quake: skip_wibox option added #263; mpd: removed mpdcover script call (much faster now)

This commit is contained in:
copycat-killer 2017-01-12 18:33:57 +01:00
parent 354fa23548
commit d549219a2e
7 changed files with 50 additions and 579 deletions

View File

@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
Licensed under GNU General Public License v2
* (c) 2014, projektile, worron
* (c) 2013, Luke Bonham
* (c) 2012, Josh Komoroske
* (c) 2010-2012, Peter Hofmann
local beautiful = require("beautiful")
local ipairs = ipairs
local math = { ceil = math.ceil, sqrt = math.sqrt, floor = math.floor, max = math.max }
local tonumber = tonumber
local uselessfair = {}
-- Transformation functions
local function swap(geometry)
return { x = geometry.y, y = geometry.x, width = geometry.height, height = geometry.width }
-- Client geometry correction depending on useless gap and window border
local function size_correction(c, geometry, useless_gap)
geometry.width = math.max(geometry.width - 2 * c.border_width - useless_gap, 1)
geometry.height = math.max(geometry.height - 2 * c.border_width - useless_gap, 1)
geometry.x = geometry.x + useless_gap / 2
geometry.y = geometry.y + useless_gap / 2
-- Main tiling function
local function fair(p, orientation)
-- Theme vars
local useless_gap = beautiful.useless_gap_width or 0
local global_border = beautiful.global_border_width or 0
-- Aliases
local wa = p.workarea
local cls = p.clients
-- Nothing to tile here
if #cls == 0 then return end
-- Workarea size correction depending on useless gap and global border
wa.height = wa.height - 2 * global_border - useless_gap
wa.width = wa.width - 2 * global_border - useless_gap
wa.x = wa.x + useless_gap / 2 + global_border
wa.y = wa.y + useless_gap / 2 + global_border
-- Geometry calculation
local row, col = 0, 0
local rows = math.ceil(math.sqrt(#cls))
local cols = math.ceil(#cls / rows)
for i, c in ipairs(cls) do
local g = {}
-- find tile orientation for current client and swap geometry if need
local need_swap = (orientation == "east" and #cls <= 2) or (orientation == "south" and #cls > 2)
local area = need_swap and swap(wa) or wa
-- calculate geometry
if #cls < (cols * rows) and row == cols - 1 then
g.width = area.width / (rows - ((cols * rows) - #cls))
g.width = area.width / rows
g.height = area.height / cols
g.x = area.x + col * g.width
g.y = area.y + row * g.height
-- turn back to real if geometry was swapped
if need_swap then g = swap(g) end
-- window size correction depending on useless gap and window border
size_correction(c, g, useless_gap)
-- set geometry
-- update tile grid coordinates
col = i % rows
row = math.floor(i / rows)
-- Layout constructor
local function construct_layout(name, direction)
return {
name = name,
-- @p screen The screen number to tile
arrange = function(p) return fair(p, direction) end
-- Build layouts with different tile direction
uselessfair.vertical = construct_layout("uselessfair", "south")
uselessfair.horizontal = construct_layout("uselessfairh", "east")
-- Module aliase
uselessfair.arrange = uselessfair.vertical.arrange
uselessfair.name = uselessfair.vertical.name
return uselessfair

