resize: Port to the new upstreamed APIs and add options

Most of the old code has been upstreamed. I used the reduced
complexity to add tons of new visual options. It looks great!

This remove support for resizing tiled layouts. First of all, it
never worked properly. Also, I have a new layout system with
a saner way of doing this. As it wont make it for 3.6, I will
merge it into Collision.
This commit is contained in:
Emmanuel Lepage Vallee 2016-06-12 17:24:18 -04:00
parent 1a87e0734a
commit 906f430f04
2 changed files with 115 additions and 189 deletions

View File

@ -96,11 +96,18 @@ namespace
## Focus
| Variable | Description |
| :-------------------: | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| collision_bg_focus | The background of the focus change arrow |
| collision_fg_focus | The foregroung filling color of the arrow |
| collision_bg_center | The focussed client circle background |
| Variable | Description |
| :---------------------------: | ------------------------------------------------------ |
| collision_bg_focus | The background of the focus change arrow |
| collision_fg_focus | The foregroung filling color of the arrow |
| collision_bg_center | The focussed client circle background |
| collision_resize_width | The size of the resize handles |
| collision_resize_shape | The gears.shape used for the resize handle |
| collision_resize_border_width | The resize handles border width |
| collision_resize_border_color | The resize handles border colors |
| collision_resize_padding | The resize handles padding between the boder and arrow |
| collision_resize_bg | The resize handles background color |
| collision_resize_fg | The resize handles arrow color |
# Settings
@ -120,4 +127,4 @@ cursor position.
Use `collision.mouse.highlight()` and `collision.mouse.hide()`
# Notes
Using the focus arrows to select empty screens only work in Awesome 3.5.7+
Using the focus arrows to select empty screens only work in Awesome 3.5.7+

