local capi = {root=root,client=client,mouse=mouse, timer=timer, screen = screen, keygrabber = keygrabber} local util = require( "awful.util" ) local awful = require( "awful" ) local glib = require( "lgi" ).GLib local col_utils = require( "collision.util" ) local module = { _focus = require( "collision.focus" ), _resize = require( "collision.resize"), _max = require( "collision.max" ), _screen = require( "collision.screen"), _mouse = require( "collision.mouse" ), settings= col_utils.settings , util = col_utils , } local current_mode = "focus" local event_callback = { focus = module._focus._global_bydirection_key, move = module._focus._global_bydirection_key, resize = module._resize.resize , max = module._max.change_focus , tag = module._max.change_tag , screen = module._screen.reload , } local start_callback = { focus = module._focus.display , move = module._focus.display , resize = module._resize.display , max = module._max.display_clients, tag = module._max.display_tags , screen = module._screen.display , } local exit_callback = { focus = module._focus._quit , move = module._focus._quit , resize = module._resize.hide , max = module._max.hide , tag = module._max.hide , screen = module._screen.hide , } local keys = {--Normal Xephyr G510 alt G510 up = {"Up" --[[, "&" , "XF86AudioPause" , "F15"]] }, down = {"Down" --[[, "KP_Enter" , "XF86WebCam" , "F14"]] }, left = {"Left" --[[, "#" , "Cancel" , "F13"]] }, right = {"Right" --[[, "\"" , "XF86Paste" , "F17"]] }, } local function exit_loop() exit_callback[current_mode]() capi.keygrabber.stop() return false end -- Event loop local function start_loop(is_swap,is_max) capi.keygrabber.run(function(mod, key, event) -- Detect the direction for k,v in pairs(keys) do if util.table.hasitem(v,key) then if event == "press" then if not event_callback[current_mode](mod,key,event,k,is_swap,is_max) then return exit_loop() end return end return #mod > 0 end end if key == "Shift_L" or key == "Shift_R" then is_swap = event == "press" return #mod > 0 elseif key == "Control_L" or key == "Control_R" then is_max = event == "press" return #mod > 0 and awful.util.table.hasitem(mod,"Mod4") or exit_loop() elseif key == "Alt_L" or key == "Alt_R" then exit_callback[current_mode]() current_mode = event == "press" and "resize" or "focus" start_callback[current_mode](mod,key,event,k,is_swap,is_max) return #mod > 0 and awful.util.table.hasitem(mod,"Mod4") or exit_loop() end return exit_loop() end) end function module.focus(direction,c,max) local screen = (c or ((capi.client.focus and capi.client.focus.focusable) and capi.client.focus or capi.mouse)).screen -- Useless when there is only 1 client tiled, incompatible with the "max_out" mode (in this case, focus floating mode) if awful.layout.get(screen) == awful.layout.suit.max and #awful.client.tiled(screen) > 1 and not max then current_mode = "max" module._max.display_clients(screen,direction) else current_mode = "focus" module._focus.global_bydirection(direction,c,false,max) end start_loop(false,max) end function module.move(direction,c,max) current_mode = "move" module._focus.global_bydirection(direction,c,true,max) start_loop(true,max) end function module.resize(direction,c,max) current_mode = "resize" start_loop(false,max) module._resize.display(c) end function module.tag(direction,swap,max) current_mode = "tag" local c = capi.client.focus module._max.display_tags((c) and c.screen or capi.mouse.screen,direction,c,swap,max) start_loop(swap,max) end function module.screen(direction, move) current_mode = "screen" module._screen.display(nil,direction,move) start_loop(false,max) end function module.select_screen(idx) if idx and idx > 0 and idx <= capi.screen.count() then module._screen.select_screen(idx) end end function module.highlight_cursor(timeout) module._mouse.highlight() if timer then local timer = capi.timer({ timeout = timeout }) -- 30 mins timer:connect_signal("timeout", function() module._mouse.hide() timer:stop() end) timer:start() end end local function new(k) -- Replace the keys array. The new one has to have a valid mapping keys = k or keys local aw = {} -- This have to be executer after rc.lua glib.idle_add(glib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, function() for k,v in pairs(keys) do for _,key_nane in ipairs(v) do aw[#aw+1] = awful.key({ "Mod4", }, key_nane, function () module.focus (k ) end) aw[#aw+1] = awful.key({ "Mod4", "Mod1" }, key_nane, function () module.resize(k ) end) aw[#aw+1] = awful.key({ "Mod4", "Shift" }, key_nane, function () module.move (k ) end) aw[#aw+1] = awful.key({ "Mod4", "Shift", "Control" }, key_nane, function () module.move (k,nil ,true) end) aw[#aw+1] = awful.key({ "Mod4", "Control" }, key_nane, function () module.focus (k,nil ,true) end) aw[#aw+1] = awful.key({ "Mod4", "Mod1" , "Control" }, key_nane, function () module.screen(k ) end) aw[#aw+1] = awful.key({ "Mod1", "Shift", "Control", "Mod4" }, key_nane, function () module.screen(k,true ) end) if k == "left" or k =="right" then -- Conflict with my text editor, so I say no aw[#aw+1] = awful.key({ "Mod1", "Control" }, key_nane, function () module.tag (k,nil ,true) end) aw[#aw+1] = awful.key({ "Mod1", "Shift", "Control" }, key_nane, function () module.tag (k,true,true) end) end end end capi.root.keys(awful.util.table.join(capi.root.keys(),unpack(aw))) end) end return setmetatable(module, { __call = function(_, ...) return new(...) end }) -- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;