local setmetatable = setmetatable local scroll = require( "radical.widgets.scroll" ) local filter = require( "radical.widgets.filter" ) local wibox = require( "wibox" ) local common = require( "radical.common" ) local module = {} --Get preferred item geometry local function item_fit(data,item,self,context, width,height) local w, h = item._private_data._fit(self,context,width,height) return w, item.height or h --TODO use a constraint widget end function module:setup_item(data,item,args) item._private_data._fit = wibox.container.background.fit if not item._internal.margin_w then return end item._internal.margin_w.fit = function(...) return item_fit(data,item,...) end -- Compute the minimum width if data.auto_resize then --FIXME this wont work if the text change local fit_w = item._internal.margin_w:get_preferred_size() if fit_w < 1000 and (not data._internal.largest_item_w_v or data._internal.largest_item_w_v < fit_w) then data._internal.largest_item_w = item data._internal.largest_item_w_v = fit_w end end end local function compute_geo(data,width,height,force_values) local w = data.default_width if data.auto_resize and data._internal.largest_item_w then w = data._internal.largest_item_w_v > data.default_width and data._internal.largest_item_w_v or data.default_width end local visblerow = data.visible_row_count local sw,sh = data._internal.suf_l:get_preferred_size() local pw,ph = data._internal.pref_l:get_preferred_size() if not data._internal.has_widget then return w, visblerow*data.item_height + ph + sh else local sumh = data.widget_fit_height_sum local h = (visblerow-#data._internal.widgets)*data.item_height + sumh return w,h end end local function new(data) local function real_fit(self,context,o_w,o_h,force_values) return compute_geo(data,o_w,o_h,force_values) end -- Create the scroll widgets if data.max_items then data._internal.scroll_w = scroll(data) end -- Define the item layout local real_l = wibox.widget.base.make_widget_declarative { -- Widgets { -- The prefix section, used for the scroll widgets and custom prefixes -- Widgets data._internal.scroll_w and data._internal.scroll_w["up"] or nil, -- Attributes id = "prefix_layout", layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical }, { -- The main layout (where items are added) -- Attributes id = "content_layout", spacing = data.spacing and data.spacing or 0, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical , }, { -- The suffix section, used for the scroll widgets and custom suffixes -- Widgets data._internal.scroll_w and data._internal.scroll_w["down"] or nil, data.show_filter and { id = "filter_widget", data = data, widget = filter } or nil, -- Attributes id = "suffix_layout" , layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical, }, -- Attributes layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical, -- Methods item_fit = item_fit , setup_key_hooks = common.setup_key_hooks, setup_item = module.setup_item , } -- Set the important widgets data._internal.content_layout = real_l:get_children_by_id( "content_layout" )[1] data._internal.suf_l = real_l:get_children_by_id( "suffix_layout" )[1] data._internal.pref_l = real_l:get_children_by_id( "prefix_layout" )[1] -- Set the overloaded methods real_l.fit = real_fit return real_l end return setmetatable(module, { __call = function(_, ...) return new(...) end }) -- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 4; replace-tabs on;