local math = math local rawget,rawset=rawget,rawset local beautiful = require( "beautiful" ) local module = { colors_by_id = {} } -- Do some magic to cache the highest state local function return_data(tab, key) return tab._real_table[key] end local function change_data(tab, key,value) if not value and key == rawget(tab,"_current_key") then -- Loop the array to find a new current_key local win = math.huge for k,v in pairs(tab._real_table) do if k < win and k ~= key then win = k end end rawset(tab,"_current_key",win ~= math.huge and win or nil) if tab._item._internal.text_w and tab._item._internal.text_w.cache then tab._item._internal.text_w.cache = {} end tab._item:emit_signal("state::changed",win) elseif value and (rawget(tab,"_current_key") or math.huge) > key then rawset(tab,"_current_key",key) if tab._item._internal.text_w and tab._item._internal.text_w.cache then tab._item._internal.text_w.cache = {} end tab._item:emit_signal("state::changed",key) end tab._real_table[key] = value end function module.init_state(item) local mt = {__newindex = change_data,__index=return_data} return setmetatable({_real_table={},_item=item},mt) end -- Util to help match colors to states local theme_colors = {} function module.register_color(state_id,name,beautiful_name,allow_fallback) theme_colors[name] = {id=state_id,beautiful_name=beautiful_name,fallback=allow_fallback} module.colors_by_id[state_id] = name end function module.setup_colors(data,args) local priv = data._internal.private_data for k,v in pairs(theme_colors) do priv["fg_"..k] = args["fg_"..k] or beautiful["menu_fg_"..v.beautiful_name] or beautiful["fg_"..v.beautiful_name] or (v.fallback and beautiful.fg_normal) priv["bg_"..k] = args["bg_"..k] or beautiful["menu_bg_"..v.beautiful_name] or beautiful["bg_"..v.beautiful_name] or (v.fallback and beautiful.bg_normal) priv["underlay_bg_"..k] = args["underlay_bg_"..k] or beautiful["menu_underlay_bg_"..v.beautiful_name] or beautiful["underlay_bg_"..v.beautiful_name] end end function module.setup_item_colors(data,item,args) local priv = item._private_data for k,v in pairs(theme_colors) do if args["fg_"..k] then priv["fg_"..k] = args["fg_"..k] else rawset(item,"get_fg_"..k,function() return priv["fg_"..k] or data["fg_"..k] end) end if args["bg_"..k] then priv["bg_"..k] = args["bg_"..k] else rawset(item,"get_bg_"..k, function() return priv["bg_"..k] or data["bg_"..k] end) end end end return setmetatable(module, { __call = function(_, ...) return new(...) end }) -- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;