local setmetatable = setmetatable local wibox = require( "wibox" ) local util = require( "awful.util" ) local button = require( "awful.button" ) local beautiful = require( "beautiful" ) local shape = require( "gears.shape" ) local surface = require( "gears.surface" ) local theme = require( "radical.theme" ) local module = {} local arr_up,arr_down local isinit = false local function init() if isinit then return end arr_down = surface.load_from_shape(10, 10, shape.transform(shape.isosceles_triangle) : scale(1, 0.5) : rotate_at(5,5, math.pi) : translate(0,5), beautiful.fg_normal ) arr_up = surface.load_from_shape(10, 10, shape.transform(shape.isosceles_triangle) : scale(1, 0.5) : translate(0,5), beautiful.fg_normal ) isinit = true end function module.up() return arr_up end function module.down() return arr_down end local function new(data) if not isinit then init() end local scroll_w = {} scroll_w.visible = false for k,v in ipairs {"up","down"} do local ib = wibox.widget.imagebox() ib:set_image(module[v]()) ib.fit = function(tb,context,width,height) --TODO if the align container ever get upstream, use it if scroll_w.visible == false then return 0,0 end return width,data.item_height end ib.draw = function(self, context, cr, width, height) if width > 0 and height > 0 then cr:set_source_surface( self._private.image, width/2 - self._private.image:get_width()/2, 0 ) end cr:paint() end scroll_w[v] = wibox.container.background() scroll_w[v]:set_widget(ib) scroll_w[v]:connect_signal("mouse::enter",function() scroll_w[v]:set_bg(data.bg_focus) end) scroll_w[v]:connect_signal("mouse::leave",function() scroll_w[v]:set_bg(data.bg_highlight) end) scroll_w[v]:buttons( util.table.join( button({ }, 1, function() data["scroll_"..v](data) end) )) scroll_w[v]:set_bg(data.bg_highlight) end return scroll_w end return setmetatable(module, { __call = function(_, ...) return new(...) end }) -- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 4; replace-tabs on;