local capi = { client = client , mouse = mouse , screen = screen , keygrabber = keygrabber,} local setmetatable = setmetatable local ipairs = ipairs local util = require( "awful.util" ) local client = require( "awful.client" ) local tag = require( "awful.tag" ) local alayout = require( "awful.layout" ) local wibox = require( "wibox" ) local cairo = require( "lgi" ).cairo local beautiful = require( "beautiful" ) local color = require( "gears.color" ) local col_utils = require( "collision.util" ) local module = {} local wiboxes,delta = nil,100 local edge = nil ---------------- Visual ----------------------- local function init() local img = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, 75, 75) local cr = cairo.Context(img) col_utils.draw_round_rect(cr,0,0,75,75,10) cr:fill() local bounding,arrow = img._native,col_utils.arrow(55,10,0,beautiful.bg_normal,beautiful.fg_normal) wiboxes = {} for k,v in ipairs({"up","right","down","left","center"}) do wiboxes[v] = wibox({}) wiboxes[v].height = 75 wiboxes[v].width = 75 wiboxes[v].ontop = true if v ~= "center" then local ib,m = wibox.widget.imagebox(),wibox.layout.margin() local img = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, 55, 55) local cr = cairo.Context(img) cr:translate(55/2,55/2) cr:rotate((k-1)*(2*math.pi)/4) cr:translate(-(55/2),-(55/2)) cr:set_source(arrow) cr:paint() ib:set_image(img) m:set_margins(10) m:set_widget(ib) wiboxes[v]:set_widget(m) wiboxes[v].shape_bounding = bounding end end wiboxes["center"]:set_bg(beautiful.bg_urgent) local img = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, 75,75) local cr = cairo.Context(img) col_utils.draw_round_rect(cr,0,0,75,75,75/2) cr:fill() wiboxes["center"].shape_bounding = img._native end local function emulate_client(screen) return {is_screen = true, screen=screen, geometry=function() return capi.screen[screen].workarea end} end local function display_wiboxes(cltbl,geomtbl,float,swap,c) if not wiboxes then init() end local fc = capi.client.focus or emulate_client(capi.mouse.screen) for k,v in ipairs({"left","right","up","down","center"}) do local next_clients = (float and swap) and c or cltbl[util.get_rectangle_in_direction(v , geomtbl, fc:geometry())] if next_clients or k==5 then local same, center = fc == next_clients,k==5 local geo = center and fc:geometry() or next_clients:geometry() wiboxes[v].visible = true wiboxes[v].x = math.floor((swap and float and (not center)) and (geo.x + (k>2 and (geo.width/2) or 0) + (k==2 and geo.width or 0) - 75/2) or (geo.x + geo.width/2 - 75/2)) wiboxes[v].y = math.floor((swap and float and (not center)) and (geo.y + (k<=2 and geo.height/2 or 0) + (k==4 and geo.height or 0) - 75/2) or (geo.y + geo.height/2 - 75/2)) else wiboxes[v].visible = false end end end ---------------- Position ----------------------- local function float_move(dir,c) return ({left={x=c:geometry().x-delta},right={x=c:geometry().x+delta},up={y=c:geometry().y-delta},down={y=c:geometry().y+delta}})[dir] end local function float_move_max(dir,c) return ({left={x=capi.screen[c.screen].workarea.x},right={x=capi.screen[c.screen].workarea.width+capi.screen[c.screen].workarea.x-c:geometry().width} ,up={y=capi.screen[c.screen].workarea.y},down={y=capi.screen[c.screen].workarea.y+capi.screen[c.screen].workarea.height-c:geometry().height}})[dir] end local function floating_clients() local ret = {} for v in util.table.iterate(client.visible(),function(c) return client.floating.get(c) end) do ret[#ret+1] = v end return ret end local function bydirection(dir, c, swap,max) if not c then c = emulate_client(capi.mouse.screen) end local float = nil if c.is_screen then float = false else float = (client.floating.get(c) or alayout.get(c.screen) == alayout.suit.floating) end -- Move the client if floating, swaping