local machi = { layout = require((...):match("(.-)[^%.]+$") .. "layout"), } local api = { client = client, beautiful = require("beautiful"), wibox = require("wibox"), awful = require("awful"), screen = require("awful.screen"), layout = require("awful.layout"), naughty = require("naughty"), gears = require("gears"), lgi = require("lgi"), dpi = require("beautiful.xresources").apply_dpi, } local ERROR = 2 local WARNING = 1 local INFO = 0 local DEBUG = -1 local module = { log_level = WARNING, } local function log(level, msg) if level > module.log_level then print(msg) end end local function min(a, b) if a < b then return a else return b end end local function max(a, b) if a < b then return b else return a end end local function with_alpha(col, alpha) local r, g, b _, r, g, b, _ = col:get_rgba() return api.lgi.cairo.SolidPattern.create_rgba(r, g, b, alpha) end function module.start(c, exit_keys) local tablist_font_desc = api.beautiful.get_merged_font( api.beautiful.font, api.dpi(10)) local font_color = with_alpha(api.gears.color(api.beautiful.fg_normal), 1) local font_color_hl = with_alpha(api.gears.color(api.beautiful.fg_focus), 1) local label_size = api.dpi(30) local border_color = with_alpha(api.gears.color(api.beautiful.border_focus), 0.25) local fill_color = with_alpha(api.gears.color(api.beautiful.bg_normal), 0.25) local box_bg = with_alpha(api.gears.color(api.beautiful.bg_normal), 0.85) local fill_color_hl = with_alpha(api.gears.color(api.beautiful.bg_focus), 1) -- for comparing floats local threshold = 0.1 local traverse_radius = api.dpi(5) local screen = c and c.screen or api.screen.focused() local start_x = screen.workarea.x local start_y = screen.workarea.y local layout = api.layout.get(screen) if (c ~= nil and c.floating) or layout.machi_get_regions == nil then return end local regions, draft_mode = layout.machi_get_regions(screen.workarea, screen.selected_tag) if regions == nil or #regions == 0 then return end local infobox = api.wibox({ screen = screen, x = screen.workarea.x, y = screen.workarea.y, width = screen.workarea.width, height = screen.workarea.height, bg = "#ffffff00", opacity = 1, ontop = true, type = "dock", }) infobox.visible = true local tablist_region = nil local tablist = nil local tablist_index = nil local traverse_x, traverse_y if c then traverse_x = c.x + traverse_radius traverse_y = c.y + traverse_radius else traverse_x = screen.workarea.x + screen.workarea.width / 2 traverse_y = screen.workarea.y + screen.workarea.height / 2 end local function maintain_tablist() if tablist == nil then tablist = {} for _, tc in ipairs(screen.tiled_clients) do if not (tc.floating or tc.maximized or tc.maximized_horizontal or tc.maximized_vertical) then if tc.x <= traverse_x and traverse_x < tc.x + tc.width + tc.border_width * 2 and tc.y <= traverse_y and traverse_y < tc.y + tc.height + tc.border_width * 2 then tablist[#tablist + 1] = tc end end end tablist_index = 1 else local j = 0 for i = 1, #tablist do if tablist[i].valid then j = j + 1 tablist[j] = tablist[i] elseif i <= tablist_index and tablist_index > 0 then tablist_index = tablist_index - 1 end end for i = #tablist, j + 1, -1 do table.remove(tablist, i) end end if c and not c.valid then c = nil end if c == nil and #tablist > 0 then c = tablist[tablist_index] end end local function draw_info(context, cr, width, height) maintain_tablist() cr:set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) cr:rectangle(0, 0, width, height) cr:fill() local msg, ext, active_region for i, a in ipairs(regions) do cr:rectangle(a.x - start_x, a.y - start_y, a.width, a.height) cr:clip() cr:set_source(fill_color) cr:rectangle(a.x - start_x, a.y - start_y, a.width, a.height) cr:fill() cr:set_source(border_color) cr:rectangle(a.x - start_x, a.y - start_y, a.width, a.height) cr:set_line_width(10.0) cr:stroke() cr:reset_clip() if a.x <= traverse_x and traverse_x < a.x + a.width and a.y <= traverse_y and traverse_y < a.y + a.height then active_region = i end end if #tablist > 0 then local a = regions[active_region] local pl = api.lgi.Pango.Layout.create(cr) pl:set_font_description(tablist_font_desc) local vpadding = api.dpi(10) local list_height = vpadding local list_width = 2 * vpadding local exts = {} for index, tc in ipairs(tablist) do local label = tc.name pl:set_text(label) local w, h w, h = pl:get_size() w = w / api.lgi.Pango.SCALE h = h / api.lgi.Pango.SCALE local ext = { width = w, height = h, x_bearing = 0, y_bearing = 0 } exts[#exts + 1] = ext list_height = list_height + ext.height + vpadding list_width = max(list_width, w + 2 * vpadding) end local x_offset = a.x + a.width / 2 - start_x local y_offset = a.y + a.height / 2 - list_height / 2 + vpadding - start_y -- cr:rectangle(a.x - start_x, y_offset - vpadding - start_y, a.width, list_height) -- cover the entire region cr:rectangle(a.x - start_x, a.y - start_y, a.width, a.height) cr:set_source(fill_color) cr:fill() cr:rectangle(a.x + (a.width - list_width) / 2 - start_x, a.y + (a.height - list_height) / 2 - start_y, list_width, list_height) cr:set_source(box_bg) cr:fill() for index, tc in ipairs(tablist) do local label = tc.name local ext = exts[index] if index == tablist_index then cr:rectangle(x_offset - ext.width / 2 - vpadding / 2, y_offset - vpadding / 2, ext.width + vpadding, ext.height + vpadding) cr:set_source(fill_color_hl) cr:fill() pl:set_text(label) cr:move_to(x_offset - ext.width / 2 - ext.x_bearing, y_offset - ext.y_bearing) cr:set_source(font_color_hl) cr:show_layout(pl) else pl:set_text(label) cr:move_to(x_offset - ext.width / 2 - ext.x_bearing, y_offset - ext.y_bearing) cr:set_source(font_color) cr:show_layout(pl) end y_offset = y_offset + ext.height + vpadding end end -- show the traverse point cr:rectangle(traverse_x - start_x - traverse_radius, traverse_y - start_y - traverse_radius, traverse_radius * 2, traverse_radius * 2) cr:set_source_rgba(1, 1, 1, 1) cr:fill() end infobox.bgimage = draw_info local key_translate_tab = { ["w"] = "Up", ["a"] = "Left", ["s"] = "Down", ["d"] = "Right", } api.awful.client.focus.history.disable_tracking() local kg local function exit() api.awful.client.focus.history.enable_tracking() if api.client.focus then api.client.emit_signal("focus", api.client.focus) end infobox.visible = false api.awful.keygrabber.stop(kg) end local function handle_key(mod, key, event) if event == "release" then if exit_keys and exit_keys[key] then exit() end return end if key_translate_tab[key] ~= nil then key = key_translate_tab[key] end maintain_tablist() assert(tablist ~= nil) if key == "Tab" then if #tablist > 0 then tablist_index = tablist_index % #tablist + 1 c = tablist[tablist_index] c:emit_signal("request::activate", "mouse.move", {raise=false}) c:raise() infobox.bgimage = draw_info end elseif key == "Up" or key == "Down" or key == "Left" or key == "Right" then local shift = false local ctrl = false for i, m in ipairs(mod) do if m == "Shift" then shift = true elseif m == "Control" then ctrl = true end end local current_region = nil if c and (shift or ctrl) then for i, a in ipairs(regions) do if a.x <= traverse_x and traverse_x < a.x + a.width and a.y <= traverse_y and traverse_y < a.y + a.height then current_region = i break end end if shift then if current_region == nil or regions[current_region].x ~= c.x or regions[current_region].y ~= c.y then traverse_x = c.x + traverse_radius traverse_y = c.y + traverse_radius current_region = nil end elseif ctrl then local ex = c.x + c.width + c.border_width * 2 local ey = c.y + c.height + c.border_width * 2 if current_region == nil or regions[current_region].x + regions[current_region].width ~= ex or regions[current_region].y + regions[current_region].height ~= ey then traverse_x = ex - traverse_radius traverse_y = ey - traverse_radius current_region = nil end end end local choice = nil local choice_value for i, a in ipairs(regions) do if a.x <= traverse_x and traverse_x < a.x + a.width and a.y <= traverse_y and traverse_y < a.y + a.height then current_region = i end local v if key == "Up" then if a.x < traverse_x + threshold and traverse_x < a.x + a.width + threshold then v = traverse_y - a.y - a.height else v = -1 end elseif key == "Down" then if a.x < traverse_x + threshold and traverse_x < a.x + a.width + threshold then v = a.y - traverse_y else v = -1 end elseif key == "Left" then if a.y < traverse_y + threshold and traverse_y < a.y + a.height + threshold then v = traverse_x - a.x - a.width else v = -1 end elseif key == "Right" then if a.y < traverse_y + threshold and traverse_y < a.y + a.height + threshold then v = a.x - traverse_x else v = -1 end end if (v > threshold) and (choice_value == nil or choice_value > v) then choice = i choice_value = v end end if choice == nil then choice = current_region if key == "Up" then traverse_y = screen.workarea.y elseif key == "Down" then traverse_y = screen.workarea.y + screen.workarea.height elseif key == "Left" then traverse_x = screen.workarea.x else traverse_x = screen.workarea.x + screen.workarea.width end end if choice ~= nil then traverse_x = max(regions[choice].x + traverse_radius, min(regions[choice].x + regions[choice].width - traverse_radius, traverse_x)) traverse_y = max(regions[choice].y + traverse_radius, min(regions[choice].y + regions[choice].height - traverse_radius, traverse_y)) tablist = nil if c and ctrl and draft_mode then local lu = c.machi_lu local rd = c.machi_rd if shift then lu = choice if regions[rd].x + regions[rd].width <= regions[lu].x or regions[rd].y + regions[rd].height <= regions[lu].y then rd = nil end else rd = choice if regions[rd].x + regions[rd].width <= regions[lu].x or regions[rd].y + regions[rd].height <= regions[lu].y then lu = nil end end if lu ~= nil and rd ~= nil then machi.layout.set_geometry(c, regions[lu], regions[rd], 0, c.border_width) elseif lu ~= nil then machi.layout.set_geometry(c, regions[lu], nil, 0, c.border_width) elseif rd ~= nil then c.x = min(c.x, regions[rd].x) c.y = min(c.y, regions[rd].y) machi.layout.set_geometry(c, nil, regions[rd], 0, c.border_width) end c.machi_lu = lu c.machi_rd = rd c:emit_signal("request::activate", "mouse.move", {raise=false}) c:raise() api.layout.arrange(screen) elseif c and shift then -- move the window if draft_mode then c.x = regions[choice].x c.y = regions[choice].y else machi.layout.set_geometry(c, regions[choice], regions[choice], 0, c.border_width) c.machi_region = choice end c:emit_signal("request::activate", "mouse.move", {raise=false}) c:raise() api.layout.arrange(screen) tablist = nil else maintain_tablist() -- move the focus if #tablist > 0 and tablist[1] ~= c then c = tablist[1] api.client.focus = c end end infobox.bgimage = draw_info end elseif key == "Escape" or key == "Return" then exit() else log(DEBUG, "Unhandled key " .. key) end end kg = api.awful.keygrabber.run( function (...) ok, _ = pcall(handle_key, ...) if not ok then exit() end end ) end return module