--[[ Lain Layouts, widgets and utilities for Awesome WM Utilities section Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 * (c) 2013, Luca CPZ * (c) 2010-2012, Peter Hofmann --]] local awful = require("awful") local sqrt = math.sqrt local pairs = pairs local client = client local tonumber = tonumber local wrequire = require(tostring(...):match(".*lain") .. ".helpers").wrequire local setmetatable = setmetatable -- Lain utilities submodule -- lain.util local util = { _NAME = tostring(...):match(".*lain") .. ".util" } -- Like awful.menu.clients, but only show clients of currently selected tags function util.menu_clients_current_tags(menu, args) -- List of currently selected tags. local cls_tags = awful.screen.focused().selected_tags if cls_tags == nil then return nil end -- Final list of menu items. local cls_t = {} -- For each selected tag get all clients of that tag and add them to -- the menu. A click on a menu item will raise that client. for i = 1,#cls_tags do local t = cls_tags[i] local cls = t:clients() for _, c in pairs(cls) do cls_t[#cls_t + 1] = { awful.util.escape(c.name) or "", function () c.minimized = false client.focus = c c:raise() end, c.icon } end end -- No clients? Then quit. if #cls_t <= 0 then return nil end -- menu may contain some predefined values, otherwise start with a -- fresh menu. if not menu then menu = {} end -- Set the list of items and show the menu. menu.items = cls_t local m = awful.menu(menu) m:show(args) return m end -- Magnify a client: set it to "float" and resize it. function util.magnify_client(c, width_f, height_f) if c and not c.floating then util.magnified_client = c util.mc(c, width_f, height_f) else util.magnified_client = nil c.floating = false end end -- https://github.com/lcpz/lain/issues/195 function util.mc(c, width_f, height_f) c = c or util.magnified_client if not c then return end c.floating = true local s = awful.screen.focused() local mg = s.workarea local g = {} local mwfact = width_f or s.selected_tag.master_width_factor or 0.5 g.width = sqrt(mwfact) * mg.width g.height = sqrt(height_f or mwfact) * mg.height g.x = mg.x + (mg.width - g.width) / 2 g.y = mg.y + (mg.height - g.height) / 2 if c then c:geometry(g) end -- if c is still a valid object end -- Non-empty tag browsing -- direction in {-1, 1} <-> {previous, next} non-empty tag function util.tag_view_nonempty(direction,sc) direction = direction or 1 local s = sc or awful.screen.focused() local tags = s.tags local sel = s.selected_tag local i = sel.index repeat i = i + direction -- Wrap around when we reach one of the bounds if i > #tags then i = i - #tags end if i < 1 then i = i + #tags end local t = tags[i] -- Stop when we get back to where we started if t == sel then break end -- If it's The One, view it. if #t:clients() > 0 then t:view_only() return end until false end -- {{{ Dynamic tagging -- Add a new tag function util.add_tag(layout) awful.prompt.run { prompt = "New tag name: ", textbox = awful.screen.focused().mypromptbox.widget, exe_callback = function(name) if not name or #name == 0 then return end awful.tag.add(name, { screen = awful.screen.focused(), layout = layout or awful.layout.suit.tile }):view_only() end } end -- Rename current tag function util.rename_tag() awful.prompt.run { prompt = "Rename tag: ", textbox = awful.screen.focused().mypromptbox.widget, exe_callback = function(new_name) if not new_name or #new_name == 0 then return end local t = awful.screen.focused().selected_tag if t then t.name = new_name end end } end -- Move current tag -- pos in {-1, 1} <-> {previous, next} tag position function util.move_tag(pos) local tag = awful.screen.focused().selected_tag if tonumber(pos) <= -1 then awful.tag.move(tag.index - 1, tag) else awful.tag.move(tag.index + 1, tag) end end -- Delete current tag -- Any rule set on the tag shall be broken function util.delete_tag() local t = awful.screen.focused().selected_tag if not t then return end t:delete() end -- }}} -- On the fly useless gaps change function util.useless_gaps_resize(thatmuch, s, t) local scr = s or awful.screen.focused() local tag = t or scr.selected_tag tag.gap = tag.gap + tonumber(thatmuch) awful.layout.arrange(scr) end return setmetatable(util, { __index = wrequire })