View File

@ -1,214 +1,133 @@
local capi = { client = client, mouse=mouse,mousegrabber=mousegrabber }
local ipairs,print = ipairs,print
local wibox,color = require( "wibox" ) , require( "gears.color" )
local cairo,beautiful = require( "lgi").cairo , require( "beautiful" )
local awful = require("awful")
local col_utils = require( "collision.util" )
local d_resize = nil
local capi = { client = client }
local wibox = require( "wibox" )
local beautiful = require( "beautiful" )
local awful = require( "awful" )
local surface = require( "gears.surface" )
local shape = require( "gears.shape" )
-- This module is optional
pcall(function() d_resize = require( "awful.layout.dynamic.resize" ) end)
local module,indicators,cur_c,auto_hide = {},nil,nil
local module,indicators,cur_c = {},nil,nil
local values = {"top" , "top_right" , "right" , "bottom_right" ,
"bottom" , "bottom_left", "left" , "top_left" }
local invert = {
left = "right" ,
right = "left" ,
top = "bottom",
bottom = "top"
left = "right",
right = "left" ,
up = "down" ,
down = "up" ,
local function gen_shape_bounding(radius)
local img = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, radius,radius)
local cr = cairo.Context(img)
cr:set_source_rgba(0,0,0,0 )
cr:paint ( )
cr:set_source_rgba(1,1,1,1 )
cr:arc ( radius/2,radius/2,radius/2,0,2*math.pi )
cr:fill ( )
return img._native
local r_ajust = {
left = function(c, d) return { x = c.x - d, width = c.width + d } end,
right = function(c, d) return { width = c.width + d, } end,
up = function(c, d) return { y = c.y - d, height = c.height + d } end,
down = function(c, d) return { height = c.height + d, } end,
local function create_indicators()
indicators = {}
local arr = col_utils.arrow(20, 7, 10, beautiful.bg_alternate or "#ff0000", beautiful.fg_normal or "#0000ff")
local arr_focus = col_utils.arrow(20, 7, 10, beautiful.fg_normal or "#ff0000", beautiful.bg_normal or "#0000ff")
local angle = 0
local shape_bounding = gen_shape_bounding(40)
for k,v in ipairs(values) do
local w = wibox({width=40,height=40,ontop=true,visible= true})
local ib = wibox.widget.imagebox()
local arr_rot,arr_rot_focus = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, 40, 40),cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, 40, 40)
for k2,v2 in ipairs({arr_rot,arr_rot_focus}) do
local cr2= cairo.Context(v2)
cr2:set_source(v2 == arr_rot and arr or arr_focus)
local ret = {}
local angle = -((2*math.pi)/8)
-- Get the parameters
local size = beautiful.collision_resize_width or 40
local s = beautiful.collision_resize_shape or
local bw = beautiful.collision_resize_border_width
local bc = beautiful.collision_resize_border_color
local padding = beautiful.collision_resize_padding or 7
local bg = beautiful.collision_resize_bg or beautiful.bg_alternate or "#ff0000"
local fg = beautiful.collision_resize_fg or beautiful.fg_normal or "#0000ff"
for k,v in ipairs(values) do
local w = wibox {
width = size,
height = size,
ontop = true,
visible = true
angle = angle + (2*math.pi)/8
local tr = (size - 2*padding) / 2
w:setup {
widget = wibox.widget.imagebox
shape = shape.transform(shape.arrow)
: translate( tr,tr )
: rotate ( angle )
: translate( -tr,-tr ),
bg = fg,
widget = wibox.container.background
margins = padding,
widget = wibox.container.margin,
bg = bg,
shape = s,
shape_border_width = bw,
shape_border_color = bc,
widget = wibox.container.background
surface.apply_shape_bounding(w, s)
ret[v] = w
angle = angle + (2*math.pi)/8
w.shape_bounding = shape_bounding
w:set_bg(beautiful.bg_alternate or "#ff0000")
w:connect_signal("mouse::enter",function() ib:set_image(arr_rot_focus) end)
if auto_hide then
auto_hide = false
ib:buttons( awful.util.table.join(
awful.button({ }, 1, function(geometry)
awful.mouse.client.resize(cur_c,v,function(c) module.display(c,true) end)
indicators[v] = w
return ret
-- Resize using the mouse
local placement_f = {
left = function(g) return {x = g.x , y = g.y + g.height/2 } end,
top_left = function(g) return {x = g.x , y = g.y } end,
bottom_left = function(g) return {x = g.x , y = g.y+g.height } end,
right = function(g) return {x = g.x + g.width , y = g.y+g.height/2 } end,
top_right = function(g) return {x = g.x + g.width , y = g.y } end,
bottom_right = function(g) return {x = g.x + g.width , y = g.y+g.height } end,
top = function(g) return {x = g.x + g.width/2 , y = g.y } end,
bottom = function(g) return {x = g.x + g.width/2 , y = g.y+g.height } end,
-- Resize floating using the keyboard
local r_orientation = { right = "width", left = "width", up = "height", down = "height" }
local r_direction = { right = "x" , left = "x" , up = "y" , down = "y" }
