-- This helper module help retro-generate the clients layout from awful -- this is a giant hack and doesn't even always work and require upstream -- patches local setmetatable = setmetatable local ipairs,math = ipairs,math local awful = require("awful") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local color = require( "gears.color") local util = require( "collision.util" ) local capi = { screen = screen, client=client } local module = {} local margin = 2 local radius = 4 -- Emulate a client using meta table magic local function gen_cls(c,results) local ret = setmetatable({},{__index = function(t,i) local ret2 = c[i] if type(ret2) == "function" then if i == "geometry" then return function(self,...) if #{...} > 0 then local geom = ({...})[1] -- Make a copy as the original will be changed results[c] = awful.util.table.join(({...})[1],{}) return geom end return c:geometry() end else return function(self,...) return ret2(c,...) end end end return ret2 end}) return ret end function module.get_geometry(tag) local cls,results,flt = {},setmetatable({},{__mode="k"}),{} local s = awful.tag.getscreen(tag) local l = awful.tag.getproperty(tag,"layout") local focus,focus_wrap = capi.client.focus,nil for k,c in ipairs (tag:clients()) do -- Handle floating client separately if not c.minimized then local floating = awful.client.floating.get(c) if (not floating) and (not l == awful.layout.suit.floating) then cls[#cls+1] = gen_cls(c,results) if c == focus then focus_wrap = cls[#cls] end else flt[#flt+1] = c:geometry() end end end -- The magnifier layout require a focussed client -- there wont be any as that layout is not selected -- take one at random or (TODO) use stack data if not focus_wrap then focus_wrap = cls[1] end local param = { tag = tag, screen = 1, clients = cls, focus = focus_wrap, workarea = capi.screen[s or 1].workarea } l.arrange(param) return results,flt end function module.draw(tag,cr,width,height) local worked = false local l,l2 = module.get_geometry(tag) local s = awful.tag.getscreen(tag) local scr_geo = capi.screen[s or 1].workarea local ratio = height/scr_geo.height local w_stretch = width/(scr_geo.width*ratio) local r,g,b = util.get_rgb() cr:set_line_width(3) for c,ll in ipairs({l,l2}) do for c,geom in pairs(ll) do util.draw_round_rect(cr,geom.x*ratio*w_stretch+margin,geom.y*ratio+margin,geom.width*ratio*w_stretch-margin*2,geom.height*ratio-margin*2,radius) cr:close_path() cr:set_source_rgba(r,g,b,0.7) cr:stroke_preserve() cr:set_source_rgba(r,g,b,0.2) cr:fill() -- Draw an icon in the region --TODO worked = true end end --TODO floating clients return worked end return module -- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;