local setmetatable = setmetatable local beautiful = require( "beautiful" ) local color = require( "gears.color" ) local cairo = require( "lgi" ).cairo local base = require( "radical.base" ) local glib = require("lgi").GLib local margins = require("radical.margins") local module = { margins = { BOTTOM = 10, TOP = 10, LEFT = 0 , RIGHT = 0 , } } local function rotate(img, geometry, angle,swap_size) geometry = swap_size and {width = geometry.height, height=geometry.width} or geometry local matrix,pattern,img2 = cairo.Matrix(),cairo.Pattern.create_for_surface(img),cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, geometry.width, geometry.height) cairo.Matrix.init_rotate(matrix,angle) matrix:translate((angle == math.pi/2) and 0 or -geometry.width, (angle == 3*(math.pi/2)) and 0 or -geometry.height) pattern:set_matrix(matrix) local cr2 = cairo.Context(img2) cr2:set_source(pattern) cr2:paint() return img2 end local function do_gen_menu_top(data, width, height, radius,padding,args) local img = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, width,height) local cr = cairo.Context(img) local no_arrow = data.arrow_type == base.arrow_type.NONE local top_padding = (data.arrow_type == base.arrow_type.NONE) and 0 or 13 local arrow_x = data._arrow_x or 20 cr:set_operator(cairo.Operator.SOURCE) cr:set_source( color(args.bg) ) cr:paint() cr:set_source( color(args.fg) ) cr:rectangle(10, top_padding+padding, width - 20 +1 , 10) if not no_arrow then for i=1,13 do cr:rectangle((arrow_x) + 13 - i, i+padding , 2*i , 1) end end cr:rectangle(arrow_x+padding,top_padding+padding,26+padding,10) cr:rectangle(padding or 0,no_arrow and 10 or 23, width-2*padding, height-33 + (no_arrow and 13 or 0)) cr:rectangle(10+padding-1,height-10, width-20, 10-padding) cr:fill() cr:arc(10,10+top_padding,(radius-padding),0,2*math.pi) cr:arc(width-10, 10+top_padding + (pdding or 0),(radius-padding),0,2*math.pi) cr:arc(10,height-(radius-padding)-padding,(radius-padding),0,2*math.pi) cr:arc(width-10,height-(radius-padding)-padding,(radius-padding),0,2*math.pi) cr:fill() return img end local function gen_arrow_x(data,direction) local at = data.arrow_type local par_center_x = data.parent_geometry and (data.parent_geometry.x + data.parent_geometry.width/2) or -1 local par_center_y = data.parent_geometry and (data.parent_geometry.y + data.parent_geometry.height/2) or -1 local menu_beg_x = data.x local menu_end_x = data.x + data.width if at == base.arrow_type.PRETTY or not at then if direction == "left" then data._arrow_x = data._internal.w.height -20 - (data.arrow_x_orig or 20) elseif direction == "right" then --TODO elseif direction == "bottom" then data._arrow_x = data.width -20 - (data.arrow_x_orig or 20) if par_center_x >= menu_beg_x then data._arrow_x = data.width - (par_center_x - menu_beg_x) - 13 end elseif direction == "top" then --TODO end elseif at == base.arrow_type.CENTERED then if direction == "left" or direction == "right" then data._arrow_x = data.height/2 - 13 else data._arrow_x = data.width/2 - 13 end end end local function _set_direction(data,direction) local height,width = data.height,data.width local hash = height*1000+width -- Try not to waste time for nothing if data._internal._last_direction == direction..(hash) then return end -- Avoid recomputing the arrow_x value if not data._arrow_x or data._internal.last_size ~= hash then gen_arrow_x(data,direction) data._internal.last_size = hash end local geometry = (direction == "left" or direction == "right") and {width = height, height = width} or {height = height, width = width} local top_clip_surface = do_gen_menu_top(data,geometry.width,geometry.height,10,data.border_width,{bg=beautiful.fg_normal or "#0000ff",fg=data.bg or "#00ffff"}) local top_bounding_surface = do_gen_menu_top(data,geometry.width,geometry.height,10,0,{bg="#00000000",fg="#ffffffff"}) local arr_margin,angle,mar_func = (data.arrow_type == base.arrow_type.NONE) and 0 or 13,0 if direction == "bottom" then angle,swap = math.pi,false elseif direction == "left" then angle,swap = math.pi/2,true elseif direction == "right" then angle,swap = 3*math.pi/2,true end if angle ~= 0 then top_bounding_surface = rotate(top_bounding_surface,geometry,angle,swap) top_clip_surface = rotate(top_clip_surface,geometry,angle,swap) end data.wibox.shape_bounding = top_bounding_surface._native -- data.wibox.shape_clip = top_clip_surface._native data.wibox:set_bg(cairo.Pattern.create_for_surface(top_clip_surface)) data._internal._need_direction_reload = false data._internal._last_direction = direction..(hash) end -- Try to avoid useless repaint, this function is heavy local function set_direction(data,direction) data._internal._need_direction = direction if not data._internal._need_direction_reload and data._internal._last_direction ~= direction..(data.height*1000+data.width) then glib.idle_add(glib.PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE, function() _set_direction(data,data._internal._need_direction) end) data._internal._need_direction_reload = true end -- Margins need to set manually, a reset will override user changes if data.arrow_type ~= base.arrow_type.NONE and (not (data.parent_geometry and data.parent_geometry.is_menu)) and data._internal.former_direction ~= direction then if data._internal.former_direction then data.margins[data._internal.former_direction] = data.border_width + module.margins[data._internal.former_direction:upper()] end data.margins[direction] = 13 + 2*data.border_width end data._internal.former_direction = direction end local function get_arrow_x(data) local height,width = data.height,data.width local hash = height*1000+width if not data._arrow_x or data._internal.last_size ~= hash then gen_arrow_x(data,direction) -- data._internal.last_size = hash end return data._arrow_x end local function draw(data,args) local args = args or {} local direction = data.direction or "top" if not data.get_arrow_x then rawset(data,"arrow_x_orig",data.arrow_x) rawset(data,"arrow_x_orig",nil) data.get_arrow_x = get_arrow_x end set_direction(data,direction) -- data._internal.set_position(data) --TODO DEAD CODE? --TODO call this less often return w,w2 end return setmetatable(module, { __call = function(_, ...) return draw(...) end }) -- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;