local setmetatable = setmetatable local base = require( "radical.base" ) local beautiful = require("beautiful" ) local color = require("gears.color" ) local cairo = require("lgi" ).cairo local wibox = require("wibox" ) local arrow_alt = require("radical.item.style.arrow_alt") local module = { margins = { TOP = 0, BOTTOM = 0, RIGHT = 0, LEFT = 0 }, need_full_repaint = true } local function prefix_draw(self, context, cr, width, height) cr:save() -- This item style require negative padding, this is a little dangerous to -- do as it can corrupt area outside of the widget local col = self._item.bg_prefix or beautiful.icon_grad or beautiful.fg_normal cr:set_source(color(col)) cr:move_to(-height/2-2,0) cr:line_to(width-height+2,0) cr:rel_line_to(height*.6,height/2) cr:line_to(width-height+2,height) cr:line_to(-height*.6,height) cr:line_to(0,height/2) cr:close_path() cr:reset_clip() cr:fill() cr:restore() if self._draw then self._draw(self, context, cr, width, height) end end local function prefix_fit(box,context,w,h) local width,height = box._fit(box,context,w,h) return width + h/2 + h/6,height end local function suffix_fit(box,context,w,h) local width,height = box._fit(box,context,w,h) return width + h/2 + h/6,height end local function widget_draw(self, context, cr, width, height) self:_drawprefix(context, cr, width, height) end local function draw(item,args) local args = args or {} if not item.widget._overlay_init then item.widget._drawprefix = item.widget.draw item.widget.draw = widget_draw item.widget._overlay_init = true end if not item._internal.align._setup then item._internal.align._setup = true -- Replace prefix function item._internal.align.first._item = item item._internal.align.first._fit = item._internal.align.first.fit item._internal.align.first._draw = item._internal.align.first.draw item._internal.align.first.fit = prefix_fit item._internal.align.first.draw = prefix_draw -- Replace suffix function item._internal.align.third._item = item item._internal.align.third._fit = item._internal.align.third.fit item._internal.align.third.fit = suffix_fit end local state = item.state or {} local current_state = state._current_key or nil local state_name = base.colors_by_id[current_state] if current_state == base.item_flags.SELECTED or (item._tmp_menu) then item.widget:set_bg(args.color or item.bg_focus) item.widget:set_fg(item["fg_focus"]) elseif state_name then item.widget:set_bg(args.color or item["bg_"..state_name]) item.widget:set_fg( item["fg_"..state_name]) else item.widget:set_bg(args.color or nil) item.widget:set_fg(item["fg"]) end end return setmetatable(module, { __call = function(_, ...) return draw(...) end }) -- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;