diff --git a/theme/init.lua b/theme/init.lua
index 95cd390..4dbe8b0 100644
--- a/theme/init.lua
+++ b/theme/init.lua
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ function module.setup_colors(data,args)
priv["bg_"..k] = args["bg_"..k] or beautiful["menu_bg_"..v.beautiful_name] or beautiful["bg_"..v.beautiful_name] or (v.fallback and beautiful.bg_normal)
priv["bgimage_"..k] = args["bgimage_"..k] or beautiful["menu_bgimage_"..v.beautiful_name] or beautiful["bgimage_"..v.beautiful_name]
priv["border_color_"..k] = args["border_color_"..k]
+ or args["item_border_color"] or args["border_color"]
or beautiful["menu_border_color_"..v.beautiful_name]
or beautiful["border_color_"..v.beautiful_name]
or (v.fallback and beautiful.border_color)
diff --git a/tooltip.lua b/tooltip.lua
index 5c7f1f0..2c3f98e 100644
--- a/tooltip.lua
+++ b/tooltip.lua
@@ -1,165 +1,13 @@
-local setmetatable,math = setmetatable,math
-local beautiful = require( "beautiful" )
-local surface = require( "gears.surface" )
-local wibox = require( "wibox" )
-local object = require( "radical.object" )
-local shape = require( "gears.shape" )
-local capi = { screen = screen ,
- mouse = mouse }
-local module={}
+-- This is a shim module to use the new `awful.tooltip` instead of Radical
+-- old implementation. Most features have been merged upstream and it is
+-- no longer necessary to keep a Radical version of this.
+-- Also, this forces me to finish awful.tooltip instead of using my own.
-local function get_direction(args)
- if not args.parent or not args.parent.drawable then return "bottom" end
- local drawable_geom = args.parent.drawable.drawable.geometry(args.parent.drawable.drawable)
- if args.parent.y+args.parent.height < drawable_geom.height then --Vertical wibox
- if drawable_geom.x > capi.screen[capi.mouse.screen].geometry.width - (drawable_geom.x+drawable_geom.width) then
- return "left"
- else
- return "right"
- end
- else --Horizontal wibox
- if drawable_geom.y > capi.screen[capi.mouse.screen].geometry.height - (drawable_geom.y+drawable_geom.height) then
- return "top"
- else
- return "bottom"
- end
- end
+local tooltip = require("awful.tooltip")
+return function(parent, text, args)
+ return tooltip{markup=""..text.."", objects = {parent}, mode = "outside"}
-local function rel_parent(w,args2,args)
- if args2 and args2.parent then
- local drawable_geom = args2.parent.drawable.drawable.geometry(args2.parent.drawable.drawable)
- if (args.direction == "left") or (args.direction == "right") then
- return {x=drawable_geom.x+((args.direction == "left") and - w.width or drawable_geom.width),y=drawable_geom.y+args2.parent.y+args2.parent.height/2-w.height/2}
- else
- return {x=drawable_geom.x+args2.parent.x-w.width/2 + args2.parent.width/2,y=(args.direction == "top") and drawable_geom.y-w.height or drawable_geom.y+drawable_geom.height}
- end
- end
- return {}
-local function init(data,widget,args)
- if widget and not data.init then
- data.init = true
- -- Setup the wibox
- local vertical = (args.direction == "left") or (args.direction == "right")
- local w,extents = data.wibox or wibox{},widget._private.layout:get_pixel_extents()
- extents.width = extents.width + 60
- w.visible = false
- w.width = extents.width
- w.height = vertical and 20 or 25
- w.ontop = true
- w:set_bg(beautiful.tooltip_bg or beautiful.bg_normal or "")
- -- Pick the right shape
- local s = nil
- if args.direction == "bottom" then
- s = shape.infobubble
- elseif args.direction == "top" then
- s = shape.transform(shape.infobubble) : rotate_at(w.width/2, w.height/2, math.pi)
- elseif args.direction == "left" then
- s = shape.transform(shape.rectangular_tag) : rotate_at(w.width/2, w.height/2, math.pi)
- else
- s = shape.rectangular_tag
- end
- surface.apply_shape_bounding(w, s, w.height/2 - 2.5, 5)
- data.wibox = w
- end
-local function set_text(self,text)
- self.init = nil
- self._text = text
- if self._w then
- self._w:set_markup("".. self._text .."")