View File

@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
Licensed under GNU General Public License v2
* (c) 2014, projektile
* (c) 2013, Luke Bonham
* (c) 2009, Uli Schlachter
* (c) 2008, Julien Danjolu
local beautiful = require("beautiful")
local ipairs = ipairs
local tonumber = tonumber
local math = require("math")
local uselesspiral = {}
local function spiral(p, spiral)
-- A useless gap (like the dwm patch) can be defined with
-- beautiful.useless_gap_width.
local useless_gap = tonumber(beautiful.useless_gap_width) or 0
if useless_gap < 0 then useless_gap = 0 end
-- A global border can be defined with
-- beautiful.global_border_width
local global_border = tonumber(beautiful.global_border_width) or 0
if global_border < 0 then global_border = 0 end
-- Themes border width requires an offset
local bw = tonumber(beautiful.border_width) or 0
-- get our orientation right
local wa = p.workarea
local cls = p.clients
local n = #cls -- number of windows total; k = which window number
wa.height = wa.height - ((global_border * 2) + (bw * 2))
wa.width = wa.width - ((global_border * 2) + (bw * 2))
local static_wa = wa
for k, c in ipairs(cls) do
if k < n then
if k % 2 == 0 then
wa.height = (wa.height / 2)
wa.width = (wa.width / 2)
if k % 4 == 0 and spiral then
wa.x = wa.x - wa.width
elseif k % 2 == 0 or
(k % 4 == 3 and k < n and spiral) then
wa.x = wa.x + wa.width
if k % 4 == 1 and k ~= 1 and spiral then
wa.y = wa.y - wa.height
elseif k % 2 == 1 and k ~= 1 or
(k % 4 == 0 and k < n and spiral) then
wa.y = wa.y + wa.height
local wa2 = {}
wa2.x = wa.x + (useless_gap / 2) + global_border
wa2.y = wa.y + (useless_gap / 2) + global_border
wa2.height = wa.height - (useless_gap / 2)
wa2.width = wa.width - (useless_gap / 2)
-- Useless gap.
if useless_gap > 0
-- Top and left clients are shrinked by two steps and
-- get moved away from the border. Other clients just
-- get shrinked in one direction.
top = false
left = false
if wa2.y == static_wa.y then
top = true
if wa2.x == static_wa.x then
left = true
if top then
wa2.height = wa2.height - useless_gap
wa2.y = wa2.y - (useless_gap / 2)
wa2.height = wa2.height - (useless_gap / 2)
if left then
wa2.width = wa2.width - useless_gap
wa2.x = wa2.x - (useless_gap / 2)
wa2.width = wa2.width - (useless_gap / 2)
-- End of useless gap.
--- Dwindle layout
uselesspiral.dwindle = {}
uselesspiral.dwindle.name = "uselessdwindle"
function uselesspiral.dwindle.arrange(p)
return spiral(p, false)
--- Spiral layout
uselesspiral.name = "uselesspiral"
function uselesspiral.arrange(p)
return spiral(p, true)
return uselesspiral

