diff --git a/impl/taglist/init.lua b/impl/taglist/init.lua
index c4ddd9e..03cfd62 100644
--- a/impl/taglist/init.lua
+++ b/impl/taglist/init.lua
@@ -288,7 +288,9 @@ capi.tag.connect_signal("property::index2",function(t,i)
local item = cache[t]
if item then
- item.tw:set_markup(" "..(i).." ")
+ if item.tw then
+ item.tw:set_markup(" "..(i).." ")
+ end
diff --git a/radial.lua b/radial.lua
index f746080..19112fe 100644
--- a/radial.lua
+++ b/radial.lua
@@ -21,6 +21,75 @@ local capi = { mouse = mouse, mousegrabber = mousegrabber }
local module={}
+-- Generate a cached pixmap starting at pi/2-(2*pi / seg_count)
+-- This mask is then rotated in place where desired
+-- the reason for this is to keep the code simple and allow
+-- a menu rotate "animation" with the scroll wheel
+local function gen_text_mask(data, layer, segs, text)
+ -- Step 1: compute the minimal size
+ --TODO limit to the radius
+ local h = (default.base_radius + layer*default.radius) * (segs < 2 and 2 or 1)
+ -- I let the reader make the proof of this: good luck with that
+ local dr = (math.pi*2)/segs
+ local w = segs < 2 and data.width or 2*math.abs(math.sin((dr)/2)*(data.width/2))
+-- local w = data.width
+ -- Step 2: Create the surface
+ local img = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, w, h)
+ local cr = cairo.Context(img)
+ local border_width= 4
+ local start_angle = -(math.pi/2) - dr/2
+ local end_angle = -(math.pi/2) + dr/2
+ local cur_angle = start_angle
+ local cur_rad = h-border_width
+ cr:set_source_rgba(1,1,1,1)
+ cr:select_font_face("monospace")
+ local matrix = cairo.Matrix()
+ cairo.Matrix.init_translate(matrix,w/2,h)
+ for i=1,text:len() do
+ local c = text:sub(i,i)
+ -- Step 4: Create the transformation matrix
+ -- TODO use composite
+ local matrix12 = cairo.Matrix()
+ local ex = cr:text_extents(c)
+ cairo.Matrix.init_rotate(matrix12, cur_angle+math.pi/2)
+ matrix12:translate(-ex.width/2,ex.height/2)
+ local trext = cairo.Matrix()
+ cairo.Matrix.init_translate(trext,
+ cur_rad*math.cos(cur_angle),
+ cur_rad*math.sin(cur_angle)
+ )
+ local res = cairo.Matrix()
+ res:multiply(trext,matrix)
+ local res2 = cairo.Matrix()
+ res2:multiply(matrix12,res)
+ cr:set_matrix(res2)
+ -- Step 4: Paint
+ cr:text_path(c)
+ cr:fill()
+ -- Step 5: update the angle
+ cur_angle = cur_angle + 0.05 --TODO use trigonometry to copute this
+ if cur_angle > end_angle then
+ cur_angle = start_angle
+ cur_rad = cur_rad - border_width - ex.height
+ end
+ end
+ return img
function module.radial_client_select(args)
local args = args or {}
@@ -88,17 +157,18 @@ function module.radial_client_select(args)
local function gen_arc(layer)
data.layers[layer].position = (data.layers[layer].position or 0) + 1
+ local sef_count = #data.layers[layer].content
local position = data.layers[layer].position
local dat_layer = data.layers[layer]
local outer_radius = layer*default.radius + default.base_radius
local inner_radius = outer_radius - default.radius
- local start_angle = ((2*math.pi)/(4*layer))*(position-1)
- local end_angle = ((2*math.pi)/(4*layer))*(position)
+ local start_angle = ((2*math.pi)/sef_count)*(position-1)
+ local end_angle = ((2*math.pi)/sef_count)*(position)
if data.layers[layer].selected == position then
dat_layer.cr:set_source ( color(beautiful.fg_focus) )
- dat_layer.cr:set_source_rgb((5+(21-5)/(4*layer)*position)/256,(10+(119-10)/(4*layer)*position)/256,(27+(209-27)/(4*layer)*position)/256)
