mirror of https://github.com/lcpz/lain.git
102 lines
3.8 KiB
102 lines
3.8 KiB
Licensed under GNU General Public License v2
* (c) 2018, Luca CPZ
local helpers = require("lain.helpers")
local markup = require("lain.util.markup")
local awful = require("awful")
local naughty = require("naughty")
local floor = math.floor
local os = os
local string = string
local ipairs = ipairs
local tconcat = table.concat
local tonumber = tonumber
local tostring = tostring
-- Calendar notification
-- lain.widget.cal
local function factory(args)
args = args or {}
local cal = {
weekStart = args.weekStart or 2,
attach_to = args.attach_to or {},
followtag = args.followtag or false,
icons = args.icons or helpers.icons_dir .. "cal/white/",
notification_preset = args.notification_preset or {
font = "Monospace 10", fg = "#FFFFFF", bg = "#000000"
function cal.hide()
if not cal.notification then return end
cal.notification = nil
function cal.show(timeout, month, year)
local current_month, current_year = tonumber(os.date("%m")), tonumber(os.date("%Y"))
local is_current_month = (not month or not year) or (month == current_month and year == current_year)
local today = is_current_month and tonumber(os.date("%d")) -- otherwise nil and not highlighted
local t = os.time { year = year or current_year, month = month and month+1 or current_month+1, day = 0 }
local d = os.date("*t", t)
local mthDays, stDay, cmonth = d.day, (d.wday-d.day-cal.weekStart+1)%7, os.date("%B %Y", t)
local notifytable = { [1] = string.format("%s%s\n", string.rep(" ", floor((28 - cmonth:len())/2)), markup.bold(cmonth)) }
for x = 0,6 do notifytable[#notifytable+1] = os.date("%a ", os.time { year=2006, month=1, day=x+cal.weekStart }) end
notifytable[#notifytable] = string.format("%s\n%s", notifytable[#notifytable]:sub(1, -2), string.rep(" ", stDay*4))
for x = 1,mthDays do
local strx = x ~= today and x or markup.bold(markup.color(cal.notification_preset.bg, cal.notification_preset.fg, x) .. " ")
strx = string.format("%s%s", string.rep(" ", 3 - tostring(x):len()), strx)
notifytable[#notifytable+1] = string.format("%-4s%s", strx, (x+stDay)%7==0 and x ~= mthDays and "\n" or "")
cal.notification_preset.text = tconcat(notifytable)
cal.notification = naughty.notify {
preset = cal.notification_preset,
icon = cal.icon,
timeout = timeout or cal.notification_preset.timeout or 5
cal.month, cal.year = d.month, d.year
function cal.hover_on() cal.show(0) end
function cal.hover_off() cal.hide() end
function cal.prev()
cal.month = cal.month - 1
if cal.month == 0 then
cal.month = 12
cal.year = cal.year - 1
cal.show(0, cal.month, cal.year)
function cal.next()
cal.month = cal.month + 1
if cal.month == 13 then
cal.month = 1
cal.year = cal.year + 1
cal.show(0, cal.month, cal.year)
function cal.attach(widget)
widget:connect_signal("mouse::enter", cal.hover_on)
widget:connect_signal("mouse::leave", cal.hover_off)
awful.button({}, 1, cal.prev),
awful.button({}, 3, cal.next),
awful.button({}, 2, cal.hover_on),
awful.button({}, 5, cal.prev),
awful.button({}, 4, cal.next)))
for _, widget in ipairs(cal.attach_to) do cal.attach(widget) end
return cal
return factory