local setmetatable = setmetatable --TODO rename to infoshape and infolayer, merge with constrainedtext, support icons local util = require( "awful.util" ) local base = require( "wibox.widget.base" ) local shape = require( "gears.shape" ) local beautiful = require( "beautiful" ) local color = require( "gears.color" ) local cairo = require("lgi").cairo local pango = require("lgi").Pango local pangocairo = require("lgi").PangoCairo local infoshape = { mt = {} } local default_shape = shape.rounded_bar -- local default_font_description = nil local pango_l = {} local padding = 2 --TODO do not hardcode -- Cache the pango layout local function init_pango(height) if pango_l[height] then return pango_l[height] end -- Get text height if not pango_l[height] then local pango_crx = pangocairo.font_map_get_default():create_context() pango_l[height] = pango.Layout.new(pango_crx) local desc = pango.FontDescription() desc:set_family("Verdana") desc:set_weight(pango.Weight.BOLD) -- desc:set_size((height-padding*2) * pango.SCALE) desc:set_absolute_size((height - 2*padding) * pango.SCALE) -- desc:set_variant(pango.Variant.SMALL_CAPS) pango_l[height]:set_font_description(desc) return pango_l[height] end end local function get_extents(text, height) local l = init_pango(height) l.text = text or "" return l:get_pixel_extents() end local function get_group_extents(self, group, height) local ret = 0 for k, v in ipairs(group) do ret = ret + get_extents(v.text, height).width + 2*height + (self._padding or 2) + (self.spacing or 0) end return ret end -- Add the shape to the context local function draw_shape2(self, is, cr, width, height, ...) local s = is.shape or self._default_shape or default_shape if s then s(cr, width, height, ...) end end -- Draw a single buble local function draw_shape(self, cr, width, height, infoshape) local text = infoshape.text -- Get the extents local extents = get_extents(text, height) local w,h = extents.width + 2*height, height - 2*padding -- Draw the shape draw_shape2(self, infoshape, cr, w, h) --TODO support padding, shape args -- The border local border_width = infoshape.border_width or self._shape_border_width or beautiful.infoshape_shape_border_width local border_color = infoshape.border_color or self._shape_border_color or beautiful.infoshape_shape_border_color if border_width and border_color then cr:set_source(color(border_color)) cr:set_line_width(border_width) cr:stroke_preserve() end -- The background local bg = infoshape.bg or self._bg or beautiful.infoshape_shape_bg or beautiful.bg_focus cr:set_source(color(bg)) -- The text local fg = infoshape.fg or self._bg or beautiful.infoshape_shape_fg-- or "#ff0000" local l = init_pango(height) if fg then cr:fill() cr:translate(height, 0) cr:set_source(color(fg)) cr:show_layout(l) else -- Allow the text to be transparent while the shape is solid --TODO find a better way to do this cr:clip() local img = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, w,h) local cr3 = cairo.Context(img) cr3:set_source_rgba(1,1,0,1) cr3:paint_with_alpha(infoshape.alpha or 1) cr3:translate(height, 0) cr3:layout_path(l) cr3:set_operator(cairo.Operator.CLEAR) cr3:fill() cr:mask_surface(img) cr:reset_clip() cr:translate(height, 0) end return extents.width + (border_width or 0), height end -- Draw a single section local function draw_section_common(self, context, cr, width, height, section) cr:translate(0, padding) for k, v in ipairs(section) do local w = draw_shape(self, cr, width, height, v) cr:translate(w + (self._padding or 2) + height, 0) end end -- Compute the each section points [x,y] and paint them local function draw_layer_common(self, context, cr, width, height, layer) if layer.left then cr:save() draw_section_common(self, context, cr, width, height, layer.left) cr:restore() end if layer.right then cr:save() cr:translate(width-get_group_extents(self, layer.right, height), 0) draw_section_common(self, context, cr, width, height, layer.right) cr:restore() end if layer.center then cr:save() local w = get_group_extents(self, layer.center, height)/2 cr:translate(width/2-w, 0) draw_section_common(self, context, cr, width, height, layer.center) cr:restore() end end function infoshape:before_draw_children(context, cr, width, height) if self._below then draw_layer_common(self, context, cr, width, height, self._below) end end function infoshape:after_draw_children(context, cr, width, height) if self._above then draw_layer_common(self, context, cr, width, height, self._above) end end -- Support multiple align modes function infoshape:layout(context, width, height) if self.widget then local w = self.widget:fit(context, width, height) if not self._align or self._align == "left" then --TODO use base.fit_widget return { base.place_widget_at(self.widget, 0, 0, w, height) } else if self._align == "center" then return { base.place_widget_at(self.widget, width/2-w/2, 0, w, height) } elseif self._align == "right" then return { base.place_widget_at(self.widget, width-w, 0, w, height) } end end end end -- The minimum fit is the same as the child widget, but extra space is welcome function infoshape:fit(context, width, height) if not self.widget then return 0, 0 end if self._expand_mode == "fill" then return width, height else return base.fit_widget(self, context, self.widget, width, height) end end function infoshape:set_widget(widget) if widget then base.check_widget(widget) end self.widget = widget self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed") end function infoshape:get_children() return {self.widget} end function infoshape:set_children(children) self.widget = children and children[1] self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed") end function infoshape:reset() self.direction = nil self:set_widget(nil) end --- Add a new info info shape. -- -- Valid args are: -- -- * align: "right" (default), "left" or "center" -- * shape: A `gears.shape` compatible function (default: gears.shape.rounded_bar) -- * layer: "below" (default) or "above" -- * shape_border_width: The border width (default: 0) -- * shape_border_color: The shape border color (default: none) -- * font_description: A pango font description or string (default: Verdana bold) -- * bg: The infoshape background color (default: beautiful.bg_infoshape or beautiful.bg_focus) -- * fg: The text color (default: transparent) -- * alpha: The infoshape alpha (transparency) a number between 0 and 1 -- -- @tparam string text The info text -- @tparam[opt={}] table args the arguments -- @treturn A unique identifier key -- function infoshape:add_infoshape(args) args = args or {} local align = args.align or "right" local layer = args.layer or "below" if not self["_"..layer] then self["_"..layer] = {} end local l = self["_"..layer] if not l[align] then l[align] = {} end table.insert(l[align], args) self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") end function infoshape:add_infoshapes(args) for k, v in ipairs(args or {}) do self:add_infoshape(v) end end --- Replace all infshapes with "args" function infoshape:set_infoshapes(args) self._above = {} self._below = {} self:add_infoshapes(args) self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed") end --TODO fallback beautiful function infoshape:set_shape(s) self._default_shape = s end --TODO fallback beautiful function infoshape:set_shape_border_color(col) self._shape_border_color = col end --TODO fallback beautiful function infoshape:set_shape_border_width(col) self._shape_border_width = col end -- function infoshape:set_default_font_description(desc) -- default_font_description = desc -- end --TODO set default bg --TODO set default fg function infoshape:remove(key) end function infoshape:set_text(key, text) end function infoshape:set_spacing(spacing) end function infoshape:set_bg(col) end function infoshape:set_fg(col) end --- Set the expand mode. -- Valid modes are: -- -- * "fit": Take the same space as the child widget (default) -- * "fill": Take all the available space -- -- @tparams string mode The expand mode function infoshape:set_expand(mode) self._expand_mode = mode end function infoshape:set_align(align) self._align = align end local function new(widget, dir) local ret = base.make_widget() util.table.crush(ret, infoshape) ret:set_widget(widget) return ret end function infoshape.mt:__call(...) return new(...) end return setmetatable(infoshape, infoshape.mt) -- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 4; replace-tabs on;