local r_sign = { right = 1 , left = -1 , up = -1 , down = 1 }
-- Resize tiled using the keyboard
local layouts_all = {
[awful.layout.suit.floating] = { right = "" },
[awful.layout.suit.tile] = { right = {mwfact= 0.05}, left = {mwfact=-0.05}, up ={wfact=-0.1 }, down = {wfact = 0.1 } },
[awful.layout.suit.tile.left] = { right = {mwfact=-0.05}, left = {mwfact= 0.05}, up ={wfact= 0.1 }, down = {wfact =-0.1 } },
[awful.layout.suit.tile.bottom] = { right = {wfact=-0.1 }, left = {wfact= 0.1 }, up ={mwfact=-0.05}, down = {mwfact= 0.05} },
[] = { right = {wfact=-0.1 }, left = {wfact= 0.1 }, up ={mwfact= 0.05}, down = {mwfact=-0.05} },
[awful.layout.suit.spiral] = { right = {wfact=-0.1 }, left = {wfact= 0.1 }, up ={mwfact= 0.05}, down = {mwfact=-0.05} },
[awful.layout.suit.magnifier] = { right = {mwfact= 0.05}, left = {mwfact=-0.05}, up ={mwfact= 0.05}, down = {mwfact=-0.05} },
-- The other layouts cannot be resized using variables
function module.hide()
for k,v in ipairs(values) do indicators[v].visible = false end
for k,v in ipairs(values) do indicators[v].visible = false end
cur_c:disconnect_signal("property::geometry", module.display)
cur_c = nil
function module.display(c,toggle)
if type(c) ~= "client" then --HACK
c = capi.client.focus
if not c then return end
if not indicators then
if c ~= cur_c then
if cur_c then
cur_c:disconnect_signal("property::geometry", module.display)
if type(c) ~= "client" then --HACK
c = capi.client.focus
if not c then return end
indicators = indicators or create_indicators()
if c ~= cur_c then
if cur_c then
cur_c:disconnect_signal("property::geometry", module.display)
c:connect_signal("property::geometry", module.display)
cur_c = c
elseif toggle == true then
for k,v in ipairs(values) do
local w = indicators[v]
awful.placement[v](w, {parent=c})
w.visible = true
c:connect_signal("property::geometry", module.display)
cur_c = c
elseif toggle == true then
for k,v in ipairs(values) do
local w,pos = indicators[v],placement_f[v](c:geometry())
w.x,w.y,w.visible = math.floor(pos.x - 20), math.floor(pos.y - 20),true
function module.resize(mod,key,event,direction,is_swap,is_max)
local c = capi.client.focus
if not c then return true end
local lay = awful.layout.get(c.screen)
if awful.client.floating.get(c) or lay == awful.layout.suit.floating then
local new_geo = c:geometry()
new_geo[r_orientation[direction]] = new_geo[r_orientation[direction]] + r_sign[direction]*100*(is_swap and -1 or 1)
if is_swap then
new_geo[r_direction[direction]] = new_geo[r_direction[direction]] + r_sign[direction]*100
elseif lay.is_dynamic then
d_resize.ajust_geometry(c, 100 * (is_swap and -1 or 1), is_swap and invert[direction] or direction)
elseif layouts_all[lay] then
local ret = layouts_all[lay][direction]
if ret.mwfact then
if ret.wfact then
return true
local c = capi.client.focus
if not c then return true end
local corners = {
tl = function(geom,mouse,curX,curY) return {x=geom.x+(mouse.x-curX),y=geom.y+(mouse.y-curY),width=geom.width-(mouse.x-curX),height=geom.height-(mouse.y-curY)} end,
bl = function(geom,mouse,curX,curY) return {x=geom.x+(mouse.x-curX),y=geom.y ,width=geom.width-(mouse.x-curX),height=geom.height-(curY-mouse.y)} end,
br = function(geom,mouse,curX,curY) return {x=geom.x ,y=geom.y ,width=geom.width-(curX-mouse.x),height=geom.height-(curY-mouse.y)} end,
local del = is_swap and -100 or 100
direction = is_swap and invert[direction] or direction
-- Resize from the top left corner
function module.mouse_resize(c,corner)
if not c then return end
c:emit_signal("request::geometry", "mouse.resize", r_ajust[direction](c, del))
-- Check if the dynamic resize codepath is available
local lay = awful.layout.get(c.screen)
if lay.is_dynamic then
d_resize.generic_mouse_resize_handler(c, nil, nil, nil,{
leave_callback = module.hide
-- Use the internal resizing code
local geom,curX,curY = c:geometry(),capi.mouse.coords().x,capi.mouse.coords().y
if mouse.buttons[1] == false then
return false
elseif mouse.x ~= curX and mouse.y ~= curY then
-- Apply the changes
local new = corners[corner or "tl"](geom,mouse,curX,curY)
-- Check for critically low values
if new.width < 5 then
new.width = 5
if new.height < 5 then
new.height = 5
--Newer awesome version support checking size hints
if c.apply_size_hints then
local w,h = c:apply_size_hints(new.width,new.height)
new.x,new.y,new.width,new.height = new.x - (w-new.width),new.y - (h-new.height),w,h
return true
-- Always display the arrows when resizing
awful.mouse.resize.add_enter_callback(module.display, "mouse.resize")
awful.mouse.resize.add_leave_callback(module.hide , "mouse.resize")
return module
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