local type = type local ipairs = ipairs local color = require("gears.color") local gsurface = require("gears.surface") local cairo = require("lgi").cairo local pango = require("lgi").Pango local pangocairo = require("lgi").PangoCairo local beautiful = require("beautiful") local shape = require("gears.shape") local module = {} local pango_l,pango_crx = {},{} --TODO using the current cairo path extents, it would be possible to merge the 2 function -- and have an abstract underlay that work with most shapes local function draw_item(cr,x,y,width,height,padding,args) cr:save() cr:rectangle(x,y,width+padding,height+padding) cr:clip() local s = shape.transform(shape.rounded_bar) : translate(x + padding, y + padding/4) s(cr, width - 2*padding, height - padding/2) cr:set_source(color(args.bg or beautiful.bg_underlay or beautiful.bg_alternate)) cr:fill() cr:set_source(color(args.fg or beautiful.bg_normal)) cr:set_operator(cairo.Operator.CLEAR) cr:move_to(x+height/2 + 2,y+padding/4 + (args.margins or 0)-(args.padding or 0)/2) cr:show_layout(pango_l[height]) cr:restore() end function module.draw_arrow(cr,x,y,width,height,padding,args) cr:save() cr:rectangle(x,y,width+padding,height+padding) cr:clip() padding=padding/2 local mid = (height-2*padding)/2 local s = shape.transform(shape.hexagon) : translate(x, padding) s(cr, width, height - 2*padding) cr:set_source(color(args.bg or beautiful.bg_underlay or beautiful.bg_alternate)) cr:fill() cr:set_source(color(args.fg or beautiful.bg_normal)) cr:set_operator(cairo.Operator.CLEAR) cr:move_to(x+height/2+2,y+padding/2) cr:show_layout(pango_l[height]) cr:restore() end function module.fit(text, args, context) local context = context or {} local args = args or {} local height = args.height or (beautiful.menu_height) local padding = height/4--beautiful.default_height/3 local dpi = context.dpi or beautiful.xresources.get_dpi(1) -- Get text height if not pango_l[height] then local pango_crx = pangocairo.font_map_get_default():create_context() pango_l[height] = pango.Layout.new(pango_crx) local desc = pango.FontDescription() desc:set_family("Verdana") desc:set_weight(pango.Weight.BOLD) desc:set_size((height-padding*2) * pango.SCALE) -- desc:set_variant(pango.Variant.SMALL_CAPS) pango_l[height]:set_font_description(desc) end local pango_layout = pango_l[height] pango_layout:get_context():set_resolution(dpi) pango_layout:context_changed() -- Compute full width local ret,full_width = {},0 for k,v in ipairs(type(text) == "table" and text or {text}) do pango_layout.text = v ret[k] = pango_layout:get_pixel_extents().width + height + padding full_width = full_width + ret[k] end return full_width,ret end function module.draw(text, args, context) local args = args or {} local height = args.height or (beautiful.menu_height) local padding = height/4--beautiful.default_height/3 local full_width,ret = module.fit(text, args, context) local img = cairo.ImageSurface.create(cairo.Format.ARGB32, full_width+(args.padding_right or 0), height+padding) cr = cairo.Context(img) -- Draw every item local x = 0 for k,v in ipairs(type(text) == "table" and text or {text}) do pango_l[height].text = v local draw_f = args.style or draw_item draw_f(cr,x,0,ret[k],height,padding,args) x = x + ret[k] end return img end return setmetatable(module, { __call = function(_, ...) return new(...) end }) -- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;