+ dat_layer.cr:set_source_rgb((5+(21-5)/sef_count*position)/256,(10+(119-10)/sef_count*position)/256,(27+(209-27)/sef_count*position)/256)
dat_layer.cr:move_to ( data.width/2, data.height/2 )
dat_layer.cr:arc ( data.width/2,data.height/2,outer_radius,start_angle,end_angle )
@@ -118,30 +188,33 @@ function module.radial_client_select(args)
local step = (2*math.pi)/(((math.pi*2*(default.base_radius + default.radius*layer - 3 - level*12))/4)*0.65) --relation between arc and char width
local testAngle = start_angle + 0.05
- for i=1,text:len() do
- cr2:set_operator(cairo.Operator.CLEAR)
- cr2:paint()
- cr2:set_operator(cairo.Operator.SOURCE)
- cr2:set_source_rgb(1,1,1)
- cr2:move_to(0,10)
- cr2:text_path(text:sub(i,i))
- cr2:fill()
- local matrix12 = cairo.Matrix()
- cairo.Matrix.init_rotate(matrix12, -testAngle )
- matrix12:translate(-data.width/2+(default.base_radius + default.radius*layer - 3 - level*12)*(math.sin( - testAngle)),-data.height/2+(default.base_radius + default.radius*layer - 3 - level*12)*(math.cos( -testAngle)))
- local pattern = cairo.Pattern.create_for_surface(img2,20,20)
- pattern:set_matrix(matrix12)
- cr:set_source(pattern)
- cr:paint()
- testAngle=testAngle+step
- if testAngle+step > end_angle - 0.05 then
- testAngle = start_angle+0.05
- level = level +1
- if level > 2 then
- break
- end
- end
- end
+ local img = gen_text_mask(data,layer,#data.layers[layer].content,text)
+ cr:set_source_surface(img,0,60)
+ cr:paint()
+-- for i=1,text:len() do
+-- cr2:set_operator(cairo.Operator.CLEAR)
+-- cr2:paint()
+-- cr2:set_operator(cairo.Operator.SOURCE)
+-- cr2:set_source_rgb(1,1,1)
+-- cr2:move_to(0,10)
+-- cr2:text_path(text:sub(i,i))
+-- cr2:fill()
+-- local matrix12 = cairo.Matrix()
+-- cairo.Matrix.init_rotate(matrix12, -testAngle )
+-- matrix12:translate(-data.width/2+(default.base_radius + default.radius*layer - 3 - level*12)*(math.sin( - testAngle)),-data.height/2+(default.base_radius + default.radius*layer - 3 - level*12)*(math.cos( -testAngle)))
+-- local pattern = cairo.Pattern.create_for_surface(img2,20,20)
+-- pattern:set_matrix(matrix12)
+-- cr:set_source(pattern)
+-- cr:paint()
+-- testAngle=testAngle+step
+-- if testAngle+step > end_angle - 0.05 then
+-- testAngle = start_angle+0.05
+-- level = level +1
+-- if level > 2 then
+-- break
+-- end
+-- end
+-- end
local function repaint_layer(idx,content)
@@ -159,7 +232,10 @@ function module.radial_client_select(args)
real_rad = -real_rad
- local new_selected = (idx*4 or 1) - math.floor(((real_rad*(idx*4 or 1))/2*math.pi)/10)
+ local count = #(lay.content or {})
+ local new_selected = count - math.floor( (real_rad)/(2*math.pi) * count )
if content or (lay.content and new_selected ~= lay.selected) then
lay.content = content or lay.content
@@ -192,7 +268,10 @@ function module.radial_client_select(args)
local dr = (2*math.pi)/#data.layers[i].content
-- print("BLA BLA",k,i)
local r1 = dr*(k-1)
- draw_text(cr,"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890",r1,r1+dr,i)
+-- print(i,k,r1)
+ if i == 2 and k == 1 then
+ draw_text(cr,"1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890",r1,r1+dr,i)
+ end
@@ -221,6 +300,7 @@ function module.radial_client_select(args)
{name="test",icon="",func = function(menu,...) end },
{name="test",icon="",func = function(menu,...) end },
{name="test",icon="",func = function(menu,...) end },
+ {name="test",icon="",func = function(menu,...) end },