
145 lines
5.0 KiB

Licensed under GNU General Public License v2
* (c) 2013, Luke Bonham
* (c) 2010-2012, Peter Hofmann
local helpers = require("lain.helpers")
local naughty = require("naughty")
local wibox = require("wibox")
local string = { format = string.format,
gsub = string.gsub,
match = string.match }
local setmetatable = setmetatable
-- Network infos
local function worker(args)
local net = { last_t = 0, last_r = 0, devices = {} }
function net.get_first_device()
local ws = helpers.read_pipe("ip link show | cut -d' ' -f2,9")
ws = ws:match("%w+: UP") or ws:match("ppp%w+: UNKNOWN")
if ws then return { ws:match("(%w+):") }
else return {} end
local args = args or {}
local timeout = args.timeout or 2
local units = args.units or 1024 --kb
local notify = args.notify or "on"
local screen = args.screen or 1
local settings = args.settings or function() end
local iface = args.iface or net.get_first_device()
net.widget = wibox.widget.textbox('')
-- Compatibility with old API where iface was a string corresponding to 1 interface
if type(iface) == "string" then
iftable = {iface}
iftable = iface
-- Mark all devices as initially online/active
for i, dev in ipairs(iftable) do
helpers.set_map(dev, true)
function update()
-- This check is required to ensure we keep looking for one device if
-- none is found by net.get_first_device() at startup (i.e. iftable = {})
if next(iftable) == nil then
iftable = net.get_first_device()
-- These are the totals over all specified interfaces
net_now = {
-- New api - Current state of requested devices
devices = {},
-- Bytes since last iteration
sent = 0,
received = 0
-- Total bytes transfered
local total_t = 0
local total_r = 0
for i, dev in ipairs(iftable) do
local dev_now = {}
local dev_before = net.devices[dev] or { last_t = 0, last_r = 0 }
dev_now.carrier = helpers.first_line(string.format('/sys/class/net/%s/carrier', dev)) or '0'
dev_now.state = helpers.first_line(string.format('/sys/class/net/%s/operstate', dev)) or 'down'
local now_t = tonumber(helpers.first_line(string.format('/sys/class/net/%s/statistics/tx_bytes', dev)) or 0)
local now_r = tonumber(helpers.first_line(string.format('/sys/class/net/%s/statistics/rx_bytes', dev)) or 0)
dev_now.sent = (now_t - dev_before.last_t) / timeout / units
dev_now.received = (now_r - dev_before.last_r) / timeout / units
net_now.sent = net_now.sent + dev_now.sent
net_now.received = net_now.received + dev_now.received
dev_now.sent = string.gsub(string.format('%.1f', dev_now.sent), ',', '.')
dev_now.received = string.gsub(string.format('%.1f', dev_now.received), ',', '.')
dev_now.last_t = now_t
dev_now.last_r = now_r
-- This will become dev_before in the next update/iteration
net.devices[dev] = dev_now
total_t = total_t + now_t
total_r = total_r + now_r
-- Notify only once when connection is loss
if string.match(dev_now.carrier, "0") and notify == "on" and helpers.get_map(dev) then
title = dev,
text = "no carrier",
icon = helpers.icons_dir .. "no_net.png",
screen = screen
helpers.set_map(dev, false)
elseif string.match(dev_now.carrier, "1") then
helpers.set_map(dev, true)
-- Old api compatibility
net_now.carrier = dev_now.carrier
net_now.state = dev_now.state
-- And new api
net_now.devices[dev] = dev_now
-- With the new api new_now.sent and net_now.received will be the
-- totals across all specified devices
if total_t ~= net.last_t or total_r ~= net.last_r then
-- Convert to a string to round the digits after the float point
net_now.sent = string.gsub(string.format('%.1f', net_now.sent), ',', '.')
net_now.received = string.gsub(string.format('%.1f', net_now.received), ',', '.')
net.last_t = total_t
net.last_r = total_r
widget = net.widget
helpers.newtimer(iface, timeout, update)
return setmetatable(net, { __index = net.widget })
return setmetatable({}, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })