diff --git a/impl/alttab/init.lua b/impl/alttab/init.lua
index 1d93645..3eecc95 100644
--- a/impl/alttab/init.lua
+++ b/impl/alttab/init.lua
@@ -72,6 +72,11 @@ local function is_in_tag(t,c)
local function new(args)
+ local histo = get_history(--[[screen]])
+ if #histo == o then
+ return
+ end
local t,auto_release = tag.selected(capi.client.focus and capi.client.focus.screen or capi.mouse.screen),args.auto_release
local currentMenu = menu({filter = true, show_filter=true, autodiscard = true,
disable_markup=true,fkeys_prefix=not auto_release,width=(((capi.screen[capi.client.focus and capi.client.focus.screen or capi.mouse.screen]).geometry.width)/2),
@@ -87,7 +92,7 @@ local function new(args)
if module.titlebar_path then
- for k,v2 in ipairs(get_history(--[[screen]])) do
+ for k,v2 in ipairs(histo) do
local l,v = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal(),v2[2]
l:add( button_group({client = v, field = "floating" , focus = false, checked = function() return v.floating end, onclick = function() v.floating = not v.floating end }))
l:add( button_group({client = v, field = "maximized", focus = false, checked = function() return v.maximized end, onclick = function() v.maximized = not v.maximized end }))
diff --git a/impl/taglist/init.lua b/impl/taglist/init.lua
index b0f20c9..76a044a 100644
--- a/impl/taglist/init.lua
+++ b/impl/taglist/init.lua
@@ -10,35 +10,71 @@ local capi = {tag=tag,client=client,screen=screen}
local radical = require( "radical" )
local tag = require( "awful.tag" )
local beautiful = require( "beautiful" )
+local color = require( "gears.color" )
local client = require( "awful.client" )
+local wibox = require( "wibox" )
+local awful = require( "awful" )
local module,instances = {},{}
-local state = {
- ACTIVE = 1, --[aka: EMPTY]
- USED = 2,
- URGENT = 4,
-- The cache can be global, this is unsupported by Radical, but for now it
-- doesn't cause too many issues. This make it easier to track state
local cache = setmetatable({}, { __mode = 'k' })
+module.buttons = { [1] = awful.tag.viewonly,
+ [2] = awful.tag.viewtoggle,
+ [3] = function(q,w,e,r)
+ print("hello",q,q._item,q.item)
+ local menu = customMenu.tagOption.getMenu()
+ menu.visible = true
+ end,
+ [4] = function(t) awful.tag.viewnext(awful.tag.getscreen(t)) end,
+ [5] = function(t) awful.tag.viewprev(awful.tag.getscreen(t)) end,
+ }
+-- awful.button({ modkey }, 1, awful.client.movetotag),
+-- awful.button({ modkey }, 3, awful.client.toggletag),
+local function index_draw(self,w, cr, width, height)
+ cr:save()
+ cr:set_source(color(beautiful.bg_normal))
+ local d = wibox.widget.textbox._draw or wibox.widget.textbox.draw
+ d(self,wibox, cr, width, height)
+ cr:restore()
local function create_item(t,s)
local menu = instances[s]
if not menu then return end
- local item = menu:add_item { text = t.name, icon = tag.geticon(t), button1 = function()
- tag.viewonly(t)
- end}
- item._internal.set_map.used = function(value)
- local item_style = item.item_style or menu.item_style
- item_style(menu,item,{value and radical.base.item_flags.USED or nil,item.selected and 1 or nil})
- end
+ local w = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal()
+ local icon = tag.geticon(t)
+ local ib = wibox.widget.imagebox()
+ ib:set_image(icon)
+ w:add(ib)
+ local tw = wibox.widget.textbox()
+ tw.draw = index_draw
+-- tw:set_fg("#000000")
+ tw:set_markup(" "..(menu.rowcount+1).." ")
+ w:add(tw)
+ local item = menu:add_item { text = t.name, prefix_widget = w}
+ item:connect_signal("index::changed",function(_,value)
+ tw:set_markup(" "..(item.index).." ")
+ end)
+ menu:connect_signal("button::press",function(menu,item,button_id,mod)
+ if module.buttons and module.buttons[button_id] then
+ module.buttons[button_id](item.client,menu,item,button_id,mod)
+ end
+ end)
item._internal.screen = s
+-- item.state[radical.base.item_flags.USED ] = #t:clients() > 0
+ item.state[radical.base.item_flags.SELECTED] = t.selected or nil
cache[t] = item
