Add resize handle in titlebar corner (and improve titlebar look&feel while I am at it)

This commit is contained in:
Emmanuel Lepage Vallee 2013-06-10 23:32:59 -04:00
parent bbf299e42c
commit 8368cbaed1
1 changed files with 31 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
local capi = { client = client, mouse = mouse ,
screen = screen, keygrabber = keygrabber}
local ipairs,print = ipairs,print
local ipairs,print = ipairs,print
local wibox,color = require( "wibox" ) , require( "gears.color" )
local cairo,beautiful = require( "lgi").cairo , require( "beautiful" )
local awful = require("awful")
local module,indicators,cur_c = {},nil,nil
local values = {"top" , "topright" , "right" , "bottomright" ,
"bottom" , "bottomleft", "left" , "topleft" }
local values = {"top" , "top_right" , "right" , "bottom_right" ,
"bottom" , "bottom_left", "left" , "top_left" }
local function create_arrow(width, height,margin,bg_color,fg_color)
module.create_arrow = function(width, height,margin,bg_color,fg_color)
local img = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, width+2*margin, height+2*margin)
local cr = cairo.Context(img)
@ -30,14 +31,14 @@ local function gen_shape_bounding(radius)
cr:paint ( )
cr:set_source_rgba(1,1,1,1 )
cr:arc ( radius/2,radius/2,radius/2,0,2*math.pi )
cr:fill ( )
return img._native
local function create_indicators()
indicators = {}
local arr = create_arrow( 20, 20, 10, beautiful.bg_alternate,beautiful.fg_normal )
local arr_focus = create_arrow( 20, 20, 10, beautiful.fg_normal,beautiful.bg_normal )
local arr = module.create_arrow( 20, 20, 10, beautiful.bg_alternate,beautiful.fg_normal )
local arr_focus = module.create_arrow( 20, 20, 10, beautiful.fg_normal,beautiful.bg_normal )
local angle = 0
local shape_bounding = gen_shape_bounding(40)
for k,v in ipairs(values) do
@ -59,49 +60,46 @@ local function create_indicators()
w:connect_signal("mouse::enter",function() ib:set_image(arr_rot_focus) end)
w:connect_signal("mouse::leave",function() ib:set_image(arr_rot) end)
ib:buttons( awful.util.table.join(
awful.button({ }, 1, function(geometry)
awful.mouse.client.resize(cur_c,v,function(c) module.display(c,true) end)
indicators[v] = w
local placement_f = {
left = function(g) return {x = g.x , y = g.y + g.height/2 } end,
topleft = function(g) return {x = g.x , y = g.y } end,
bottomleft = function(g) return {x = g.x , y = g.y+g.height } end,
right = function(g) return {x = g.x + g.width , y = g.y+g.height/2 } end,
topright = function(g) return {x = g.x + g.width , y = g.y } end,
bottomright = function(g) return {x = g.x + g.width , y = g.y+g.height } end,
top = function(g) return {x = g.x + g.width/2 , y = g.y } end,
bottom = function(g) return {x = g.x + g.width/2 , y = g.y+g.height } end,
left = function(g) return {x = g.x , y = g.y + g.height/2 } end,
top_left = function(g) return {x = g.x , y = g.y } end,
bottom_left = function(g) return {x = g.x , y = g.y+g.height } end,
right = function(g) return {x = g.x + g.width , y = g.y+g.height/2 } end,
top_right = function(g) return {x = g.x + g.width , y = g.y } end,
bottom_right = function(g) return {x = g.x + g.width , y = g.y+g.height } end,
top = function(g) return {x = g.x + g.width/2 , y = g.y } end,
bottom = function(g) return {x = g.x + g.width/2 , y = g.y+g.height } end,
local move_f = {
left = function(c) end,
topleft = function(c) end,
bottomleft = function(c) end,
right = function(c) end,
topright = function(c) end,
bottomright = function(c) end,
top = function(c) end,
bottom = function(c) end,
module.display = function(c)
module.display = function(c,toggle)
c = c or capi.client.focus
if not indicators then
for k,v in ipairs(values) do
local w = indicators[v]
local pos = placement_f[v](c:geometry())
w.x = pos.x - 20
w.y = pos.y - 20
if c ~= cur_c then
if cur_c then
cur_c:disconnect_signal("property::geometry", module.display)
c:connect_signal("property::geometry", module.display)
cur_c = c
elseif toggle == true then
for k,v in ipairs(values) do indicators[v].visible = false end
cur_c:disconnect_signal("property::geometry", module.display)
cur_c = nil
for k,v in ipairs(values) do
local w,pos = indicators[v],placement_f[v](c:geometry())
w.x,w.y,w.visible = pos.x - 20,pos.y - 20,true