local base = require( "radical.base" ) local print = print local unpack = unpack local debug = debug local type = type local setmetatable = setmetatable local color = require( "gears.color" ) local wibox = require( "wibox" ) local beautiful = require( "beautiful" ) local cairo = require( "lgi" ).cairo local awful = require( "awful" ) local util = require( "awful.util" ) local layout = require( "radical.layout" ) local checkbox = require( "radical.widgets.checkbox" ) local arrow_style = require( "radical.style.arrow" ) local capi,module = { mouse = mouse , screen = screen, keygrabber = keygrabber },{} local function get_direction(data) local parent_geometry = data.parent_geometry --Local cache to avoid always calling the object hooks if not parent_geometry or not parent_geometry.drawable then return "bottom" end local drawable_geom = parent_geometry.drawable.drawable.geometry(parent_geometry.drawable.drawable) if parent_geometry.y+parent_geometry.height < drawable_geom.height then --Vertical wibox if drawable_geom.x > capi.screen[capi.mouse.screen].geometry.width - (drawable_geom.x+drawable_geom.width) then return "right" else return "left" end else --Horizontal wibox if drawable_geom.y > capi.screen[capi.mouse.screen].geometry.height - (drawable_geom.y+drawable_geom.height) then return "bottom" else return "top" end end end local function set_position(self) if not self.visible then return end local ret,parent = {x=self.wibox.x,y=self.wibox.y},self.parent_geometry local prefx,prefy = self._internal.private_data.x,self._internal.private_data.y local src_geo = capi.screen[capi.mouse.screen].geometry if parent and parent.is_menu then if parent.direction == "right" then ret={x=parent.x-self.width,y=parent.y+(self.parent_item.y)} else ret={x=parent.x+parent.width,y=parent.y+(self.parent_item.y)- (parent.show_filter and parent.item_height or 0)} --Handle when the menu doesn't fit in the srceen horizontally if ret.x+self.width > src_geo.x + src_geo.width then ret.x = src_geo.x + src_geo.width - self.width - parent.width end -- Handle when the menu doesn't fit on the screen vertically if ret.y+self.height > src_geo.height then ret.y = ret.y - self.height + self.item_height end end elseif parent then local drawable_geom = parent.drawable.drawable.geometry(parent.drawable.drawable) if (self.direction == "left") or (self.direction == "right") then ret = {x=drawable_geom.x+((self.direction == "right") and - self.wibox.width or drawable_geom.width),y=drawable_geom.y+parent.y+((self.arrow_type ~= base.arrow_type.NONE) and parent.height/2-(self.arrow_x or 20)-6 or 0)} else ret = {x=drawable_geom.x+parent.x-((self.arrow_type ~= base.arrow_type.NONE) and (self._arrow_x or 20)+11-parent.width/2 or 0),y=(self.direction == "bottom") and drawable_geom.y-self.wibox.height or drawable_geom.y+drawable_geom.height} end elseif prefx ~= 0 or prefy ~= 0 then ret = capi.mouse.coords() if prefx then ret.x = prefx end if prefy then ret.y = prefy end elseif not parent then --Use mouse position to set position --TODO it is called too often ret = capi.mouse.coords() local draw = awful.mouse.wibox_under_pointer and awful.mouse.wibox_under_pointer() or awful.mouse.drawin_under_pointer and awful.mouse.drawin_under_pointer() if draw then local geometry = draw.geometry(draw) if self.direction == "top" or self.direction == "bottom" then ret.x = ret.x - (self.arrow_x or 20) - 13 ret.y = geometry.y+geometry.height if ret.y+self.height > src_geo.height then self.direction = "bottom" ret.y = geometry.y-self.height end end end end --Handle when menu doesn't fit horizontally (if not handled earlier) if ret.x+self.width > src_geo.x + src_geo.width then ret.x = ret.x - (ret.x+self.width - (src_geo.x + src_geo.width)) elseif ret.x < 0 then ret.x = 0 end self.wibox.x = ret.x self.wibox.y = ret.y - 2*(self.wibox.border_width or 0) end local function setup_drawable(data) local internal = data._internal local get_map,set_map,private_data = internal.get_map,internal.set_map,internal.private_data --Init internal.w = wibox({}) internal.margin = wibox.layout.margin() if not data.layout then data.layout = layout.vertical end internal.layout = data.layout(data) internal.w.visible = false internal.w.ontop = true internal.margin:set_widget(internal.layout) internal.w:set_widget(internal.margin) internal.w:set_fg(data.fg) internal.w.opacity = data.opacity --Getters get_map.wibox = function() return internal.w end get_map.x = function() return internal.w.x end get_map.y = function() return internal.w.y end get_map.width = function() return internal.w.width end get_map.height = function() return internal.w.height end get_map.visible = function() return private_data.visible end get_map.direction = function() return private_data.direction end get_map.margins = function() local ret = {left=data.border_width,right=data.border_width,top=data.style.margins.TOP,bottom=data.style.margins.BOTTOM} if data.arrow_type ~= base.arrow_type.NONE then ret[data.direction] = ret[data.direction]+13 end return ret end --Setters set_map.direction = function(value) if private_data.direction ~= value and (value == "top" or value == "bottom" or value == "left" or value == "right") then private_data.direction = value local fit_w,fit_h = internal.layout:fit() data.height = fit_h data.width = fit_w end end set_map.x = function(value) internal.w.x = value end set_map.y = function(value) internal.w.y = value end set_map.width = function(value) local need_update = internal.w.width == (value + 2*data.border_width) local margins = data.margins internal.w.width = value + data.margins.left + data.margins.right if need_update then data.style(data) end end set_map.height = function(value) local margins = data.margins local need_update = (internal.w.height ~= (value + margins.top + margins.bottom)) local new_height = (value + margins.top + margins.bottom) or 1 internal.w.height = new_height > 0 and new_height or 1 if need_update then data.style(data) internal.set_position(data) end end function internal:set_visible(value) internal.w.visible = value if not value then capi.keygrabber.stop() end end if data.visible then local fit_w,fit_h = data._internal.layout:fit() data.width = fit_w data.height = fit_h end end local function setup_buttons(data,item,args) local buttons = {} for i=1,10 do if args["button"..i] then buttons[i] = args["button"..i] end end -- Click to open sub_menu if not buttons[1] and data.sub_menu_on == base.event.BUTTON1 then buttons[1] = function() base._execute_sub_menu(data,item) end end --Hide on right click if not buttons[3] then buttons[3] = function() data.visible = false if data.parent_geometry and data.parent_geometry.is_menu then data.parent_geometry.visible = false end end end -- Scroll up if not buttons[4] then buttons[4] = function() data:scroll_up() end end -- Scroll down if not buttons[5] then buttons[5] = function() data:scroll_down() end end item:connect_signal("button::press",function(_m,_i,button_id,mods) if #mods == 0 and buttons[button_id] then buttons[button_id](_m,_i,mods) end end) end local function setup_item(data,item,args) -- Layout local f = (data._internal.layout.setup_item) or (layout.vertical.setup_item) f(data._internal.layout,data,item,args) -- Buttons setup_buttons(data,item,args) -- Tooltip item.widget:set_tooltip(item.tooltip) end local function new(args) local args = args or {} args.internal = args.internal or {} args.internal.get_direction = args.internal.get_direction or get_direction args.internal.set_position = args.internal.set_position or set_position args.internal.setup_drawable = args.internal.setup_drawable or setup_drawable args.internal.setup_item = args.internal.setup_item or setup_item args.style = args.style or arrow_style local ret = base(args) ret:connect_signal("clear::menu",function(_,vis) ret._internal.layout:reset() end) ret:connect_signal("_hidden::changed",function(_,item) item.widget:emit_signal("widget::updated") end) return ret end return setmetatable(module, { __call = function(_, ...) return new(...) end }) -- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;