+ item.tag = t
return item
@@ -46,17 +82,13 @@ local function track_used(c,t)
if t then
local item = cache[t] or create_item(t,tag.getscreen(t))
if not item then return end -- Yes, it happen if the screen is still nil
- item.used = #t:clients()
- else
- for _,t2 in ipairs(c:tags()) do
- cache[t2].used = #t2:clients()
- end
+ item.state[radical.base.item_flags.USED] = #t:clients() > 0
+ item.state[radical.base.item_flags.CHANGED] = not t.selected
local function tag_activated(t)
- local act = t.activated
- if not act and cache[t] then
+ if not t.activated and cache[t] then
cache[t] = nil
@@ -75,6 +107,36 @@ local function tag_added(t,b)
+local function select(t)
+ local s = t.selected
+ local item = cache[t] or create_item(t,tag.getscreen(t))
+ if item then
+ item.state[radical.base.item_flags.SELECTED] = s or nil
+ if s then
+ item.state[radical.base.item_flags.CHANGED] = nil
+ item.state[radical.base.item_flags.URGENT] = nil
+ end
+ end
+local function urgent_callback(c)
+ local modif = c.urgent == true and 1 or -1
+ for k,t in ipairs(c:tags()) do
+ local current = (awful.tag.getproperty(t,"urgent") or 0)
+ local item = cache[t] or create_item(t,tag.getscreen(t))
+ if current + modif < 0 then
+ awful.tag.setproperty(t,"urgent",0)
+ item.state[radical.base.item_flags.URGENT] = nil
+ else
+ awful.tag.setproperty(t,"urgent",current + modif)
+ if not t.selected then
+ item.state[radical.base.item_flags.URGENT] = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
local is_init = false
local function init()
if is_init then return end
@@ -83,6 +145,7 @@ local function init()
capi.client.connect_signal("tagged", track_used)
capi.client.connect_signal("untagged", track_used)
capi.client.connect_signal("unmanage", track_used)
+ capi.client.connect_signal("property::urgent" , urgent_callback )
capi.tag.connect_signal("property::screen", tag_added)
@@ -106,9 +169,13 @@ local function new(s)
instances[s] = radical.bar {
select_on = radical.base.event.NEVER,
fg = beautiful.fg_normal,
- bg_focus = beautiful.taglist_bg_image_selected2 or beautiful.bg_focus,
+ bg_focus = beautiful.taglist_bg_image_selected2,
item_style = radical.item.style.arrow_prefix,
- bg_hover = beautiful.menu_bg_focus
+ bg_hover = beautiful.menu_bg_focus,
+ bg_used = beautiful.taglist_bg_image_used2,
+ bg_urgent = beautiful.taglist_bg_image_urgent2,
+ bg_changed = beautiful.taglist_bg_image_changed,
+-- fkeys_prefix = true,
@@ -120,13 +187,20 @@ local function new(s)
-- Per screen signals
-- tag.attached_connect_signal(s, "property::selected", tag_added)
-- tag.attached_connect_signal(screen, "property::hide", ut)
--- tag.attached_connect_signal(s, "property::activated", tag_added)
-- tag.attached_connect_signal(s, "property::index", tag_added)
+ instances[s]:connect_signal("button::press",function(m,item,button_id,mod)
+ if module.buttons and module.buttons[button_id] then
+ module.buttons[button_id](item.tag,m,item,button_id,mod)
+ end
+ end)
return instances[s]
+capi.tag.connect_signal("property::selected" , select)
return setmetatable(module, { __call = function(_, ...) return new(...) end })
-- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;
diff --git a/impl/tasklist/init.lua b/impl/tasklist/init.lua
index 7a5c558..30b725a 100644
--- a/impl/tasklist/init.lua
+++ b/impl/tasklist/init.lua
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ local function reload_content(c,b,a)
local cache = instances[c.screen].cache
local item = cache[c]
if item then
- item.text = c.name
+ item.text = c.name or "N/A"
item.icon = c.icon
@@ -156,7 +156,8 @@ local function new(screen)
local cache,menu = setmetatable({}, { __mode = 'k' }),radical.flexbar {
fg = beautiful.fg_normal,
- bg_focus = beautiful.taglist_bg_image_selected2 or beautiful.bg_focus,
+ bg_focus = beautiful.taglist_bg_image_selected2,
+ bg_urgent = beautiful.taglist_bg_image_urgent2,
bg_hover = beautiful.menu_bg_focus,
disable_markup = true,
overlay = function(data,item,cd,w,h)