- end
- init(self,self._w,self._args)
-local function set_markup(self,text)
- self.init = nil
- self._text = text
- if self._w then
- self._w:set_markup(self._text)
- end
- init(self,self._w,self._args)
-local function new(widget,text, args)
- args = args or {}
- local data = object({
- private_data = {
- },
- autogen_getmap = true,
- autogen_setmap = true,
- autogen_signals = true,
- })
- data._text = text
- local function hide_tooltip()
- if data.wibox then
- data.wibox.visible = false
- if data.drawable then
- data.drawable:disconnect_signal("mouse::leave",hide_tooltip)
- data.drawable = nil
- end
- end
- end
- function data:hide() hide_tooltip() end
- function data:showToolTip(show,args2)
- args2 = args2 or args or {}
- args.direction = args.direction or get_direction(args2)
- local vertical,textw = (args.direction == "left") or (args.direction == "right"),wibox.widget.textbox()
- textw.align = "center"
- if not args.is_markup then
- textw:set_markup("".. data._text .."")
- else
- textw:set_markup(data._text)
- end
- data._w = textw
- init(data,textw,args)
- if data.wibox then
- local l,m = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal(),wibox.container.margin(textw)
- m:set_left ( 30 )
- m:set_right ( 10 )
- m:set_bottom ( not vertical and ((args.direction == "top") and 4 or -4) or 0 )
- l:add(m)
- l:fill_space(true)
- data.wibox:set_widget(l)
- data.wibox:connect_signal("mouse::leave",hide_tooltip)
- local relative_to_parent = rel_parent(data.wibox,args2,args)
- data.wibox.x = math.floor(args2.x or args.x or relative_to_parent.x or capi.mouse.coords().x - data.wibox.width/2 -5)
- data.wibox.y = math.floor(args2.y or args.y or relative_to_parent.y or ((not vertical) and capi.screen[capi.mouse.screen].geometry.height - 16 - 25 or 16))
- data.wibox.visible = true
- if args2.parent and args2.parent.drawable and data.drawable ~= args2.parent.drawable then
- data.drawable = args2.parent.drawable
- data.drawable:connect_signal("mouse::leave",hide_tooltip)
- end
- end
- end
- widget:connect_signal("mouse::enter" , function(_,geometry) data:showToolTip( true , {parent=geometry}) end)
- widget:connect_signal("mouse::leave" , hide_tooltip)
- widget:connect_signal("button::press" , hide_tooltip)
- data.set_text = set_text
- data.set_markup = set_markup
- data._args = args
- return data
-return setmetatable(module, { __call = function(_, ...) return new(...) end })
--- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
+-- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 4; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/widgets/init.lua b/widgets/init.lua
index 34d817f..a472cee 100644
--- a/widgets/init.lua
+++ b/widgets/init.lua
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
local wibox = require("wibox")
wibox.layout.grid = require( "radical.widgets.grid" )
-wibox.widget.checkbox = require( "radical.widgets.checkbox" )
-wibox.widget.slider = require( "radical.widgets.slider" )
+-- wibox.widget.checkbox = require( "radical.widgets.checkbox" )
+-- wibox.widget.slider = require( "radical.widgets.slider" )
return {
checkbox = require( "radical.widgets.checkbox" ),
diff --git a/widgets/slider.lua b/widgets/slider.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index edc0076..0000000
--- a/widgets/slider.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
--- An interactive mouse based slider widget.