wont work anyway if swap and float then c:geometry((max and float_move_max or float_move)(dir,c)) display_wiboxes(nil,nil,float,swap,c) else if not edge then local scrs =col_utils.get_ordered_screens() local last_geo =capi.screen[scrs[#scrs]].geometry edge = last_geo.x + last_geo.width end -- Get all clients rectangle local cltbl,geomtbl,scrs,roundr,roundl = max and floating_clients() or client.tiled(),{},{},{},{} for i,cl in ipairs(cltbl) do local geo = cl:geometry() geomtbl[i] = geo scrs[cl.screen or 1] = true if geo.x == 0 then roundr[#roundr+1] = cl elseif geo.x + geo.width >= edge -2 then roundl[#roundl+1] = cl end end --Add first client at the end to be able to rotate selection for k,c in ipairs(roundr) do local geo = c:geometry() geomtbl[#geomtbl+1] = {x=edge,width=geo.width,y=geo.y,height=geo.height} cltbl[#geomtbl] = c end for k,c in ipairs(roundl) do local geo = c:geometry() geomtbl[#geomtbl+1] = {x=-geo.width,width=geo.width,y=geo.y,height=geo.height} cltbl[#geomtbl] = c end -- Add rectangles for empty screens too for i = 1, capi.screen.count() do if not scrs[i] then geomtbl[#geomtbl+1] = capi.screen[i].workarea cltbl[#geomtbl] = emulate_client(i) end end local target = util.get_rectangle_in_direction(dir, geomtbl, c:geometry()) if swap ~= true then -- If we found a client to focus, then do it. if target then local cl = cltbl[target] if cl and cl.is_screen then capi.client.focus = nil --TODO Fix upstream fix capi.mouse.screen = capi.screen[cl.screen] else local old_src = capi.client.focus and capi.client.focus.screen capi.client.focus = cltbl[((not cl and #cltbl == 1) and 1 or target)] capi.client.focus:raise() if old_src and capi.client.focus.screen ~= old_src then capi.mouse.coords(capi.client.focus:geometry()) end end end else if target then -- We found a client to swap local other = cltbl[((not cltbl[target] and #cltbl == 1) and 1 or target)] if other.screen == c.screen or col_utils.settings.swap_across_screen then --BUG swap doesn't work if the screen is not the same c:swap(other) else local t = tag.selected(other.screen) --TODO get index c.screen = other.screen c:tags({t}) end else -- No client to swap, try to find a screen. local screen_geom = {} for i = 1, capi.screen.count() do screen_geom[i] = capi.screen[i].workarea end target = util.get_rectangle_in_direction(dir, screen_geom, c:geometry()) if target and target ~= c.screen then local t = tag.selected(target) c.screen = target c:tags({t}) c:raise() end end if target then -- Geometries have changed by swapping, so refresh. cltbl,geomtbl = max and floating_clients() or client.tiled(),{} for i,cl in ipairs(cltbl) do geomtbl[i] = cl:geometry() end end end display_wiboxes(cltbl,geomtbl,float,swap,c) end end function module.global_bydirection(dir, c,swap,max) bydirection(dir, c or capi.client.focus, swap,max) end function module._global_bydirection_key(mod,key,event,direction,is_swap,is_max) bydirection(direction,capi.client.focus,is_swap,is_max) return true end function module.display(mod,key,event,direction,is_swap,is_max) local c = capi.client.focus local cltbl,geomtbl = max and floating_clients() or client.tiled(),{} for i,cl in ipairs(cltbl) do geomtbl[i] = cl:geometry() end -- Sometime, there is no focussed clients if not c then c = geomtbl[1] or cltbl[1] end -- If there is still no accessible clients, there is nothing to display if not c then return end display_wiboxes(cltbl,geomtbl,client.floating.get(c) or alayout.get(c.screen) == alayout.suit.floating,is_swap,c) end function module._quit() if not wiboxes then return end for k,v in ipairs({"left","right","up","down","center"}) do wiboxes[v].visible = false end end return setmetatable(module, { __call = function(_, ...) return new(...) end }) -- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;