View File

@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
Licensed under GNU General Public License v2
* (c) 2014, projektile, worron
* (c) 2013, Luke Bonham
* (c) 2009, Donald Ephraim Curtis
* (c) 2008, Julien Danjolu
local tag = require("awful.tag")
local beautiful = require("beautiful")
local ipairs = ipairs
local math = { floor = math.floor,
ceil = math.ceil,
max = math.max,
min = math.min }
local tonumber = tonumber
local uselesstile = {}
-- Transformation functions
local function flip(canvas, geometry)
return {
-- vertical only
x = 2 * canvas.x + canvas.width - geometry.x - geometry.width,
y = geometry.y,
width = geometry.width,
height = geometry.height
local function swap(geometry)
return { x = geometry.y, y = geometry.x, width = geometry.height, height = geometry.width }
-- Find geometry for secondary windows column
local function cut_column(wa, n, index)
local width = math.floor(wa.width / n)
local area = { x = wa.x + (index - 1) * width, y = wa.y, width = width, height = wa.height }
return area
-- Find geometry for certain window in column
local function cut_row(wa, factor, index, used)
local height = math.floor(wa.height * factor.window[index] / factor.total)
local area = { x = wa.x, y = wa.y + used, width = wa.width, height = height }
return area
-- Client geometry correction depending on useless gap and window border
local function size_correction(c, geometry, useless_gap)
geometry.width = math.max(geometry.width - 2 * c.border_width - useless_gap, 1)
geometry.height = math.max(geometry.height - 2 * c.border_width - useless_gap, 1)
geometry.x = geometry.x + useless_gap / 2
geometry.y = geometry.y + useless_gap / 2
-- Check size factor for group of clients and calculate total
local function calc_factor(n, winfactors)
local factor = { window = winfactors, total = 0, min = 1 }
for i = 1, n do
if not factor.window[i] then
factor.window[i] = factor.min
factor.min = math.min(factor.window[i], factor.min)
if factor.window[i] < 0.05 then factor.window[i] = 0.05 end
factor.total = factor.total + factor.window[i]
return factor
-- Tile group of clients in given area
-- @canvas need for proper transformation only
-- @winfactors table with clients size factors
local function tile_column(canvas, area, list, useless_gap, transformation, winfactors)
local used = 0
local factor = calc_factor(#list, winfactors)
for i, c in ipairs(list) do
local g = cut_row(area, factor, i, used)
if i == #list then g.height = area.height - used end
used = used + g.height
-- swap workarea dimensions
if transformation.flip then g = flip(canvas, g) end
if transformation.swap then g = swap(g) end
-- useless gap and border correction
size_correction(c, g, useless_gap)
--Main tile function
local function tile(p, orientation)
-- Theme vars
local useless_gap = beautiful.useless_gap_width or 0
local global_border = beautiful.global_border_width or 0
-- Aliases
local wa = p.workarea
local cls = p.clients
local t = tag.selected(p.screen)
-- Nothing to tile here
if #cls == 0 then return end
-- Get tag prop
local nmaster = math.min(tag.getnmaster(t), #cls)
local mwfact = tag.getmwfact(t)
if nmaster == 0 then
mwfact = 0
elseif nmaster == #cls then
mwfact = 1
-- clients size factor
local data = tag.getdata(t).windowfact
if not data then
data = {}
tag.getdata(t).windowfact = data
-- Workarea size correction depending on useless gap and global border
wa.height = wa.height - 2 * global_border - useless_gap
wa.width = wa.width - 2 * global_border - useless_gap
wa.x = wa.x + useless_gap / 2 + global_border
wa.y = wa.y + useless_gap / 2 + global_border
-- Find which transformation we need for given orientation
local transformation = {
swap = orientation == 'top' or orientation == 'bottom',
flip = orientation == 'left' or orientation == 'top'
-- Swap workarea dimensions if orientation vertical
if transformation.swap then wa = swap(wa) end
-- Split master and other windows
local cls_master, cls_other = {}, {}
for i, c in ipairs(cls) do
if i <= nmaster then
table.insert(cls_master, c)
table.insert(cls_other, c)
-- Tile master windows
local master_area = {
x = wa.x,
y = wa.y,
width = nmaster > 0 and math.floor(wa.width * mwfact) or 0,
height = wa.height
if not data[0] then data[0] = {} end
tile_column(wa, master_area, cls_master, useless_gap, transformation, data[0])
-- Tile other windows
local other_area = {
x = wa.x + master_area.width,
y = wa.y,
width = wa.width - master_area.width,
height = wa.height
-- get column number for other windows
local ncol = math.min(tag.getncol(t), #cls_other)
if ncol == 0 then ncol = 1 end
-- split other windows to column groups
local last_small_column = ncol - #cls_other % ncol
local rows_min = math.floor(#cls_other / ncol)
local client_index = 1
local used = 0
for i = 1, ncol do
local position = transformation.flip and ncol - i + 1 or i
local rows = i <= last_small_column and rows_min or rows_min + 1
local column = {}
for j = 1, rows do
table.insert(column, cls_other[client_index])
client_index = client_index + 1
-- and tile
local column_area = cut_column(other_area, ncol, position)
if i == ncol then column_area.width = other_area.width - used end
used = used + column_area.width
if not data[i] then data[i] = {} end
tile_column(wa, column_area, column, useless_gap, transformation, data[i])
-- Layout constructor
local function construct_layout(name, orientation)
return {
name = name,
-- @p screen number to tile
arrange = function(p) return tile(p, orientation) end
-- Build layouts with different tile direction
uselesstile.right = construct_layout("uselesstile", "right")
uselesstile.left = construct_layout("uselesstileleft", "left")
uselesstile.bottom = construct_layout("uselesstilebottom", "bottom")
uselesstile.top = construct_layout("uselesstiletop", "top")
-- Module aliase
uselesstile.arrange = uselesstile.right.arrange
uselesstile.name = uselesstile.right.name
return uselesstile

View File

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
# A simple cover fetcher script for current playing song on mpd.
# Original author: Wolfgang Mueller
# Adapted for Lain internal use.
# https://github.com/copycat-killer/lain
# You can use, edit and redistribute this script in any way you like.
# Dependencies: imagemagick.
# Usage: mpdcover <music_directory> <song_file> <cover_resize> <default_art>
# Configuration-------------------------------------------------------
# Music directory
# Song file
# Regex expression used for image search
# Path of temporary resized cover
# Resize cover
if [ $COVER_RESIZE == "x" ]; then
# The default cover to use (optional)
# check if anything is playing at all
[[ -z $file ]] && exit 1
# Art directory
# find every file that matches IMG_REG set the first matching file to be the
# cover.
cover="$(find "$art/" -maxdepth 1 -type f | egrep -i -m1 "$IMG_REG")"
# when no cover is found, use DEFAULT_ART as cover
# check if art is available
if [[ -n $cover ]]; then
if [[ -n $COVER_RESIZE ]]; then
convert "$cover" -scale $COVER_RESIZE "$TEMP_PATH"
exit 0

