--[[ Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 * (c) 2018, Luca CPZ --]] local helpers = require("lain.helpers") local markup = require("lain.util.markup") local awful = require("awful") local naughty = require("naughty") local floor = math.floor local os = os local pairs = pairs local string = string local tconcat = table.concat local type = type local tonumber = tonumber local tostring = tostring -- Calendar notification -- lain.widget.cal local function factory(args) args = args or {} local cal = { attach_to = args.attach_to or {}, week_start = args.week_start or 2, three = args.three or false, followtag = args.followtag or false, week_number = args.week_number or "none", week_number_format = args.week_number_format or args.week_number == "left" and "%3d | " or "| %-3d", icons = args.icons or helpers.icons_dir .. "cal/white/", notification_preset = args.notification_preset or { font = "Monospace 10", fg = "#FFFFFF", bg = "#000000" } } function cal.get_week_number(m, st_day, x) return string.format(cal.week_number_format, os.date("%V", m) + (x ~= 0 and floor((x + st_day) / 7) - 1 or 0)) end function cal.sum_week_days(x, y) return (x + y) % 7 end function cal.build(month, year) local current_month, current_year = tonumber(os.date("%m")), tonumber(os.date("%Y")) local is_current_month = (not month or not year) or (month == current_month and year == current_year) local today = is_current_month and tonumber(os.date("%d")) -- otherwise nil and not highlighted local t = os.time { year = year or current_year, month = month and month+1 or current_month+1, day = 0 } local d = os.date("*t", t) local mth_days, st_day, this_month = d.day, (d.wday-d.day-cal.week_start+1)%7, os.date("%B %Y", t) local notifytable = { [1] = string.format("%s%s\n", string.rep(" ", floor((28 - this_month:len())/2)), markup.bold(this_month)) } for x = 0,6 do notifytable[#notifytable+1] = os.date("%a", os.time { year=2006, month=1, day=x+cal.week_start }):sub(1, 3) .. " " end notifytable[#notifytable] = string.format("%s\n%s", notifytable[#notifytable]:sub(1, -2), string.rep(" ", st_day*4)) local strx for x = 1,mth_days do strx = x if x == today then if x < 10 then x = " " .. x end strx = markup.bold(markup.color(cal.notification_preset.bg, cal.notification_preset.fg, x) .. " ") end strx = string.format("%s%s", string.rep(" ", 3 - tostring(x):len()), strx) notifytable[#notifytable+1] = string.format("%-4s%s", strx, (x+st_day)%7==0 and x ~= mth_days and "\n" or "") end if string.len(cal.icons or "") > 0 and today then cal.icon = cal.icons .. today .. ".png" end cal.month, cal.year = d.month, d.year if cal.week_number ~= "none" then local m = os.time { year = year or current_year, month = month and month or current_month, day = 0 } local head_prepend = string.rep(" ", tostring(string.format(cal.week_number_format, 0)):len()) if cal.week_number == "left" then notifytable[1] = head_prepend .. notifytable[1] -- month-year row notifytable[2] = head_prepend .. notifytable[2] -- weekdays row notifytable[8] = notifytable[8]:gsub("\n", "\n" .. cal.get_week_number(m, st_day, 0)) -- first week of the month for x = 10,#notifytable do if cal.sum_week_days(st_day, x) == 2 then notifytable[x] = cal.get_week_number(m, st_day, x) .. notifytable[x] end end elseif cal.week_number == "right" then notifytable[8] = notifytable[8]:gsub("\n", head_prepend .. "\n") -- weekdays row for x = 9,#notifytable do if cal.sum_week_days(st_day, x) == 1 then notifytable[x] = notifytable[x]:gsub("\n", cal.get_week_number(m, st_day, x - 7) .. "\n") end end -- last week of the month local end_days = cal.sum_week_days(st_day, mth_days) if end_days ~= 0 then end_days = 7 - end_days end notifytable[#notifytable] = notifytable[#notifytable] .. string.rep(" ", 4 * end_days) .. cal.get_week_number(m, st_day, mth_days + end_days) end end return notifytable end function cal.getdate(month, year, offset) if not month or not year then month = tonumber(os.date("%m")) year = tonumber(os.date("%Y")) end month = month + offset while month > 12 do month = month - 12 year = year + 1 end while month < 1 do month = month + 12 year = year - 1 end return month, year end function cal.hide() if not cal.notification then return end naughty.destroy(cal.notification) cal.notification = nil end function cal.show(seconds, month, year, scr) local text = tconcat(cal.build(month, year)) if cal.three then local current_month, current_year = cal.month, cal.year local prev_month, prev_year = cal.getdate(cal.month, cal.year, -1) local next_month, next_year = cal.getdate(cal.month, cal.year, 1) text = string.format("%s\n\n%s\n\n%s", tconcat(cal.build(prev_month, prev_year)), text, tconcat(cal.build(next_month, next_year))) cal.month, cal.year = current_month, current_year end cal.hide() cal.notification = naughty.notify { preset = cal.notification_preset, screen = cal.followtag and awful.screen.focused() or scr or 1, icon = cal.icon, timeout = type(seconds) == "number" and seconds or cal.notification_preset.timeout or 5, text = text } end function cal.hover_on() cal.show(0) end function cal.move(offset) local offset = offset or 0 cal.month, cal.year = cal.getdate(cal.month, cal.year, offset) cal.show(0, cal.month, cal.year) end function cal.prev() cal.move(-1) end function cal.next() cal.move( 1) end function cal.attach(widget) widget:connect_signal("mouse::enter", cal.hover_on) widget:connect_signal("mouse::leave", cal.hide) widget:buttons(awful.util.table.join( awful.button({}, 1, cal.prev), awful.button({}, 3, cal.next), awful.button({}, 2, cal.hover_on), awful.button({}, 5, cal.prev), awful.button({}, 4, cal.next))) end for _, widget in pairs(cal.attach_to) do cal.attach(widget) end return cal end return factory