--- @author Grigory Mishchenko <grishkokot@gmail.com>
--- @author Emmanuel Lepage Vallee <elv1313@gmail.com>
--- @copyright 2015 Grigory Mishchenko, 2016 Emmanuel Lepage Vallee
--- @release @AWESOME_VERSION@
--- @classmod wibox.widget.slider
-local setmetatable = setmetatable
-local type = type
-local color = require("gears.color")
-local util = require("awful.util")
-local beautiful = require("beautiful")
-local base = require("wibox.widget.base")
-local shape = require("gears.shape")
-local gmatrix = require("gears.matrix")
-local capi = {
- mouse = mouse,
- mousegrabber = mousegrabber,
- root = root,
-local slider = {mt={}}
-local properties = {
- -- Handle
- handle_shape = shape.rectangle,
- handle_color = false,
- handle_margins = {},
- handle_width = false,
- handler_border_width = 0,
- handler_border_color = false,
- -- Bar
- bar_shape = shape.rectangle,
- bar_height = false,
- bar_color = false,
- bar_margins = {},
- bar_border_width = 0,
- bar_border_color = false,
- -- Content
- value = 0,
- minimum = 0,
- maximum = 100,
- -- Other
- cursor = "fleur",
--- Create the accessors
-for prop in pairs(properties) do
- slider["set_"..prop] = function(self, value)
- local changed = self._private[prop] ~= value
- self._private[prop] = value
- if changed then
- self:emit_signal("property::"..prop)
- self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
- end
- end
- slider["get_"..prop] = function(self)
- -- Ignoring the false's is on purpose
- return self._private[prop] == nil
- and properties[prop]
- or self._private[prop]
- end
--- Add some validation to set_value
-function slider:set_value(value)
- value = math.min(value, self:get_maximum())
- value = math.max(value, self:get_minimum())
- local changed = self._private.value ~= value
- self._private.value = value
- if changed then
- self:emit_signal( "property::value" )
- self:emit_signal( "widget::redraw_needed" )
- end
-local function get_extremums(self)
- local min = self._private.minimum or properties.minimum
- local max = self._private.maximum or properties.maximum
- local interval = max - min
- return min, max, interval
-local function get_value(self, width, x)
- local _, _, interval = get_extremums(self)
- return math.floor((x*interval)/width)
-function slider:draw(_, cr, width, height)
- local bar_height = self._private.bar_height
- -- If there is no background, then skip this
- local bar_color = self._private.bar_color
- or beautiful.slider_bar_color
- if bar_color then
- cr:set_source(color(bar_color))
- end
- local margins = self._private.bar_margins
- or beautiful.slider_bar_margins
- local x_offset, right_margin, y_offset = 0, 0
- if margins then
- if type(margins) == "number" then
- bar_height = bar_height or (height - 2*margins)
- x_offset, y_offset = margins, margins
- right_margin = margins
- else
- bar_height = bar_height or (height - margins.top - margins.bottom)
- x_offset, y_offset = margins.left, margins.top
- right_margin = margins.right
- end
- else
- bar_height = bar_height or beautiful.slider_bar_height or height
- y_offset = (height - bar_height)/2
- end
- cr:translate(x_offset, y_offset)
- local bar_shape = self._private.bar_shape
- or beautiful.slider_bar_shape
- or properties.bar_shape
- local bar_border_width = self._private.bar_border_width
- or beautiful.slider_bar_border_width
- or properties.bar_border_width
- bar_shape(cr, width - x_offset - right_margin, bar_height or height)
- if bar_color then
- if bar_border_width == 0 then
- cr:fill()
- else
- cr:fill_preserve()
- end
- end
- -- Draw the bar border
- if bar_border_width > 0 then
- local bar_border_color = self._private.bar_border_color
- or beautiful.slider_bar_border_color
- or properties.bar_border_color
- if bar_border_color then
- cr:save()
- cr:set_source(color(bar_border_color))
- cr:stroke()
- cr:restore()
- else
- cr:stroke()
- end
- end
- cr:translate(-x_offset, -y_offset)
- -- Paint the handle
- local handle_color = self._private.handle_color
- or beautiful.slider_handle_color
- -- It is ok if there is no color, it will be inherited
- if handle_color then
- cr:set_source(color(handle_color))
- end
- local handle_height, handle_width = height, self._private.handle_width
- or beautiful.slider_handle_width
- or height/2
- local handle_shape = self._private.handle_shape
- or beautiful.slider_handle_shape
- or properties.handle_shape
- -- Lets get the margins for the handle
- local margins = self._private.bar_margins
- or beautiful.slider_bar_margins
- local x_offset, y_offset = 0, 0
- if margins then
- if type(margins) == "number" then
- x_offset, y_offset = margins, margins
- handle_width = handle_width - 2*margins
- handle_height = handle_height - 2*margins
- else
- x_offset, y_offset = margins.left, margins.top
- handle_width = handle_width - margins.left - margins.right
- handle_height = handle_height - margins.top - margins.bottom
- end
- end