View File

@ -97,7 +97,12 @@ function quake:display()
function quake:compute_size()
local geom = screen[self.screen].workarea
local geom
if self.skip_wibox then
geom = screen[self.screen].workarea
geom = screen[self.screen].geometry
local width, height = self.width, self.height
if width <= 1 then width = math.floor(geom.width * width) - 2 * self.border end
if height <= 1 then height = math.floor(geom.height * height) end
@ -121,6 +126,7 @@ function quake:new(config)
conf.visible = conf.visible or false -- initially not visible
conf.border = conf.border or 1 -- client border width
conf.followtag = conf.followtag or true -- spawn on currently focused screen
conf.skip_wibox = conf.skip_wibox or true -- skip the wibox (defaut) or overlap it
conf.screen = conf.screen or awful.screen.focused()
-- If width or height <= 1 this is a proportion of the workspace

View File

@ -7,20 +7,18 @@
local helpers = require("lain.helpers")
local async = require("lain.asyncshell")
local helpers = require("lain.helpers")
local escape_f = require("awful.util").escape
local focused = require("awful.screen").focused
local naughty = require("naughty")
local wibox = require("wibox")
local os = { execute = os.execute,
getenv = os.getenv }
local math = { floor = math.floor }
local os = { getenv = os.getenv }
local string = { format = string.format,
match = string.match,
gmatch = string.gmatch }
gmatch = string.gmatch,
match = string.match }
local setmetatable = setmetatable
@ -35,6 +33,7 @@ local function worker(args)
local host = args.host or ""
local port = args.port or "6600"
local music_dir = args.music_dir or os.getenv("HOME") .. "/Music"
local cover_pattern = args.cover_pattern or "*\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$"
local cover_size = args.cover_size or 100
local default_art = args.default_art or ""
local notify = args.notify or "on"
@ -42,9 +41,8 @@ local function worker(args)
local echo_cmd = args.echo_cmd or "echo"
local settings = args.settings or function() end
local mpdcover = helpers.scripts_dir .. "mpdcover"
local mpdh = "telnet://" .. host .. ":" .. port
local echo = echo_cmd .. " 'password " .. password .. "\nstatus\ncurrentsong\nclose'"
local mpdh = string.format("telnet://%s:%s", host, port)
local echo = string.format("%s 'password %s\nstatus\ncurrentsong\nclose'", echo_cmd, password)
mpd_notification_preset = {
title = "Now playing",
@ -54,7 +52,7 @@ local function worker(args)
helpers.set_map("current mpd track", nil)
function mpd.update()
async.request(echo .. " | curl --connect-timeout 1 -fsm 3 " .. mpdh, function (f)
async.request(string.format("%s | curl --connect-timeout 1 -fsm 3 %s", echo, mpdh), function (f)
mpd_now = {
random_mode = false,
single_mode = false,
@ -103,34 +101,28 @@ local function worker(args)
widget = mpd.widget
if mpd_now.state == "play"
if notify == "on" and mpd_now.title ~= helpers.get_map("current mpd track")
if mpd_now.state == "play" then
if notify == "on" and mpd_now.title ~= helpers.get_map("current mpd track") then
helpers.set_map("current mpd track", mpd_now.title)
if string.match(mpd_now.file, "http.*://") == nil
then -- local file
os.execute(string.format("%s %q %q %d %q", mpdcover, music_dir,
mpd_now.file, cover_size, default_art))
current_icon = "/tmp/mpdcover.png"
else -- http stream
current_icon = default_art
local current icon = default_art
if not string.match(mpd_now.file, "http.*://") then -- local file instead of http stream
local path = string.format("%s/%s", music_dir, string.match(mpd_now.file, ".*/"))
local cover = string.format("find '%s' -maxdepth 1 -type f | egrep -i -m1 '%s'", path, cover_pattern)
current_icon = helpers.read_pipe(cover):gsub("\n", "")
if followtag then
mpd_notification_preset.screen = focused()
if followtag then mpd_notification_preset.screen = focused() end
mpd.id = naughty.notify({
preset = mpd_notification_preset,
icon = os.execute(string.format("ls %s &> /dev/null", current_icon))
and current_icon,
icon = current_icon,
icon_size = cover_size,
replaces_id = mpd.id,
elseif mpd_now.state ~= "pause"
elseif mpd_now.state ~= "pause" then
helpers.set_map("current mpd track", nil)


@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 9a9d036e50fce8ba3fcd89a8f384743b0147b306
Subproject commit b0e838ade84ae851bceb2479bb16c1447057abb7