local setmetatable,type = setmetatable, type local ipairs, pairs = ipairs, pairs local button = require( "awful.button" ) local beautiful = require( "beautiful" ) local tag = require( "awful.tag" ) local client2 = require( "awful.client" ) local radical = require( "radical" ) local util = require( "awful.util" ) local wibox = require( "wibox" ) local tag_list = require( "radical.impl.taglist" ) local capi = { client = client, mouse = mouse, screen = screen} local module,pause_monitoring = {},false -- Keep its own history instead of using awful.client.focus.history local focusIdx,focusTable = 1,setmetatable({}, { __mode = 'v' }) local focusTag = setmetatable({}, { __mode = 'v' }) local function push_focus(c) if c and not pause_monitoring then focusTable[c] = focusIdx focusIdx = focusIdx + 1 focusTag[c] = tag.selected(c.screen) end end capi.client.connect_signal("focus", push_focus) -- Remove client when closed client.connect_signal("unmanage", function (c) focusTable[c] = nil end) local function compare(a,b) return a[1] > b[1] end local function get_history(screen) local result = {} for k,v in pairs(focusTable) do result[#result+1] = {v,k} end local orphanCount = -100 for k,v in ipairs(capi.client.get(screen or 1)) do if not focusTable[v] then result[#result+1] = setmetatable({orphanCount,v}, { __mode = 'v' }) orphanCount = orphanCount -1 end end table.sort(result,compare) return result end -- Simulate a titlebar local function button_group(args) local widget = wibox.widget.imagebox() widget:set_image( module.titlebar_path.. args.field .."_normal_"..(args.checked() and "active" or "inactive")..".png" ) widget:buttons( util.table.join(button({ }, 1 , args.onclick))) return widget end local function select_next(menu) local item = menu.next_item if not item then return end item.selected = true item.button1(nil,nil,nil,nil,true) return true end local function is_in_tag(t,c) for k,v in ipairs(c:tags()) do if t == v then return true end end return false end local function reload_underlay(client,item) local underlays = {} for k,v in ipairs(client:tags()) do underlays[#underlays+1] = v.name end if item then item.underlay = underlays end return underlays end local function reload_highlight(i) if i.selected then local hl = {} for k,v in ipairs(i.client:tags()) do hl[#hl+1] = v end tag_list.highlight(hl) i._internal.border_color_back = i.client.border_color i.client.border_color = beautiful.bg_urgent elseif i._internal.border_color_back then i.client.border_color = i._internal.border_color_back end end local function new(args) local histo = get_history(--[[screen]]) if #histo == 0 then return end local t,auto_release = tag.selected(capi.client.focus and capi.client.focus.screen or capi.mouse.screen),args.auto_release local currentMenu = radical.box({filter = true, show_filter=not auto_release, autodiscard = true, disable_markup=true,fkeys_prefix=not auto_release,width=(((capi.screen[capi.client.focus and capi.client.focus.screen or capi.mouse.screen]).geometry.width)/2), icon_transformation = beautiful.alttab_icon_transformation,filter_underlay="Use [Shift] and [Control] to toggle clients",filter_underlay_color=beautiful.menu_bg_normal, filter_placeholder="Type to filter"}) if not auto_release then local pref_bg = wibox.widget.background() local pref_l = wibox.layout.align.horizontal() pref_bg.fit = function(s,w,h) local w2,h2 = wibox.widget.background.fit(s,w,h) return w2,currentMenu.item_height end pref_bg:set_bg(currentMenu.bg_alternate) local tb2= wibox.widget.textbox() tb2:set_text("foo!!!!") pref_l:set_first(tb2) pref_bg:set_widget(pref_l) local pref_menu,pref_menu_l = radical.bar{item_style=radical.item.style.basic} pref_menu:add_widget(radical.widgets.separator(pref_menu,radical.widgets.separator.VERTICAL)) pref_menu:add_item{text="Exclusive"} pref_menu:add_widget(radical.widgets.separator(pref_menu,radical.widgets.separator.VERTICAL)) pref_menu:add_item{text="12 clients"} pref_menu:add_widget(radical.widgets.separator(pref_menu,radical.widgets.separator.VERTICAL)) pref_menu:add_item{text="All Screens"} pref_menu:add_widget(radical.widgets.separator(pref_menu,radical.widgets.separator.VERTICAL)) pref_l:set_third(pref_menu_l) currentMenu:add_prefix_widget(pref_bg) end currentMenu:add_key_hook({}, "Tab", "press", select_next) currentMenu:add_key_hook({}, "Shift_L", "press", function() currentMenu._current_item.checked = not currentMenu._current_item.checked client2.toggletag (t, currentMenu._current_item.client) reload_underlay(currentMenu._current_item.client,currentMenu._current_item) if not auto_release then reload_highlight(currentMenu._current_item) end return true end) currentMenu:add_key_hook({}, "Control_L", "press", function() currentMenu._current_item.checked = not currentMenu._current_item.checked client2.movetotag(t, currentMenu._current_item.client) reload_underlay(currentMenu._current_item.client,currentMenu._current_item) if not auto_release then reload_highlight(currentMenu._current_item) end return true end) for k,v2 in ipairs(histo) do local l,v = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal(),v2[2] if not auto_release and module.titlebar_path then l:add( button_group({client = v, field = "floating" , focus = false, checked = function() return v.floating end, onclick = function() v.floating = not v.floating end })) l:add( button_group({client = v, field = "maximized", focus = false, checked = function() return v.maximized end, onclick = function() v.maximized = not v.maximized end })) l:add( button_group({client = v, field = "sticky" , focus = false, checked = function() return v.sticky end, onclick = function() v.sticky = not v.sticky end })) l:add( button_group({client = v, field = "ontop" , focus = false, checked = function() return v.ontop end, onclick = function() v.ontop = not v.ontop end })) l:add( button_group({client = v, field = "close" , focus = false, checked = function() return false end, onclick = function() v:kill() end })) l.fit = function (s,w,h) return 5*h,h end end local underlays = reload_underlay(v) local i = currentMenu:add_item({ text = v.name, icon = v.icon or module.default_icon, suffix_widget = not auto_release and l or nil, selected = capi.client.focus and capi.client.focus == v, underlay = underlays, checkable = not auto_release, checked = not auto_release and is_in_tag(t,v) or nil, button1 = function(a,b,c,d,no_hide) local t = focusTag[v] or v:tags()[1] if t and t.selected == false and not util.table.hasitem(v:tags(),tag.selected(v.screen)) then tag.viewonly(t) end capi.client.focus = v v:raise() if not no_hide then currentMenu.visible = false end end, }) i.client = v if not auto_release then i:connect_signal("selected::changed",reload_highlight) end end if auto_release then currentMenu:add_key_hook({}, "Alt_L", "release", function(_) currentMenu.visible = false return false end) select_next(currentMenu) end pause_monitoring,currentMenu.visible = true, true currentMenu:connect_signal("visible::changed",function(m) if not m.visible then pause_monitoring = false push_focus(capi.client.focus) if not auto_release then tag_list.highlight() end if currentMenu._current_item and currentMenu._current_item._internal.border_color_back then currentMenu._current_item.client.border_color = currentMenu._current_item._internal.border_color_back end end end) return currentMenu end function module.altTab(args) new({leap = 1,auto_release = (args or {}).auto_release}) end function module.altTabBack(args) new({leap = -1,auto_release = (args or {}).auto_release}) end return setmetatable(module, { __call = function(_, ...) return new(...) end }) -- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;