local capi = {screen = screen} local math = math local color = require( "gears.color" ) local beautiful = require( "beautiful" ) local glib = require("lgi").GLib local cairo = require( "lgi" ).cairo local module = {settings={}} local rr,rg,rb function module.get_rgb() if not rr then local pat = color(beautiful.fg_normal) local s,r,g,b,a = pat:get_rgba() rr,rg,rb = r,g,b end return rr,rg,rb end --- Draw an arrow path. The current context position is the center of the arrow -- By default, the arrow is pointing up, use context rotation to get other directions -- -- To get an arrow pointing down: -- @usage cr:move_to(width/2, height/2) -- cr:rotate(math.pi) -- -- function module.arrow_path(cr, width, sidesize) cr:rel_move_to( 0 , -width/2 ) cr:rel_line_to( width/2 , width/2 ) cr:rel_line_to( -sidesize , 0 ) cr:rel_line_to( 0 , width/2 ) cr:rel_line_to( (-width)+2*sidesize , 0 ) cr:rel_line_to( 0 , -width/2 ) cr:rel_line_to( -sidesize , 0 ) cr:rel_line_to( width/2 , -width/2 ) cr:close_path() end function module.arrow_path2(cr, width, height, head_width, shaft_width, shaft_length) local shaft_length = shaft_length or height / 2 local shaft_width = shaft_width or width / 2 local head_width = head_width or width local head_length = height - shaft_length cr:move_to( width/2 , 0 ) cr:rel_line_to( head_width/2 , head_length ) cr:rel_line_to( -(head_width-shaft_width)/2 , 0 ) cr:rel_line_to( 0 , shaft_length ) cr:rel_line_to( -shaft_width , 0 ) cr:rel_line_to( 0 , -shaft_length ) cr:rel_line_to( -(head_width-shaft_width)/2 , 0 ) cr:close_path() end function module.arrow(width, sidesize, margin, bg_color, fg_color) local img = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, width+2*margin, width+2*margin) local cr = cairo.Context(img) cr:set_source(color(bg_color)) cr:paint() cr:set_source(color(fg_color)) cr:set_antialias(cairo.Antialias.NONE) cr:move_to(margin+width/2, margin+width/2) module.arrow_path(cr, width, sidesize) cr:fill() return cairo.Pattern.create_for_surface(img) end function module.draw_round_rect(cr,x,y,w,h,radius) cr:save() cr:translate(x,y) cr:move_to(0,radius) cr:arc(radius,radius,radius,math.pi,3*(math.pi/2)) cr:arc(w-radius,radius,radius,3*(math.pi/2),math.pi*2) cr:arc(w-radius,h-radius,radius,math.pi*2,math.pi/2) cr:arc(radius,h-radius,radius,math.pi/2,math.pi) cr:close_path() cr:restore() end local function refresh_dt(last_sec,last_usec,callback,delay) local tv = glib.TimeVal() glib.get_current_time(tv) local dt = (tv.tv_sec*1000000+tv.tv_usec)-(last_sec*1000000+last_usec) if dt < delay then callback() end return tv.tv_sec,tv.tv_usec end function module.double_click(callback,delay) delay = delay or 250000 local ds,du = 0,0 return function() ds,du = refresh_dt(ds,du,callback,delay) end end -- Screen order is not always geometrical, sort them local screens,screens_inv function module.get_ordered_screens() if screens then return screens,screens_inv end screens = {} for i=1,capi.screen.count() do local geom = capi.screen[i].geometry if #screens == 0 then screens[1] = capi.screen[i] elseif geom.x < capi.screen[screens[1]].geometry.x then table.insert(screens,1,capi.screen[i]) else for j=#screens,1,-1 do if geom.x > capi.screen[screens[j]].geometry.x then table.insert(screens,j+1,capi.screen[i]) break end end end end screens_inv = {} for k,v in ipairs(screens) do screens_inv[v] = k end return screens,screens_inv end --- Setup the whole thing and call fct(cr, width, height) then apply the shape -- fct should not set the source or color function module.apply_shape_bounding(c_or_w, fct) local geo = c_or_w:geometry() local img = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.A1, geo.width, geo.height) local cr = cairo.Context(img) cr:set_source_rgba(0,0,0,0) cr:paint() cr:set_operator(cairo.Operator.SOURCE) cr:set_source_rgba(1,1,1,1) fct(cr, geo.width, geo.height) cr:fill() c_or_w.shape_bounding = img._native end return module -- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;