142 lines
4.1 KiB
142 lines
4.1 KiB
local capi = { client = client }
local wibox = require( "wibox" )
local beautiful = require( "beautiful" )
local awful = require( "awful" )
local surface = require( "gears.surface" )
local shape = require( "gears.shape" )
local module,indicators,cur_c = {},nil,nil
local values = {"top" , "top_right" , "right" , "bottom_right" ,
"bottom" , "bottom_left", "left" , "top_left" }
local invert = {
left = "right",
right = "left" ,
up = "down" ,
down = "up" ,
local r_ajust = {
left = function(c, d) return { x = c.x - d, width = c.width + d } end,
right = function(c, d) return { width = c.width + d, } end,
up = function(c, d) return { y = c.y - d, height = c.height + d } end,
down = function(c, d) return { height = c.height + d, } end,
local function create_indicators()
local ret = {}
local angle = -((2*math.pi)/8)
-- Get the parameters
local size = beautiful.collision_resize_width or 40
local s = beautiful.collision_resize_shape or shape.circle
local bw = beautiful.collision_resize_border_width
local bc = beautiful.collision_resize_border_color
local padding = beautiful.collision_resize_padding or 7
local bg = beautiful.collision_resize_bg or beautiful.bg_alternate or "#ff0000"
local fg = beautiful.collision_resize_fg or beautiful.fg_normal or "#0000ff"
for k,v in ipairs(values) do
local w = wibox {
width = size,
height = size,
ontop = true,
visible = true
angle = angle + (2*math.pi)/8
local tr = (size - 2*padding) / 2
w:setup {
widget = wibox.widget.imagebox
shape = shape.transform(shape.arrow)
: translate( tr,tr )
: rotate ( angle )
: translate( -tr,-tr ),
bg = fg,
widget = wibox.container.background
margins = padding,
widget = wibox.container.margin,
bg = bg,
shape = s,
shape_border_width = bw,
shape_border_color = bc,
widget = wibox.container.background
if awesome.version >= "v4.1" then
w.shape = s
surface.apply_shape_bounding(w, s)
ret[v] = w
return ret
function module.hide()
if not indicators then return end
for k,v in ipairs(values) do indicators[v].visible = false end
if not cur_c then return end
cur_c:disconnect_signal("property::geometry", module.display)
cur_c = nil
function module.display(c,toggle)
if type(c) ~= "client" then --HACK
c = capi.client.focus
if not c then return end
indicators = indicators or create_indicators()
if c ~= cur_c then
if cur_c then
cur_c:disconnect_signal("property::geometry", module.display)
c:connect_signal("property::geometry", module.display)
cur_c = c
elseif toggle == true then
for k,v in ipairs(values) do
local w = indicators[v]
awful.placement[v](w, {parent=c})
w.visible = true
function module.resize(mod,key,event,direction,is_swap,is_max)
local c = capi.client.focus
if not c then return true end
local del = is_swap and -100 or 100
direction = is_swap and invert[direction] or direction
c:emit_signal("request::geometry", "mouse.resize", r_ajust[direction](c, del))
return true
-- Always display the arrows when resizing
awful.mouse.resize.add_enter_callback(module.display, "mouse.resize")
awful.mouse.resize.add_leave_callback(module.hide , "mouse.resize")
return module
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