- local value = self._private.value or self._private.min or 0
- -- Get the widget size back to it's non-transfored value
- --local matrix = gmatrix.from_cairo_matrix(cr:get_matrix())
- local min, _, interval = get_extremums(self)
- local rel_value = ((value-min)/interval) * (width-handle_width)
- cr:translate(x_offset + rel_value, y_offset)
- local handle_border_width = self._private.handle_border_width
- or beautiful.slider_handle_border_width
- or properties.handle_border_width
- handle_shape(cr, handle_width, handle_height)
- if handle_border_width > 0 then
- cr:fill_preserve()
- else
- cr:fill()
- end
- -- Draw the handle border
- if handle_border_width > 0 then
- local handle_border_color = self._private.handle_border_color
- or beautiful.slider_handle_border_color
- or properties.handle_border_color
- if handle_border_color then
- cr:set_source(color(handle_border_color))
- end
- cr:stroke()
- end
-function slider:fit(_, width, height)
- -- Use all the space, this should be used with a constraint widget
- return width, height
-local event = {}
-function event.mouse_enter(self)
- self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") --TODO
- local cursor = self._private.cursor or "fleur"
- capi.root.cursor(cursor)
-function event.mouse_leave(self)
- self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") --TODO
--- capi.root.cursor("fleur")
-local rect_order = {"x", "y", "width", "height"}
--- Move the handle to the correct location
-local function move_handle(self, x, y, geo)
- -- Fix the X position when used in a rotate or mirror widget
- -- Remove the translation to bring {x, y} and the rect on the same origin
- local rem_translate = geo.matrix_to_device*gmatrix.identity
- rem_translate.x0, rem_translate.y0 = 0, 0
- local rect = {rem_translate:transform_rectangle(
- 0,
- 0,
- geo.width,
- geo.height
- )}
- -- Floating point precision is here both too much and not enough
- for k, v in ipairs(rect) do
- rect[rect_order[k]] = util.round(v)
- end
- local px = rem_translate:transform_point(x, y)
- -- If the transformation moved the rectangle away from {0,0}, compensate
- if rect.x < 0 then
- px = rect.width + px
- end
--- --HACK Cairo 0,0 is top left, a matrix is bottom left, funny...
- if util.round(rem_translate:transform_point(0, 100)) ~= 0 then
- px = -(px - rect.width)
- end
- self:set_value(get_value(self, rect.width, px))
- self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
-function event.mouse_press(self, x, y, button_id, _, geo)
- if button_id ~= 1 then return end
- move_handle(self, x, y, geo)
- -- Get the "real" position of the widget
- local wgeo = geo.drawable.drawable:geometry()
- local wx = wgeo.x + geo.x
- local wy = wgeo.y + geo.y
- capi.mousegrabber.run(function(mouse)
- if not mouse.buttons[1] then
- self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
- return false
- end
- -- Get the closest point to the widget
- local abs_x, abs_y = mouse.x, mouse.y
- abs_x = abs_x > (wx+geo.width) and wx+geo.width or (
- abs_x < wx and wx
- ) or abs_x
- abs_y = abs_y > (wy+geo.height) and wy+geo.height or (
- abs_y < wy and wy
- ) or abs_y
- -- Get the relative point
- local rx, ry = abs_x - wx, abs_y - wy
- move_handle(self, rx, ry, geo)
- return true
- end, self:get_cursor())
---- Create a slider widget.
--- @tparam[opt={}] table args
--- @function wibox.widget.slider
-local function new(args)
- local ret = base.make_widget(nil, nil, {
- enable_properties = true,
- })
- util.table.crush(ret._private, args or {})
- util.table.crush(ret, slider, true)
- -- Change the cusor and redraw (in case there is hover and pressed colors)
- ret:connect_signal("mouse::enter" , event.mouse_enter)
- ret:connect_signal("mouse::leave" , event.mouse_leave)
- ret:connect_signal("button::press", event.mouse_press)
- return ret
-function slider.mt:__call(...)
- return new(...)
---FIXME This is still broken...
- {
- {
- widget = wibox.widget.slider,
- },
- direction = "east",
- widget = wibox.container.rotate
- },
- reflection = {
- horizontal = true
- },
- widget = wibox.container.mirror
-return setmetatable(slider, slider.mt)
--- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/widgets/table.lua b/widgets/table.lua
index e13f237..3696920 100644
--- a/widgets/table.lua
+++ b/widgets/table.lua
@@ -49,11 +49,16 @@ end
local function new(content,args)
args = args or {}
local cols = 0
+ local row_count = args.row_count or #content
for k,v in ipairs(content) do
if #v > cols then
cols = #v
+ local col_count = math.max(args.column_count or 0, cols)
local main_l = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical()
main_l.fit = function(self,context,width,height)
@@ -87,4 +92,4 @@ local function new(content,args)
return setmetatable({}, { __call = function(_, ...) return new(...) end })
--- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
+-- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 4; replace-tabs on;