, value) generate_markup(self) end return self end end if not prototype["get_" .. prop] then prototype["get_" .. prop] = function(self) return self._private[prop] end end end end function prompt:toggle_obscure() self:set_obscure(not self._private.obscure) end function prompt:set_text(text) self._private.text = text self._private.cur_pos = #text + 1 generate_markup(self) end function prompt:get_text() return self._private.text end function prompt:start() local wp = self._private wp.state = true capi.awesome.emit_signal("prompt::toggled_on", self) generate_markup(self) wp.grabber = awful.keygrabber.run(function(modifiers, key, event) -- Convert index array to hash table local mod = {} for _, v in ipairs(modifiers) do mod[v] = true end if event ~= "press" then self:emit_signal("key::release", mod, key, wp.text) return end self:emit_signal("key::press", mod, key, wp.text) -- Control cases if mod.Control then if key == "v" then paste(self) elseif key == "a" then wp.cur_pos = 1 elseif key == "b" then if wp.cur_pos > 1 then wp.cur_pos = wp.cur_pos - 1 if have_multibyte_char_at(wp.text, wp.cur_pos) then wp.cur_pos = wp.cur_pos - 1 end end elseif key == "d" then if wp.cur_pos <= #wp.text then wp.text = wp.text:sub(1, wp.cur_pos - 1) .. wp.text:sub(wp.cur_pos + 1) end elseif key == "e" then wp.cur_pos = #wp.text + 1 elseif key == "f" then if wp.cur_pos <= #wp.text then if have_multibyte_char_at(wp.text, wp.cur_pos) then wp.cur_pos = wp.cur_pos + 2 else wp.cur_pos = wp.cur_pos + 1 end end elseif key == "h" then if wp.cur_pos > 1 then local offset = 0 if have_multibyte_char_at(wp.text, wp.cur_pos - 1) then offset = 1 end wp.text = wp.text:sub(1, wp.cur_pos - 2 - offset) .. wp.text:sub(wp.cur_pos) wp.cur_pos = wp.cur_pos - 1 - offset end elseif key == "k" then wp.text = wp.text:sub(1, wp.cur_pos - 1) elseif key == "u" then wp.text = wp.text:sub(wp.cur_pos, #wp.text) wp.cur_pos = 1 elseif key == "w" or key == "BackSpace" then local wstart = 1 local wend = 1 local cword_start_pos = 1 local cword_end_pos = 1 while wend < wp.cur_pos do wend = wp.text:find("[{[(,.:;_-+=@/ ]", wstart) if not wend then wend = #wp.text + 1 end if wp.cur_pos >= wstart and wp.cur_pos <= wend + 1 then cword_start_pos = wstart cword_end_pos = wp.cur_pos - 1 break end wstart = wend + 1 end wp.text = wp.text:sub(1, cword_start_pos - 1) .. wp.text:sub(cword_end_pos + 1) wp.cur_pos = cword_start_pos end elseif mod.Mod1 or mod.Mod3 then if key == "b" then wp.cur_pos = cword_start(wp.text, wp.cur_pos) elseif key == "f" then wp.cur_pos = cword_end(wp.text, wp.cur_pos) elseif key == "d" then wp.text = wp.text:sub(1, wp.cur_pos - 1) .. wp.text:sub(cword_end(wp.text, wp.cur_pos)) elseif key == "BackSpace" then local wstart = cword_start(wp.text, wp.cur_pos) wp.text = wp.text:sub(1, wstart - 1) .. wp.text:sub(wp.cur_pos) wp.cur_pos = wstart end else if key == "Escape" or key == "Return" then if self.always_on == false then self:stop() return end elseif mod.Shift and key == "Insert" then paste(self) elseif key == "Home" then wp.cur_pos = 1 elseif key == "End" then wp.cur_pos = #wp.text + 1 elseif key == "BackSpace" then if wp.cur_pos > 1 then local offset = 0 if have_multibyte_char_at(wp.text, wp.cur_pos - 1) then offset = 1 end wp.text = wp.text:sub(1, wp.cur_pos - 2 - offset) .. wp.text:sub(wp.cur_pos) wp.cur_pos = wp.cur_pos - 1 - offset end elseif key == "Delete" then wp.text = wp.text:sub(1, wp.cur_pos - 1) .. wp.text:sub(wp.cur_pos + 1) elseif key == "Left" then wp.cur_pos = wp.cur_pos - 1 elseif key == "Right" then wp.cur_pos = wp.cur_pos + 1 else if wp.round and key == "." then return end if wp.only_numbers and tonumber(wp.text .. key) == nil then return end -- wlen() is UTF-8 aware but #key is not, -- so check that we have one UTF-8 char but advance the cursor of # position if key:wlen() == 1 then wp.text = wp.text:sub(1, wp.cur_pos - 1) .. key .. wp.text:sub(wp.cur_pos) wp.cur_pos = wp.cur_pos + #key end end if wp.cur_pos < 1 then wp.cur_pos = 1 elseif wp.cur_pos > #wp.text + 1 then wp.cur_pos = #wp.text + 1 end end if wp.only_numbers and wp.text == "" then wp.text = "0" wp.cur_pos = #wp.text + 1 end generate_markup(self) self:emit_signal("text::changed", wp.text) end) end function prompt:stop() local wp = self._private wp.state = false if self.reset_on_stop == true then self:set_text("") end awful.keygrabber.stop(wp.grabber) generate_markup(self) self:emit_signal("stopped", wp.text) end function prompt:toggle() local wp = self._private if wp.state == true then self:stop() else self:start() end end local function new() local widget = wibox.widget.textbox() gtable.crush(widget, prompt, true) local wp = widget._private wp.only_numbers = false wp.round = false wp.always_on = false wp.reset_on_stop = false wp.obscure = false wp.stop_on_focus_lost = false wp.stop_on_tag_changed = false wp.stop_on_clicked_outside = true wp.icon_font = beautiful.font wp.icon_size = 12 wp.icon_color = beautiful.colors.on_background wp.icon = nil wp.label_font = beautiful.font wp.label_size = 12 wp.label_color = beautiful.colors.on_background wp.label = "" wp.text_font = beautiful.font wp.text_size = 12 wp.text_color = beautiful.colors.on_background wp.text = "" wp.cursor_size = 4 wp.cursor_color = beautiful.colors.on_background wp.cur_pos = #wp.text + 1 or 1 wp.state = false widget:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function(self, find_widgets_result) capi.root.cursor("xterm") local wibox = capi.mouse.current_wibox if wibox then wibox.cursor = "xterm" end end) widget:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function() capi.root.cursor("left_ptr") local wibox = capi.mouse.current_wibox if wibox then wibox.cursor = "left_ptr" end if wp.stop_on_focus_lost ~= false and wp.always_on == false and wp.state == true then widget:stop() end end) widget:connect_signal("button::press", function(self, lx, ly, button, mods, find_widgets_result) if wp.always_on then return end if button == 1 then widget:toggle() end end) -- TODO make it work outside my config capi.awesome.connect_signal("root::pressed", function() if wp.stop_on_clicked_outside ~= false and wp.always_on == false and wp.state == true then widget:stop() end end) capi.client.connect_signal("button::press", function() if wp.stop_on_clicked_outside ~= false and wp.always_on == false and wp.state == true then widget:stop() end end) capi.tag.connect_signal("property::selected", function() if wp.stop_on_tag_changed ~= false and wp.always_on == false and wp.state == true then widget:stop() end end) capi.awesome.connect_signal("prompt::toggled_on", function(prompt) if wp.always_on == false and prompt ~= widget and wp.state == true then widget:stop() end end) return widget end function prompt.mt:__call(...) return new(...) end build_properties(prompt, properties) return setmetatable(prompt, prompt.mt)