local setmetatable = setmetatable local beautiful = require( "beautiful" ) local color = require( "gears.color" ) local cairo = require( "lgi" ).cairo local wibox = require( "wibox" ) local checkbox = require( "radical.widgets.checkbox" ) local fkey = require( "radical.widgets.fkey" ) local horizontal = require( "radical.item.layout.horizontal" ) local util = require( "awful.util" ) local margins2 = require("radical.margins") local module = {} local function icon_fit(data,...) local w,h = wibox.widget.imagebox.fit(...) --Try to retermine the limiting factor if data._internal.layout.dir == "y" then return data.icon_size or w,data.icon_size or h else return w,data.icon_size or h end end local function icon_draw(self,w, cr, width, height) local w,h = wibox.widget.imagebox.fit(self,width,height) cr:save() cr:translate((width-w)/2,0) wibox.widget.imagebox.draw(self,w, cr, width, height) cr:restore() end local function create_item(item,data,args) --Create the background local bg = wibox.widget.background() bg:set_fg(item._private_data.fg) --Create the main item layout local l,la,lr = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical(),wibox.layout.align.vertical(),wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal() local m = wibox.layout.margin(la) local mrgns = margins2(m,util.table.join(data.item_style.margins,data.default_item_margins)) item.get_margins = function() return mrgns end local text_w = wibox.widget.textbox() text_w:set_align("center") item._private_data._fit = wibox.widget.background.fit -- m.fit = function(...) -- if item.visible == false or item._filter_out == true then -- return 0,0 -- end -- local w,h = data._internal.layout.item_fit(data,item,...) -- print("item_fit",w,h) -- return data._internal.layout.item_fit(data,item,...) -- end if data.fkeys_prefix == true then local pref = wibox.widget.textbox() pref.draw = function(self,w, cr, width, height) cr:set_source(color(beautiful.fg_normal)) cr:paint() wibox.widget.textbox.draw(self,w, cr, width, height) end l:add(pref) m:set_left ( 0 ) end if args.prefix_widget then l:add(args.prefix_widget) end local icon = horizontal.setup_icon(horizontal,item,data) icon.fit = function(...) return icon_fit(data,...) end icon.draw = icon_draw l:add(icon) l:add(text_w) if item._private_data.sub_menu_f or item._private_data.sub_menu_m then local subArrow = wibox.widget.imagebox() --TODO, make global subArrow.fit = function(box, w, h) return subArrow._image:get_width(),item.height end subArrow:set_image( beautiful.menu_submenu_icon ) lr:add(subArrow) end bg.fit = function(box,w,h,...) -- args.y = data.height-h-data.margins.top --TODO dead code? return data._internal.layout.item_fit(data,item,box,w,h) end if item.checkable then item.get_checked = function(data,item) if type(item._private_data.checked) == "function" then return item._private_data.checked() else return item._private_data.checked end end local ck = wibox.widget.imagebox() ck:set_image(item.checked and checkbox.checked() or checkbox.unchecked()) lr:add(ck) item.set_checked = function (_,value) item._private_data.checked = value ck:set_image(item.checked and checkbox.checked() or checkbox.unchecked()) end end if args.suffix_widget then lr:add(args.suffix_widget) end la:set_top(l) la:set_bottom(lr) bg:set_widget(m) item._internal.text_w = text_w item._internal.icon_w = icon -- Setup events horizontal.setup_event(data,item,bg) return bg end return setmetatable(module, { __call = function(_, ...) return create_item(...) end }) -- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;