97 lines
2.8 KiB
97 lines
2.8 KiB
local wibox = require( "wibox" )
local shape = require( "gears.shape" )
local beautiful = require( "beautiful" )
local function separator_fit(self, context, width,height)
return width, 5
local function separator_draw(self, content, cr, width, height)
cr:move_to(4, 3)
cr:line_to(width - 8, 1)
local theme_cache = {}
local function get_theme(prefix)
prefix = prefix and (prefix .. "_") or ""
if theme_cache[prefix] then return theme_cache[prefix] end
local ret = {}
ret.bg = beautiful["collision_"..prefix.."_bg"]
or beautiful.collision_bg
or beautiful.menu_bg_normal
or beautiful.bg_normal
ret.fg = beautiful["collision_"..prefix.."_fg"]
or beautiful.collision_fg
or beautiful.fg_normal
ret.spacing = beautiful["collision_"..prefix.."_spacing"]
or beautiful.collision_spacing
or 0
ret.margins = beautiful["collision_"..prefix.."_margins"]
or beautiful.collision_margins
or 4
ret.shape = beautiful["collision_"..prefix.."_shape"] or shape.rectangle
ret.border_color = beautiful["collision_"..prefix.."_border_color"]
or beautiful.collision__border_color
or beautiful.fg_normal
ret.border_width = beautiful["collision_"..prefix.."_border_width"]
or beautiful.collision_border_width
or 2
theme_cache[prefix] = ret
return ret
return function(title, image_w, theme_prefix, orientation)
local theme = get_theme(theme_prefix)
local ss = {
fill_horizontal = orientation ~= "horizontal",
fill_vertical = true,
widget = wibox.container.place,
print("\n\n\nFOO",wibox.layout.fixed[orientation or "vertical"])
return wibox.widget {
orientation == "horizontal" and ss or nil,
text = title,
wrap = true,
align = "center",
valign = "center",
widget = wibox.widget.textbox
orientation ~= "horizontal" and {
draw = separator_draw,
fit = separator_fit,
widget = wibox.widget.base.make_widget
} or nil,
orientation ~= "horizontal" and ss or nil,
spacing = theme.spacing,
layout = wibox.layout.fixed[orientation or "vertical"],
margins = theme.margins,
widget = wibox.container.margin,
bg = theme.bg,
fg = theme.fg,
shape = theme.shape,
shape_border_width = theme.border_width,
shape_border_color = theme.border_color,
widget = wibox.container.background